The best entrepreneurs know this: every great business is built around a secret that’s hidden from the outside. A great company is a conspiracy to change the world; when you share your secret, the recipient becomes a fellow conspirator.

—Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to build the Future

Tutorial: Zero to One#

This is not a 5-minute blog read. But, if you want to learn how statecharts work, this is your one-stop shop, it will take you from 0 to 1. If you already understand statecharts, and would like to just see how to use the syntax of this library, reference the quick start.

If you are like me, learning something entirely new can be very exhausting. You need to learn new words, new ideas and you have to juggle them in your head until you finally see how they interrelate. This can be hard work.

But stories about people moving around on a small stage are much easier to remember. If it’s a good story, it doesn’t feel like work to remember its details.

So lets use a story to explain the statechart concepts, pictures and mechanics. At the end of the story I’ll describe how its stage, characters and objects map back onto the technical things you need to know. Don’t worry if you are a little bit confused after reading the story; if a few things stick, great, push on.

Once we understand some basic statechart concepts, we will work through an example. The example will be broken up into a set of iterations and each iteration will be broken into 4 parts:

  • spec: what are we trying to build and how do we know when we are done?

  • design: a picture, as a formal description of the thing we are trying to build

  • code: the code required to manifest the design

  • proof: proof that our code is actually matching our design

  • questions: a list of questions and answers

The questions section will provide you with a dialogue driven style of reading the documentation. Each iteration is heavily linked so that you can quickly bounce around between its various parts.


I will also pepper the story with boxes, like this one, translating a story part to the technical aspects of statecharts. If the contents of these boxes don’t make sense, don’t worry. Things will become clearer once you work through the examples.


Our story will take place in a little universe. This little universe will consist of a heaven, an earth and an underworld. The earth in the story isn’t round like ours. It’s a very small flat platform, floating above the underworld. On top of the earth are a set of pubs, arranged on different terraces. Each terrace has one pub.

To get to a higher pub, you would first have to walk through a lower pub. The lower pubs are for a more general audience, while the higher pubs, though having less space have a more specialized aesthetic.

On every terrace, there will be two bouncers, a greeter and zero or more bartenders. There will only be one set of stairs that can be used to enter or exit a pub, and this is where that pub’s bouncers will sit.

One bouncer will be facing in the direction of people entering the terrace and the other will be facing in the direction of people wanting to leave it. The greeter will talk to anyone who has decided to stay on her terrace. If there is a bartender on the terrace, he will serve drinks and sometimes he will have secrets.



Each pub is a state in a statemachine. You would program these states as functions that take two arguments, a reference to an ActiveObject and an event.

These state functions will contain an if-elif structure which will have multiple clauses. The greeter is the init clause, and the enter and exit bouncers are the entry and exit clauses.

The init, enter, and exit clauses can be activated when the state function is given an event with an init, entry or exit name.

Likewise, the bartender is a clause where the application developer sets the event name.

Now let’s add some supernatural beings: three “gods” and a “spirit”.

The heaven will have one goddess, Eve, “the goddess of law and order” and the underworld will be ruled by Theo, “the solipsist”. The earth will have a lazy god named Spike, “the source” who happens to be the only guy who can drink in the whole universe. Spike will have a companion spirit, named Tara “the explorer.”

We know now about the entire cast of the story. There are bouncers, greeters, bartenders, three gods and one spirit.



Eve represents the event processor, or the algorithm that sends the state functions different events.

Spike, represents the source state while the event processor is searching the statechart. Think of Spike as the current state of the statemachine.

Tara represents the target state, which is used by the event processor to explore the statemachine while it is trying to figure out what to do.

Theo is the thread in which all of the code is run. The event processor and all of its calls to the various state functions will be driven by this thread.

An application developer will not write code to change the internal behaviour of the event processor, the source and target states or the thread. This is why these characters are supernatural in the story; it’s a mnemonic.

Let’s put our little universe into a small multiverse. Each universe will have its own heaven and underworld, gods and explorer spirit, but its terraced architecture of pubs, and people (bartenders, greeters) can be shared across all connected universes.

If this doesn’t make any sense, don’t worry about it. Let’s move on.



Anytime a statechart references a callback (a pub), that callback will change the internal variable state of the ActiveObject that is passed in as its first argument – the state callback functions themselves, do not have their own memory.

Since the callback functions don’t keep any information, they can be called by many different ActiveObjects (in that ActiveObjects’s thread) and behave as expected; there are no side effects. In this way, many different ActiveObjects can use the same set of state callback functions.

Eve, the goddess of heaven has a birds-eye view of our little world. She rules over the people: the bouncers, greeters and bartenders and, Tara, “the explorer” spirit. She took on her duty as “the goddess of law and order” with such gusto, that sometime in the world’s history, she banned alcohol consumption for everyone on earth, except Spike, who she can’t control.



The if-elif clauses, represented by the people in the story, exist within each of the state functions. These if-elif clauses only become active when the event processor (Eve) calls its function with an internal event, represented by one of the people in the story.

Tara, the “target state” is used by the event processor when it is searching a statemachine to see which state handles an external event. Since the event processor calls the function and change’s its target state while it is searching through a statemachine, we say that Eve rules over the people and Tara the “explorer spirit”.

Theo, “the solipsist” is the god of the underworld. He is only called the “solipsist” by people outside of his universe, like you and me, because his universe only works and exists if he is thinking about it. Nobody in his world is aware that he has this power.

One of Theo’s duties is to join the little universe with other universes. Theo watches a portal, which is connected to a loading dock which receives messages from different worlds, including ours. He is extraordinarily attentive and enthusiastic. He can motivate anyone he talks to or even looks upon, in fact, this is his supernatural ability.



Theo represents a “thread” pending on a queue. The ActiveObject’s post_fifo and post_lifo methods allow an application developer to put events into this queue. When the thread sees that a queue has an item, it will wake up, and drive the event processor, which in turn, will call the functions making up the statemachine.

When Theo receives a message from another universe, it appears as a round hollow orb which sometimes contains a scroll. He calls these orbs “events”, and if they have a scroll within them, he calls that scroll a “payload”.



An event has a name, called a signal, which can be a user defined name or it can be a predefined name (ENTRY_SIGNAL, EXIT_SIGNAL, INIT_SIGNAL, etc…). An event with a user defined signal name is called an external event. An event with a predefined name is called an internal event.

The whole point of naming an event with a signal is so that a state function can use an if-elif clause to catch the event when it is given to that function. When such an event is caught, your code is run.

When an “event” comes through the portal, Theo will pick it up, marvel at it, then in a reverent gesture, pass it to Eve. They both become excited, maybe even a little nervous, because they know their universe is going to change; it will react to the event.

Theo encourages Eve to “follow the laws.” Then he will watch as she gives her minions their marching orders. Only after all of the activity stops, will he focus his attention back on the portal.

Feeling oddly refreshed and encouraged by Theo, Eve looks around the map until she sees Spike from her high vantage point. Spike being the god of the earth, is easy to see and Eve knows that her underling-spirit Tara, “the explorer”, is always near him.

Eve flies down to Tara and gives her the event. She says, “I want you to go to the terrace where there is a bartender who knows what to do with this event. Then I want you to go to wherever he tells you to take it. Good luck Tara, I believe in you.”

Tara enjoys Spike’s company, but she also loves adventure.

She looks down at the event to study it and notices that it has something written on it, a word, a phrase, it could be different every time, but it’s a clue and Tara loves a puzzle. She looks around the pub on her terrace and studies each of the bartender’s name tags. If she sees that a name tag matches the name on the event, she will approach that bartender and talk to him.


If there is no bartender to talk to on her terrace, she will go to its exit staircase and descends to the next terrace (Tara only ascends when given instructions to do so). Being a spirit, she is hard to see and the bouncers and greeters leave her alone when she is by herself.


The terraces are just callback functions containing if-elif-else clauses (pub == terrace == state == callback).

The else clause of each callback function provides information about what other callback function should be called if it doesn’t know what to do with a given event. This other function, can be thought of as a lower terrace.

The bartenders are named arrows on the HSM diagram.

The bartender also represents an if-elif clause that matches the name of the event given to that function.

She will continue to climb down the terraces until she comes to the edge of the universe. If she can’t find a bartender who can answer her question, she will take the event and throw it off the edge of the earth, into oblivion, then climb back up to rejoin Spike. In such rare cases their universe doesn’t react to the event.



Here we are starting to explore a statechart’s dynamics. If your statemachine doesn’t handle an event in any of its callback functions, the event will be ignored.

But if Tara does find a bartender who’s name tag matches the name on the event, she will show it to him. He will take it and study it, sometimes he might even take out its scroll. Then he will lean across the bar and whisper the answer into Tara’s ear.

Sometimes the bartender says, “give me the event I’ll handle it, don’t worry about it anymore.” When this happens, Tara passes over the event, then rejoins Spike, who rejoices because he doesn’t have to do anything. For some reason Spike calls this a “hook”.



Tara, the “target state” is used by the event processor to find which state callback function knows how to handle a given event. In the above picture we see that T started in “C pub”, then the event processor recursed outward to “A pub” at which point it found an if-elif clause in the “A pub” callback that “handled” the event with the signal name of “Merve”. If the application developer placed code between the “Merve” clause and its return statement, this code would be run while T is searching.

When a state callback function returns “handled” the event processor pulls T back to where S is, then it stops searching.

A state callback function can use the T state of the event processor to perform this type of event handling. For more details about this programming technique, read about the ultimate hook pattern.

Most of the time, however, the bartender will tell Tara where she has to take the event. If she has to continue her journey, she will wait for Spike so she can tell him about it.


Spike knows when Tara is waiting for him. Though he is lazy, and drunk most of the time, he always has something interesting to say, and this is what Tara loves about him. Having nothing else to do, he makes his way to the terrace where Tara has gotten her next clue. He knows that she will want to talk to him about it. As he approaches the exit, the exit bouncer puts up a hand, then looks at a clip board to see if Spike is on the guest list, which he always is, and then let’s Spike pass to the next terrace. You really can’t stop the god of the earth. For every terrace that Spike needs to leave so that he can rejoin with Tara, this futile ritual is repeated.



The target state is used by the event processor to recurse outward from C1 to find a state that knows what to do with the Event, who’s signal name is Mary.

The A state has an if-elif clause which handles Mary, and within the clause there is a transition to the B2 state. In this scenario, the A state is called the Least Common Ancestor, LCA of S and T. S needs to exit all states, from its current state, to the LCA. However, it should not exit the LCA.

As an application developer, you don’t really care about the LCA acronym. You just need to understand the dynamics of how exits work; your exit handlers will be called as your source state transitions out of the inner states to re-join the target state.

When Spike finally finds Tara he asks her what she learned. Bubbling with excitement, she tells him about where the bartender said to take the event, to which he always says, “great I’ll meet you there, but first I want to have a drink here.” Tara takes the event and makes her way to the location that the bartender told her about.

Spike finishes his drink, then again starts to make his way toward Tara. Before he can climb up to a new Terrace, he is stopped by the entry bouncer, who looks at his clip board to see if Spike is on the guest list, which he always is, then lets Spike proceed. You really can’t stop the god of the earth anyway.


When Spike finally arrives on the Terrace where Tara is, a greeter approaches them. She looks at Spike and feels slightly uncomfortable, because sometimes she needs to tell them that they can’t stay on this terrace. Instead of talking to Spike directly, gods are intimidating, she whisper’s something into Tara’s ear. Both the greeter and Tara work for Eve after all. Tara is always happy to hear that there is more to do, because she likes to explore the pubs on the different terraces.

If the greeter tells Tara that she needs to climb higher, Tara will relay the message to Spike who will answer, “great, I’ll meet you there, but first I want to have a drink”.

Tara climbs to the terrace where the greeter told her to go. Spike finishes his drink and makes his way through the entry bouncers and finally arrives at the same terrace where Tara is waiting. At which point there might be another greeter with another uncomfortable message.


If no greeter approaches them, Tara looks down at the event and watches with satisfaction, as it throbs with light, then slowly fades from existence. To this, Spike smiles and looks towards heaven, as he raises a toast to Eve.

When Eve, the goddess of heaven, see’s this her shoulder’s relax and the tension releases from her back: The laws were followed.

Theo, “the solipsist”, god of the underworld, has been watching the whole scene, and its “run to completion”. Knowing there is nothing left to do in the universe, he turns his gaze back to the portal. He waits patiently for an event to pass through the little universe’s loading dock. All is well.


The run to completion, RTC, concept is very important to understand. Your statechart will only react to one event at a time. The thread will only process the next event when the event processor has run out of things to do with your old event.

For this reason, you should not put blocking code into your statecharts. If you do, they will stop reacting to events and become unresponsive.

But is it? Sometimes when Theo, “the solipsist”, god of the underworld, closes his eyes and daydreams; his attention briefly drifts back to his world. This is enough to wake everyone up from their non-existence.


Solipsism is the name of the philosophy where a person thinks they create the world when they open their eyes, and they destroy the world when they close their eyes. It’s delusional. But Theo is actually a “solipsist” (though he doesn’t know that he is) because he is a Python thread. No code can run unless he grants CPU access to it.

When the people wake up, they become listless. The bouncers who have had nothing to do since the prohibition was announced by Eve, are particularly frustrated with the meaninglessness of their jobs. They only have one customer now. Even if Spike wasn’t always permitted to pass them, there is no way they could stop the god of earth. Why have a universe full of pubs if only one guy can drink? It seems so pointless. It’s lame.

Somehow, they find out about you and me, fellow humans called developers.

They learn that we, despite being human, are very powerful. That we can build the pub terrace system to which their gods are subservient; that we can send the event orbs and give the greeters and the bouncers their secret directions (arrows on the diagram). That we can even build many different interconnected universes and have them communicate with each other.

They challenge us to make something useful out of their existence, even if they can’t understand it from where they are, they need something to have meaning. So, they create an organized campaign: “hack the humans”. This is how it works: All of the humans in the little universe, open themselves to run code directly from our universe, while they are talking to either Tara or Spike.


To help us, they create a Rosetta stone, translating the concepts of their universe into something legible for you and me:

Story Concept

Programming Concept

The terraced pubs, humans, Gods and spirit

A statechart

All the terraced pubs (And all the humans)

A set of all possible states that your design will have (pubs) and the code that makes each state run the way you want it to (the humans). A state is an abstraction of a real world state of being, or how you would like to group your program’s functionality and behaviors. A program made up of a bunch of interacting states is called a state machine. Our programs will be made up of layered states in a hierarchy, so our machine is called a hierachical state machine (HSM).

A single pub and its humans

A callback function with some code in it. The callback function represents one of the states in our design. A callback function references its lower callback function (it knows about its lower pub, or its parent state).

Gods and Spirit

An ActiveObject which uses the callback functions. It provides a thread to run the state machine in, the rules on how it should run and it marks the state machine with a source state and a target state. An ActiveObject can mark states but it does not have states, it attaches to a set of state callbacks with its start_at call which takes a state callback as an argument.

Eve, “the goddess of law and order”, goddess of heaven

The ActiveObject event processor, the algorithm that ensures we follow HSM transition rules

Spike, “the source”, god of the earth

There are many states in an HSM, we can not be in them all at the same time, S, the source state; is a variable holding the active state of our state machine before it reacts to an event. If the state machine is not reacting to an event S is the current state of the state machine.

Theo, “the solipsist”, god of the underworld

The thread that the statechart runs in.

Tara, “the explorer”, spirit

The target state, T (search aspect) of the event processor. It is a variable that can hold different states while the state machine is figuring out how to transition from one state to another as it reacts to events.


Arrow or hook on the HSM diagram, represented as a conditional statement for a user defined event. Any hook code associated with this conditional statement is run when touched by T.


INIT_SIGNAL event given to a callback by the event processor when S stabilizes in a new state.

exit bouncer

EXIT_SIGNAL event given to a callback by the event processor when S exits a state.

entry bouncer

ENTRY_SIGNAL event given to a callback by the event processor when S enters a state.

run to completion, RTC: Theo keeps his attention on the universe’s activities until the action stops

The thread will only handle one event a time. This is called RTC. An RTC process is over when the event processor can no longer cause state transitions and the statechart settles on a new state.

Top level view of terraced bar universe

UML statechart drawings

The human’s find a drawing technology in our world that can be used to describe theirs, it is called the UML statechart diagram.

But before we go any further, let’s examine some of the information that is missing from a typical UML statechart drawing:


The picture describes some class information, and a behavioural specification for the states as a bird’s eye view of the terraced bar system, but there is no information about the thread, S, T, the deques, the events or any of the dynamics of the statechart.

So the UML statechart diagram acts as a stage in a play, with the full script being broken into pieces and given to each human actor in the play in the location where it can be read. We can see all of this information in the diagram: the stage, the human actors, where they stand on the stage and what they will read when it is their turn to talk.

The diagram describes everything that is possible, but it doesn’t tell how a specific story plays out; this requires our own world to send an event (an orb) into theirs, and it requires work by their gods and their explorer spirit.

To help us see and hear a specific story from the many possible stories, they invent a spy-carpet. To use this carpet, you place the @spy_on decorator above any callback function representing a pub, or state in the HSM. This is called instrumentation.

If you lay this carpet down, it will record and report all activity that transpired between T, S and any human within that pub. This information can be read during or after their universehas reacted to the events send from our world.

Now that we understand a bit more about statecharts, let’s use one of their universes to make a toaster oven.

A Simple Example: Toaster Oven#

To make this toaster oven statechart example seem like a real software project, I will break its design process up into 6 steps, or iterations.

Each iteration will have a specification, a design diagram and the code needed to match the design diagram. Then I will prove that the code works and I’ll provide links to a bunch of questions and answers about the code.

Each iteration is heavily linked so that you can quickly bounce around in its documentation.

Iteration 1: setup#

In this iteration I will talk about setting up our development environment. We will build a very simple statechart and confirm that it is working.

Iteration 1 specification#

  • Ensure our Python version is 3.5 or greater

  • Install miros

  • Import the required statechart components

  • Build a ToasterOven class which inherits from an ActiveObject

  • Make a single state, and start the statechart in that state

  • Add instrumentation to our state

  • Use the instrumentation to confirm that the statechart is working.

To confirm that Python is version 3.5 or greater, in your terminal type:

python3 --version

To install miros, use pip (included in Python 3.5 or greater). For this example I will install it in a virtual environment.

python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install miros


Miros is not dependent on any other packages.

Iteration 1 design#

Here is the design we will use to confirm that miros is working on your computer:


Iteration 1 code#

 1# file named
 2import time
 4from miros import Event
 5from miros import spy_on
 6from miros import signals
 7from miros import ActiveObject
 8from miros import return_status
10class ToasterOven(ActiveObject):
11  def __init__(self, name):
12    super().__init__(name)
15def some_state_to_prove_this_works(oven, e):
16  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
17  if e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL:
18    print("hello world")
19    status = return_status.HANDLED
20  else:
21 =
22    status = return_status.SUPER
23  return status
25if __name__ == "__main__":
26  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
27  oven.live_trace = True
28  oven.start_at(some_state_to_prove_this_works)
30  time.sleep(0.1)

Iteration 1 proof#

Now to prove that the code works, in your terminal, run the program:

hello world
[2018-09-11 09:35:10.011526] [oven] \
  e->start_at() top->some_state_to_prove_this_works

Iteration 1 questions#

Questions and Answers about the code and the results:

Why is miros only supported in Python 3.5 or greater?#

I originally wrote and tested miros in Python 3.5. I didn’t know it at the time, but I used the Python 3.5 feature of avoiding circular imports. When I tried to run miros in 3.4 I got a lot of ImportErrors. So there you go, it was an accidental limitation.

Can you explain what is going on with the imports on lines 1-7?#

I’ll answer this question by putting a lot of comments into the code:

# ActiveObject contains the thread, event processor, and queues
# it also contains the miros API
from miros import ActiveObject

# return_status contains information on how a state callback
# should respond when called by the event processor
from miros import return_status

# Event is the miros Event class, use this to make a new event object
from miros import Event

# signals, contains all of the signal names in the system
# it also automatically constructs new signals names if it
# is used with a name that hasn't been used before:
#   example:
#     e = Event(signal=signals.NEW_NAME)
from miros import signals

# spy_on is a decorator which when applied to state callback
# function will let use used the spy and trace instrumentation
# on that callback
from miros import spy_on

# time is imported so that the program can be delayed
import time
Why bother making a ToasterOven that inherits from the ActiveObect, why not just use the ActiveObject?#

The ActiveObject doesn’t know anything about being a toaster oven. It knows about queues and threads and it knows how to drive a state machine using a set of callback functions. If you wanted to give an instantiated ActiveObject, a method or an attribute, you could use the augment method; but a more traditional way of giving it toaster-like features, is to sub-class it, then add these features to that subclass.

You keep calling the state functions callbacks, what do you mean by this?#

A callback function is just a function that is given to another function, so that it can be called later:

import time

# this will be our callback
def print_msg(message):

def call_something_later(callback):
    callback("hello world")

# wait one second then print "hello world"

The states in our diagram are constructed as callback functions with a given function signature (this is explained in the next question/answer). The event processor will call these functions when it needs to.

What do you mean by a function signature?#

A function signature describes the arguments that a function can take and the type of items it can return.

Our state callback functions will always have the same signature:

# needed from miros for this example
from miros import return_status

# The event processor will call this function when it needs to.
# Since the function isn't called right away,it is called a
# callback function

# 1st part of the function signature, its arguments.
# Our state callback functions will always take two arguments:
# 1) an ActiveObject
# 2) an event
def some_state_function(active_object, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  # do useful work, then
  # set the status variable to an attribute of return_status
  # to tell the event processor how your function responded
  # to its call

  # 2nd part of the function signature: it will always return
  # an attribute of the return_status object
  return status

For our example state callback function, its signature looks like this:

1def some_state_to_prove_this_works(oven, e):
2  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
3  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
4    print("hello world")
5    status = return_status.HANDLED
6  else:
7 =
8    status = return_status.SUPER
9  return status

To make our state callback function have the right signature, we ensure that it takes two arguments, a reference to an ActiveObject and an event, (see line 1). Then, depending on how the function reacts, we either return:

  • return_status.UNHANDLED if we want an event to bubble outward in the chart. Typically this is the default value of the item you will return from a statechart callback (see line 2).

  • return_status.HANDLED when we want the event processor to stop searching for an event (see line 3).

  • return_status.SUPER when we don’t know what to do to the event, so we return information that will tell the event processor to try our super state (see line 8).

There are more things that can be returned, we will address them as the example continues.

This seems strange to me, I haven’t seen Python that looks like this before. Why do it this way?#

The miros library is intended to serve two different audiences:

  • Embedded programmers who need to quickly prototype their designs, then port the work to c/C++ using the QP framework.

  • Python developers who want to use statecharts.

This way of writing statecharts – by using callbacks with if-elif structures, working with an ActiveObject – will make code that is extremely easy to port back to the QP framework.

If you would like to program in a more “Pythonic” way, you can inherit from the miros Factory class instead of the ActiveObject. Under the hood, the Factory class is just making the kinds of callback functions we are talking about here.

It is easier to explain how this library works using the traditional techniques of engaging with the Miros Samek event processing algorithm than by just jumping into the Factory class.

Once you understand how the event processor works, you can choose between the two different ways of writing your own statecharts. I have a preference to build statecharts with a derived Factory classes, because it gives me the full power of Python.

How am I going to remember to structure my callback functions with all of these rules?#

Once you do it a few times you will remember it. To begin with just reference the boiler plate example, and change it to match your design.

Also, it is relatively easy to add this boiler plate code to whatever snippet technology you are using with your editor. I use Ultisnips in Vim.

Where is the thread, event processor and queues in the diagram?

The thread and the queues are missing from the UML diagram; but they are contained within the ActiveObject class.

The event processor is shown on the picture, since I use its attachment point to serve double duty; to show we want state we want to start in, and that the statemachine uses an event processor provided by the toaster oven.

Can you explain what the spy_on decorator is doing#

The spy_on decorator wraps a state’s callback function with some code that lets you log the output of the event processor as it follows its rules, making T and S move around the HSM.

from miros import spy_on

def some_state_to_prove_this_works(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    print("hello world")
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

With this decorator it will be easier for you to debug, test and document the behavior of your statechart.

If you don’t include the decorator, the statechart will work a little bit faster, but it will be harder to see what is happening.


The spy_on decorator needs to be placed on every callback that you want to monitor. I usually place the spy_on decorator on all of the state callbacks.

Can you explain what is happening in the entry clause?#

When the event processor sends an event with the signal name ENTRY_SIGNAL the if clause of the state callback will print “hello world” to the terminal then it will set the status variable to return_status.HANDLED. This status value is returned to the event processor, letting it know to stop processing the ENTRY_SIGNAL event.

def some_state_to_prove_this_works(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    print("hello world")
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

The entry signal is sent to the callback as a result of the HSM being started in the some_state_to_prove_this_works state.

Can you explain where the init and exit clauses are?#

We don’t need the init and exit clauses in this design, so we don’t include them in the if-elif structure of the state’s callback function. The event processor will still call the function with the event named INIT_SIGNAL, after it has entered the some_state_to_prove_this_works state, but it will be ignored.

By only including the events that we need we keep our callback function small and easy to read.

Can you explain what is going on with the else clause?#

A callback function can land in its else clause for one of two reasons:

  1. The event processor is explicitly asking it for its super state callback function.

  2. The event processor has sent it an event it has received in the hopes that it knows what to do with it, but the current state doesn’t know what to do with it.


In the second case, T has not found anything in the current state that can handle its event and it needs to know how to descend outward in the HSM.

Thankfully, your callback function doesn’t have to care which of these two reasons were behind why it has landed in its else clause. It just has to set the attribute its parent callback function, and return return_status.SUPER. In the case that there is no parent function we set to to indicate we are in the outermost state.

Note stands for temporary function. It is a way for your callback function to store some graphical information; who is my parent state. The attribute actually belongs to the event processor, so you are reaching into it and setting the parent of state of this callback while it is working within this callback (if you care).

def some_state_to_prove_this_works(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    print("hello world")
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: =  # no outer state
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

The returned value of the state callback function is set to return_status.SUPER so that your function can notify the event processor that it set the to its parent’s state function.


How the else clause is called doesn’t really matter to you as an application developer. You just have to follow some rules:

  • set the to the callback function representing the parent state.

  • if there is no parent state, set it to the top attribute of the first argument given to the callback function

  • ensure that the callback function returns, return_state.SUPER

How does the live_trace call work?#

The live_trace attribute needs to be set before the statechart’s thread is started with a start_at method call:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
  oven.live_trace = True


It output’s the trace log as your statechart is reacting to events. It can only work if the @spy_on decorator is placed above the state functions in your HSM.

There are two different types of instrumentation output provided by miros. The trace and the spy. The trace provides information only if a state transition has occurred. It reports if S has moved. For each line in a trace log, describes:

  • The time stamp of when the event was reacted to

  • The name of the statechart

  • The event that caused the transition

  • The starting state of S

  • The ending state of S

Our minimal example doesn’t do much, it starts from outside of the HSM and then transitions into the some_state_to_prove_this_works.

[2018-09-11 09:35:10] [oven] e->start_at() top->some_state_to_prove_this_works

In this example we see: when I ran the test. That the statechart is called oven, that the starting state of S in this oven instance was top and the ending state of S was some_state_to_prove_this_works.

There is no start_at event in miros. But to keep the trace output useful, I write a fake start_at event as the cause of the initial transition into the HSM. On the diagram, this will be where the event processor attachment point touches the HSM.

What happens when the start_at method is called?#

The start_at method links the oven object to the HSM, then it starts the statechart. It does this by creating a new thread, then running the oven’s event processor in that thread.

if __name__ == "__main__":
  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
  oven.live_trace = True


Before a statechart is started, T and S exist outside of the outermost state. The start_at call, places T into the some_state_to_prove_this_works. S marches towards T, triggering as many needed entry events as are required. Once S settles into a state, that state’s init event is called.

In our example there isn’t much to talk about. The entry clause of the some_state_function is called, printing “hello world”.

Why are you placing a delay at the end of the code sample?#
1if __name__ == "__main__":
2  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
3  oven.live_trace = True
4  oven.start_at(some_state_to_prove_this_works)
6  time.sleep(0.1)

The delay is placed at the bottom of the file to ensure that the statechart’s thread can react, and produce some live trace feedback, before the main thread exits the program.


The miros package uses daemonic threads, which means that they will be shut down with the main thread stops running.

How did your prove that your code worked?#

Looking at the design, we see that the starting state should be some_state_to_prove_this_works and that when it enters this state it should print “hello world” to the terminal.


The output is:

hello world
[2018-09-11 09:35:10.011526] [oven] \
  e->start_at() top->some_state_to_prove_this_works

Which is exactly what were were expecting.

Why are you using threads and not asyncio?#

Asyncio is cool, but it doesn’t work with everything yet. It may be the future of Python, but to use it, all of your libraries would have be asyncio compliant. I wrote miros so that it can use as much existing Python as possible.

If you want to check out another implementation of the Miro Samek event processing algorithm in Python, written with asyncio, check out Dean Hall’s pq.

In the future I might port the miros threads to David Beazley’s thredo technology.

When is it going to be done?#

I’m not answering this question.

Iteration 2: basic oven#

Now that we know miros will run on our system, lets use it to build a very basic toaster oven with a working HSM. We will add some states and show how to transition between these states.

Iteration 2 specification#

  • The toaster oven will have a door (for now, to make things easy, it will always be closed)

  • The toaster oven will have an oven light, which can be turned on and off

  • The toaster oven will have a heater, which can be turned on and off

  • It will have two different heating modes; baking and toasting

  • The toaster oven should start in the off state

  • The toaster can only heat when the door is closed

  • The toaster’s light should be off when the door is closed

Iteration 2 design#


Iteration 2 code#

# file named
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import return_status
from miros import Event
from miros import signals
from miros import spy_on
import time

class ToasterOven(ActiveObject):
  def __init__(self, name):

  def light_on(self):

  def light_off(self):

  def heater_on(self):

  def heater_off(self):

def door_closed(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
    status = oven.trans(baking)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
    status = oven.trans(toasting)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  else: =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def heating(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def baking(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = heating
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def toasting(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = heating
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def off(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

if __name__ == "__main__":
  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
  oven.live_trace = True
  # toast something
  # bake something
  # turn the oven off

Iteration 2 proof#

[2018-09-12 13:54:51.890583] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.891473] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.891989] [oven] e->Baking() toasting->baking
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.892568] [oven] e->Off() baking->off

Iteration 2 questions#

Questions and Answers about code and results (iteration 2):

Can you explain how the picture meets the design specification?#

Let’s break it down:

The toaster oven will have a door, it will always be closed

The door_closed state will contain all of the behavior that the system will have while the door is closed in the toaster oven.


All of the statemachine’s states exist within this door_closed state, and the machine is started in the off state. So the door will always be closed.

The toaster oven will have an oven light, which can be turned off and on

The light_on and light_off methods are within the ToasterOven class which is inherited from the ActiveObject class. The statemachine can access these methods at anytime. We see that when the door_closed state is entered, it uses one of them to shut off the oven light.


The toaster oven will have a heater, which can be turned off and on

The heater_on and heater_off methods are within the ToasterOven class which is inherited from the ActiveObject class. The statemachine can access these methods at anytime. We see that when the heating state is entered, it uses one of them to turn on the heater, and when it is exited, it uses the other one to turn off the heater.


It will have two different heating modes, baking which can bake a potato and toasting which can toast some bread

The toasting and baking states exist within the heating state. To get to the states we need to invent two different events, named, “Baking” and “Toasting”. To allow our statechart to respond to these events, two different arrows are drawn from the door_closed state into the baking and toasting states.


What these arrows mean in English is, “while I’m in any state within the door_closed state, a “Baking” event will cause me to enter the baking state, and a “Toasting” event will cause me to enter the toasting state.

If you haven’t seen an HSM before, placing the arrows from the outer state pointing to an inner state, is the equivalent of drawing these arrows from all of the states within the outer state to the target inner state. That last sentence is hard to parse; its idea is best explained with a picture:


So now we have two different heating modes, but do they behave differently? No, they pretty much do the same thing, they are just called different names.

We will add different behaviors to these states in one of the next iterations of the design.

The toaster oven should start in the off state

Before the HSM can start reacting to events, a starting state needs to be selected. Here we see we start in the off state, and this meets the specification.


You can see while the unit is off, it is not heating.

The toaster can only heat when the door is closed

You can see how we meet this specification item in the picture:


The toaster’s light should be off when the door is closed

We can see that we have met this specification because the oven light is turned off as the HSM transitions into the off state:

How do I write my state callback functions based on the HSM diagram?#

Consider the HSM part of the statechart:


Now lets make a side projection of the HSM (the side projection is not UML):


Here is how you would construct the door_closed state callback:


The callback’s if-elif clauses handle the events that interact with the state. You can see what these events are, by doing the following:

  • Trace your eyes around the state boundary, and identify all the arrows that start from this boundary.

  • Identify all, hooks, entry, exit and init event handlers drawn within the state’s region.

To build your else clause:

  • set the to the callback function representing the superstate

  • if there is no superstate, set it to the top attribute of the first argument given to the callback

  • ensure that the callback function returns, return_state.SUPER if the else clause is reached.

Now let’s see how we would construct the off state callback:


The same rules apply to the other states in the HSM.

So, you can think of the callback functions as actually existing in two dimensions as a type of DAG:


The event processor will use this structure to determine how to behave.

How do I use the return_status with these callbacks?#

The event processor will send events to your state callback function. Your state callback function will return information to the event processor telling it how it responded to that event. There are only certain types of responses that are permitted with the Miros Samek event processor, and this information is enumerated in the return_status object.

The event processor flips back and forth between searching the graph and sending events to your callbacks to provide the expected behavior of your HSM.

As an application developer you shouldn’t care about the inner workings of the event processing algorithm. So just follow some simple conventions:

  • set status to UNHANDLED at the top of your callback: status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  • if your callback handles an internal event, ENTRY_SIGNAL, EXIT_SIGNAL or INIT_SIGNAL set status to HANDLED: status = return_status.HANDLED

  • if your callback uses a hook, set the status to HANDLED: status = return_status.HANDLED

  • if your callback needs to transition to another state, let the trans set the status variable: status = oven.trans(<some_state>)

  • in the else clause also set the status to SUPER: status = return_status.SUPER

def door_closed(oven, e):
  # set the status variable to the default
  # UNHANDLED attribute
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    # this is an internal event so we set
    # the status to the HANDLED attribute
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
    # this is an external event causing a transition
    # so we let the trans method set the status
    # attribute
    status = oven.trans(baking)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
    # this is an external event causing a transition
    # so we let the trans method set the status
    # attribute
    status = oven.trans(toasting)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    # this is an internal event so we set
    # the status to the HANDLED attribute
    status = oven.trans(off)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
    # this is an external event causing a transition
    # so we let the trans method set the status
    # attribute
    status = oven.trans(off)
    # this is the else clause, set your status
    # to SUPER =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status


I haven’t talked about how to implement a hook yet, you will see this in a future design iteration.

How does this toaster oven example relate to humans in the story?#

Let’s consider the HSM:


The humans in the story are the bouncers, the greeters and the bartenders, they all exist on the earth, which is just the HSM in the metaphor.

The entry and exit bouncers and the greeters are internal events:


The bartenders, are the user defined arrows and hooks, they are the external events:


Each of these humans exist as a cause in your callback’s if-elif clause structure. To participate in their “hack the human” campaign, to give their life some meaning, you place your code between their clause and how you set the return status for that clause. To give the bartenders their secrets, you use the trans method, to transition to a different state. To have a greeter move Spike and Tara along, again, you use the trans method.

def door_closed(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  # entry bouncer clause
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    # hacking this human
    # Every time he talks to Spike he
    # will turn our oven light's off!
    status = return_status.HANDLED

  # a bartender named 'Baking'
  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
    # his secret to Tara is to go to the baking terrace
    status = oven.trans(baking)

  # a bartender named 'Toasting'
  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
    # his secret to Tara is to go to the toasting terrace
    status = oven.trans(toasting)

  # This is the terrace's greeter
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    # if Spike and Tara arrive and settle on the terrace
    # will will tell Tara they need to proceed to the
    # off terrace
    status = oven.trans(off)

  # A bartender named 'Off'
  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
    # his secret to Tara is to go to the off terrace
    status = oven.trans(off)

    # Tara can't find her answer, so she throw's her
    # event into oblivion =
    status = return_status.SUPER

  return status
What does posting the events do?#

We post the events at the bottom part of our file:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
  oven.live_trace = True
  # toast something
  # bake something
  # turn the oven off

The above code is running in the main thread. The statechart’s thread is started with the start_at call. After this call, your program is running two threads.

Your oven thread starts up its event processor, attaches to your callback graph, searches it and determines how to get off.

While this is happening your main thread is posting events into the oven thread’s first in first out queue.

if __name__ == "__main__":
  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
  oven.live_trace = True
  # toast something
  # bake something
  # turn the oven off

This queue is “thread safe”, which means that it can be shared across two threads.

When the oven’s thread finally finishes processing your start_at call, and it has situated, S and T in the off state, it checks its queue to see if anything is there.

Remember this picture from the story?


The Theo in our toaster oven example is the oven thread, and after finishing its start_at call, its queue will look like this:


It sees the first posted event, Event(signal=signals.Toasting)) and it passes this information to the event processor which eventually causes a transition into the baking state.

Meanwhile your main thread has probably finished processing, and it would like to exit. If it were to exit, the oven thread wouldn’t get a chance to do all of its work. It still needs to process the “Baking” and “Off” events.

So, we place a time.sleep(0.01) at the end of our file, to let the oven thread finish its work before the main thread exits and kills the oven thread.

Where are the event names defined?#

An event has a name which is called a signal.

The signals are either predefined or are defined at the moment they are used by your code.

The internal signals (the names of events that the event processor posts to your state machine as it enters, initializes or exits a state) are predefined within the library.

The external signals (Toasting, Baking and Off signals, in this example) are defined and constructed the moment they are first encountered by the miros library in your code. So, you don’t have to worry about defining them somewhere, the miros library will define them the first time it sees them when you create an event:

from miros import signals, Event

# if the Toasting signal hasn't been seen before, it will be
# constructed and added to the signals object at the moment
# the following code is run
e = Event(signal=signals.Toasting)


A signal object, has a name and a unique number. The miros library uses the number to distinguish it from other signals. As a user of the miros library, you probably don’t need to care about this, if you want to make a new signal, you just write it down as if it was already defined elsewhere, and the miros library will automatically give it a unique number and a signal name based on your code and its highest signal number so far.

What are S and T exactly? Why not just talk about S?#

The event processor performs two different tasks, it discovers how your HSM is structured and it follows the entry, exit and init rules described above. You can think of these tasks in more general terms as, planning and acting.

The current state of your statemachine is called S, or the source state. If your statechart receives an event that is not handled within its source state, the event processor will have to search the next most outer state, then its next most outer state, until it finds code that knows what to do with the event. While it searches a state, it marks them as T, which stands for the target state.

The event processor’s planning phase involves it moving T from S, and making a list of the things it needs to do. When T stops on an outer state that can handle the event, by finding a trans call, the event processor stops planning and starts to act.

To act on the plan, the event processor marches S outward, towards T. its plan would be made up of a list of functions that need to be exited.

Once S is positioned in the state that had the trans call, the event processor would begin another planning stage. It would place T on the inner target state, the argument to the trans call, and make a list of functions that have to be entered for S to march toward T.


The only way that the event processor knows that a trans call was found is by monitoring the callback’s return_status

# ..
elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
  status = oven.trans(baking)
# ..
return status

It would then act on the plan, and march S inward, back to T.

Once S and T are back within the same state, the event processor looks to see if its init condition, the big black dot on the diagram, has another trans call, or arrow pointing to another inner state. If it does, it creates another plan and then acts on this plan, and re-settles deeper within the HSM. This process would repeat until there was nothing left to do.

If this isn’t clear, the upcoming examples will show how these dynamics work.

So why even mention T? As an application developer, you only really care about S right? Well, no, you can hack the planning stage of the event processor and make it do useful work.

While T is leaving an inner state, looking for an outer state with a trans call, you can create an elif clause that handles this event in an outer state, then instead of calling trans, you just return HANDLED. This will run your code then snap T back to S and the process is completed, this is called a hook.

# ..
elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
  # add your hook code here
  # the planning state of the event processor will
  # run this code, then just snap back to S
  status = return_status.HANDLED
# ..
return status

You can use hooks to define common behaviors in the outer states of your HSM. These behaviors can be shared by all of the inner states. To get access to this behavior, you would send your statechart an event that would trigger the hook and your state machine would run the hook’s code and not change states.

This plan-hacking is a very powerful feature of the Miro Samek algorithm. There are no hooks in this iteration. They will be introduced in a future iteration.

Can you explain how this statechart starts?#

I’ll answer this question in two different ways, with a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer:

  • The oven statechart is instantiated

  • S and T are outside the door_closed state

  • the start_at method of oven is called, it starts the oven’s thread and places T in the off state.

  • S begins to walk toward T, by sending an ENTRY_SIGNAL event to the door_closed state callback function.

  • S lands in the same state as T, by sending an ENTRY_SIGNAL event to the off state callback function.

  • Since S and T have settled in the same state, the event processor sends an INIT_SIGNAL event to the off callback handler; the event is ignored.

  • The statechart stops processing and its thread pends on its queue

The long answer:

Let’s talk about how the statechart starts. In code we see it build an oven, then started it in its off state:

oven = ToaterOven(name='oven')

Before the oven is started, both S and T, start outside of the HSM:


The start_at call places T in the off state, starts the thread and begins the event processor:


The event processor constructs a plan for how to get S to T.

Next, the plan is put into action; S will start walking through the entry conditions to re-join T; its first step will trigger the entry condition of the door_closed state:


This means that the event processor will call the door_closed state with an ENTRY_SIGNAL event:

def door_closed(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
    status = oven.trans(baking)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
    status = oven.trans(toasting)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  else: =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

Your door_closed callback will catch this event with its if clause, use the active object’s light_off method to turn off the light, then return return_status.HANDLED, to let the event processor know it handled the ENTRY_SIGNAL event.

Next, S rejoins T in the off state, this will trigger the off state’s entry condition:


To trigger the off state’s entry condition the event processor will send the off state callback an ENTRY_SIGNAL event.

def off(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

The off callback catches the ENTRY_SIGNAL event in its if clause, prints “off” to the terminal and let’s the event processor know it handled the event.

Next, the event processor calls the off state with an INIT_SIGNAL event. There is no if-elif clause for this event in the off function, because we don’t need to initialize the off state in this design. So the callback notifies the event processor that it doesn’t handle this condition by returning return_status.SUPER; in effect the event is ignored:

def off(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

Now the event processor has finished its start_at work. The first run RTC process is completed and the oven’s thread pends on its queue.

Can you explain how this statechart can transition from off to toasting?#

I’ll answer this question in two different ways, with a short answer and a long answer.

The short answer:

  • S and T are in the off state

  • A Toasting event is created an posted to the statechart’s first in first out queue.

  • This causes the event processor to react to the Toasting event in the off state.

  • T begins its search in the off state callback, but no Toasting event handler is found

  • T searches the door_closed, finds that it wants to react to the Toasting event by transitioning into the toasting state.

  • T stops in the door_closed state and waits for S

  • S exits the off state, by sending the EXIT_SIGNAL event to the off callback, this event is ignored

  • S joins T in the door_closed state.

  • The event processor places T into the toasting state.

  • S starts marching to T by first entering the heating state, it does this by sending an ENTRY_SIGNAL event to the heating state callback.

  • S enters the toasting state by sending its callback an ENTRY_SIGNAL event.

  • S and T are both settled in the toasting state so the event processor sends an INIT_SIGNAL event to the toasting state callback, this event is ignored.

  • The RTC process is finished, the oven thread pends on its queue

The long answer:

The starting state is off, meaning that both S and T are in the off state.


To toast, we need to send the oven a Toasting event. This is how we do it with the miros package:


The above code places the “Toasting” event into the oven’s FIFO:


The oven’s thread takes the Toasting event off the queue and passes it to the event processor. T begins its search; the event processor calls the off state with a Baking event.


There is no if-elif clause in the off state callback, so its else clause is triggered:

def off(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

This notifies the event processor that the off state can’t handle the Baking event, and it sets the next place to look to door_closed. Here we see the power of the HSM.

Next, T checks the door_closed state to see if it can handle Event(signal=signals.Baking):


To do this, the event processor calls the door_closed callback with a Baking event, which is caught by an elif clause:

def door_closed(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
    status = oven.trans(baking)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
    status = oven.trans(toasting)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  else: =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

The door_closed function reacts to the Baking event by using the oven’s trans method to request a transition to the baking state. It places the value of the trans method into its status variable and returns whatever this information is, to the event processor.


This means that door_closed is the least common ancestor, LCA, of off and baking.

Next, S begins moving to rejoin T. Its first step is to call the exit condition of the off state:


There is no exit condition in the off state code so it’s else clause is triggered:

def off(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

Next, S then rejoins T, and they are now both in the door_closed state.


Next, the event processor places T into baking:


Next, S begins to climb into the chart so that it can rejoin T. It start’s this journey by triggering the entry event of the heating state.


To do this, the event processor sends an ENTRY_SIGNAL event to the heating state callback:

def heating(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

The ENTRY_SIGNAL is caught by an elif clause, which will turn the heater on and tell the event processor it handled the event.

Next, S enters the heating state to rejoin T


To do this the event processor calls the baking callback with an ENTRY_SIGNAL event:

def baking(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = heating
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

S and T are now settled in the baking state, so the event processor sends an INIT_SIGNAL to the baking callback to see if it needs to transition deeper into the statechart. There is no init handle for this state, so this event is ignored.


There is only one handled init signal in the whole design and its in the door_closed state. It will never be called because we start the statechart in the off state. If were where to start the statechart in the door_closed state, this init event would be triggered, causing the statemachine to ultimately settle into the off state.

Another run to completion process has been finished, so the oven thread, looks back to its queue to see if any other thread posted event’s to it while it was trying to toast something:

Is there a way I can get miros to show me what happened and how it happened?#

Yes, in fact there are two different ways to show you what happened and how it happened. If you instrument your state callbacks using the @spy_on decorator, you can use either the trace or spy output.

I will break this answer up into two parts, what you can see with either a trace or a spy, and how you can use these tools to make sense of your own designs.


The trace tracks movement of S through your HSM. While the spy tracks movements of T. So, to remember which is which, remember that when it comes to instrumentation there is an anti-mnemonic at play, spy tracks T and the trace tracks S.

The spy name was used in miros, because the qp framework uses the word spy to output how the event processor is working (how it tracks T). I wanted the concepts to remained consistent for embedded developers who were going to port the Python designs into qp, so I kept the spy name, even though it’s hard to remember.

The last time I checked there was no trace feature in the qp framework.

What you can see with a trace:

We have talked about how the statecharts starts in the off state, now let’s look at how this was reported by the trace:

[2018-09-12 13:54:51.890583] [oven] e->start_at() top->off

It describes:

  • when the event happened,

  • in what statechart: oven

  • what event caused the transition: start_at

  • the starting state: top

  • the ending state: off.

We have also talked about how the oven transitions from off to the toasting state. Here is what was reported by the trace:

[2018-09-12 13:54:51.891473] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting

It describes:

  • when the event happened,

  • in what statechart: oven,

  • what event caused the transition: “Toasting”

  • the starting state: off

  • the ending state: toasting

The trace is a useful tool to get a very rough understanding about what has happened with a statechart, but consider all of the information that is missing:

  • It does not report on the entry triggers and init triggers.

  • It does not describe how the event processor searched your callbacks to discover how the HSM is structured.

To see this information you can use the spy instrumentation.

What you can see with the spy:

Here is the spy output resulting from the oven.start_at(off) call:

<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)

The spy output describes an event’s signal name and which state it is expressed in.

From the spy output we can monitor the event processor planning and acting stages. For instance in the above spy output, we can see the event processor query the off state and door_closed state with the SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL event. This is done so that it can know how to enter the statemachine, then it acts on this plan by entering the door_closed state, then the off state, then it settles into the off state by sending it an INIT_SIGNAL event.

At the end of this RTC process, we see what is waiting in the queues for the next run of the event processor. We have only been talking about one queue so far, and that is the first queue in the listing. The Deferred queue is something you will learn about in the patterns section.

Here is the spy output for the chart transitioning from the off state to the toasting state:

<- Queued:(2) Deferred:(0)

The SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL event lines in the spy output can be confusing to look at. Miro Samek’s event processing algorithm has to consider 7 different graph topologies, so as an application developer you might know how and why these calls are taking place. Instead, pay attention to the other things in the output:

  • The off state is sent the Toasting event signal (which it doesn’t handle)

  • The door_closed state is sent the Toasting event (which causes a trans)

  • The off state is sent the EXIT_SIGNAL event

  • The heating state is sent the ENTRY_SIGNAL event

  • The toasting state is sent the ENTRY_SIGNAL event

  • The toasting state is sent the INIT_SIGNAL

Finally, we see the line describing the state of the queues. In this case there are two events pending in the queue, due to our code calling the post_fifo method with a “Baking” and “Off” event.

To turn on a live spy, replace the live_trace call with the live_spy call in your code:

oven.live_spy = True
Can you explain how this statechart bakes?#

To get the statechart to bake, you just send a Bake event to it. (you can’t open the door and puts things into your oven yet, so there little point to baking).

Now that we know how to use the trace tool, let’s look at the trace output for this type of transition:

[2018-09-12 13:54:51.891989] [oven] e->Baking() toasting->baking

We see that the Baking event will cause the statemachine to leave toasting, and enter the baking state.

For more details, we could look at the spy output for the same transition:

Baking:toasting  # T searching for Baking event in toasting state 1
Baking:heating   # T searching for Baking event in heating state  2
Baking:door_closed  # T searching for Baking in door_closed       3
EXIT_SIGNAL:toasting # S in toasting, exit event sent to toasting 4
EXIT_SIGNAL:heating  # S in heating, exit even sent to heating    5
SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:heating # event processor searching ...   6
SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:baking      #  ...
SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:door_closed #  ...
SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:heating     #  ...
ENTRY_SIGNAL:heating # S in heating, entry event sent to heating  7
ENTRY_SIGNAL:baking # S in baking, entry event sent to baking     8
INIT_SIGNAL:baking # S and T settled, init event sent to baking   9
Can you explain how this statechart turns off?#

The oven can be turned off while it already is off, or when it’s baking or toasting. We will examine how it is turned off while it is baking.

As you have learned from the previous explanations, with a bit of practice, you can just see how your statechart will react to an event.

To see what has happened this time, let’s turn on the live_trace and live_spy and examine their outputs. Here is how to turn on both types of live instrumentation:

 1if __name__ == "__main__":
 2  oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
 3  oven.live_trace = True
 4  oven.live_spy = True
 5  oven.start_at(off)
 6  # toast something
 7  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 8  # bake something
 9  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
10  # turn the oven off
11  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Off))
12  time.sleep(0.01)

To answer this question, we will be examining the behavior caused by the transition on line 11. The system’s reaction line 11 will have a trace and spy which will look like this:

[2018-09-20 07:55:43.449132] [oven] e->Off() baking->off
<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)

The trace output describes that the “Off” event caused a transition from baking to off: e-Off() baking->off.

The spy output describes some of the specifics about how the baking to off transition took place:

In a nutshell, it received the “Off” event in the baking state, then it let T fall outward until it reached the door_closed state, which knew what to do with the event. The event processor moves S through the required exit conditions until it settles in the door_closed state. Then it places T in the off state, and creates a plan for how S can be with T again. It acts on this plan by sending an ENTRY_SIGNAL to the off state. Both S and T are settled in the off state, so the event processor sends it an INIT_SIGNAL, which is not handled so it is ignored. The RTC process is completed and the thread goes back to pending on the queue.

You have now examined all of the possible transitions of this statemachine.

Why are you putting state information into the ToasterOven and not its HSM?#

You can see that we have a light_on and light_off method, and the heater_on and heater_off method in the ToasterOven’s object:


If this were a real toaster oven, its state would occur in two different places. The first would be in the physical world. The actual light would be on or the light would be off. The physical heater would be heating or that heater wouldn’t be heating. The second, would be in our software. The HSM would be in a state where the light/heater would either be on or off. The code in the ToasterOven class would contain the drivers for making the physical equipment do what our HSM wants it to do. So, the state would be kept in the HSM not within the ToasterOven object.

This isn’t to say that you can’t track state information in your derived ActiveObject. There may be situations where you want to do this, it is up to you. For instance, if we added a bit more complexity to our design we could set the oven’s temperature. This could be held in an attribute of the ToasterOven. You can think of a temperature value as being a kind of state, so, it is possible to smear state information between your HSM and your object.

HSM’s are good at reacting to event’s and changing state: As a designer using miros, you would consider the trade-offs between putting state information in your object and into your HSM. The goal would be to meet your specification while minimizing your design’s complexity. To do this well will require you to practice.

How does your proof show that you met your specification?#

From this design:


We preform these actions:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
    oven.live_trace = True
    # toast something
    # bake something
    # turn the oven off

We see this output to our terminal, which I have called proof that the design works:

> python3
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.890583] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.891473] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.891989] [oven] e->Baking() toasting->baking
[2018-09-12 13:54:51.892568] [oven] e->Off() baking->off

The trace output happens after the statechart has reacted to an event, so all of the print statements should happen before the trace reports on what happened.

We see that the oven starts in the off state, which reports an “off” to the terminal.

The oven is then sent a “Toasting” event. This causes a transition from the off state to the toasting state. To perform this transition the oven turns the heater on with its entry condition to the heating state. We see this happened because our ToasterOven’s heater_on driver just writes “heater_on” to the terminal. Then the toasting state’s entry condition prints “toasting” to the terminal.

Next, we send a “Baking” event. It exits the heating state, causing the “heater_off” to print, then it re-enters to the heating state, which causes the “heater_on” to print and the enters the baking state, causing its entry condition to print “baking”.

Finally, we send the “Off” event to oven. This causes a transition from baking to off. To do this it prints “heater_off” from the exit condition of the heating state and prints “off” from the entry condition of the off state.

How do I put something in the oven and cook it?#

You can’t, we don’t even know if our customer’s want to cook anything, so we will ship it, discover what our customers want through the customer discovery process, then pivot if the need arises.

Iteration 3: history#

So far, we have miros working on our system and we have build a simple toaster oven. But, as it is currently written, the toaster oven is useless, because there is no way to open and close the door.

So, in this design iteration we will add the ability to open and close the door.

Iteration 3 specification#

The toaster oven spec:

  • The toaster oven will have a door, it will always be closed

  • The toaster oven will have an oven light, which can be turned on and off

  • The toaster oven will have a heater, which can be turned on and off

  • It will have two different heating modes; baking and toasting

  • The toaster oven should start in the off state

  • The toaster can only heat when the door is closed

  • The toaster’s light should be off when the door is closed

  • The toaster should turn on its light when the door is opened

  • A customer should be able to open and close the door of our toaster oven

  • When a customer closes the door, the toaster oven should go back to behaving like it did before.

Technical Improvements:

  • Remove the print statements from your production code.

Iteration 3 design#


Iteration 3 code#

  1 # toaster oven iteration 3
  2 from miros import ActiveObject
  3 from miros import return_status
  4 from miros import Event
  5 from miros import signals
  6 from miros import spy_on
  7 import time
  9 class ToasterOven(ActiveObject):
 10   def __init__(self, name):
 11     super().__init__(name)
 12     self.history = None
 14   def light_on(self):
 15     self.scribble("light_on")
 17   def light_off(self):
 18     self.scribble("light_off")
 20   def heater_on(self):
 21     self.scribble("heater_on")
 23   def heater_off(self):
 24     self.scribble("heater_off")
 26 @spy_on
 27 def door_closed(oven, e):
 28   status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 29   if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 30     oven.light_off()
 31     status = return_status.HANDLED
 32   elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
 33     status = oven.trans(baking)
 34   elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
 35     status = oven.trans(toasting)
 36   elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
 37     status = oven.trans(off)
 38   elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
 39     status = oven.trans(off)
 40   elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Open):
 41     status = oven.trans(door_open)
 42   else:
 43 =
 44     status = return_status.SUPER
 45   return status
 47 @spy_on
 48 def heating(oven, e):
 49   status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 50   if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 51     oven.heater_on()
 52     status = return_status.HANDLED
 53   elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 54     oven.heater_off()
 55     status = return_status.HANDLED
 56   else:
 57 = door_closed
 58     status = return_status.SUPER
 59   return status
 61 @spy_on
 62 def baking(oven, e):
 63   status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 64   if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 65     oven.scribble("baking")
 66     oven.history = baking
 67     status = return_status.HANDLED
 68   else:
 69 = heating
 70     status = return_status.SUPER
 71   return status
 73 @spy_on
 74 def toasting(oven, e):
 75   status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 76   if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 77     oven.scribble("toasting")
 78     oven.history = toasting
 79     status = return_status.HANDLED
 80   else:
 81 = heating
 82     status = return_status.SUPER
 83   return status
 85 @spy_on
 86 def off(oven, e):
 87   status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 88   if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 89     oven.scribble("off")
 90     oven.history = off
 91     status = return_status.HANDLED
 92   else:
 93 = door_closed
 94     status = return_status.SUPER
 95   return status
 97 @spy_on
 98 def door_open(oven, e):
 99   status = return_status.UNHANDLED
100   if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
101     oven.light_on()
102   elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Close):
103     status = oven.trans(oven.history)
104   else:
105 =
106     status = return_status.SUPER
107   return status

Iteration 3 proof#

To prove our design works we could turn on the spy, then:

  • start the oven

  • open the door

  • close the door

  • bake something

  • open the door

  • close the door

  • toast something

  • open the door

  • close the door

But the spy output would be tedious for you to read, so instead, I’ll just turn on the trace, toast something, open the door, then close the door again, then ship the product. HeeHaw.

oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
oven.live_trace = True

# toast something
# open the door
# close the door


Here are the results:

[2019-01-31 06:32:28.095880] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2019-01-31 06:32:28.098218] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting
[2019-01-31 06:32:28.099014] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
[2019-01-31 06:32:28.099489] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting

That’s kind of hard to read too, so here is a sequence diagram expressing the same information:

[Statechart: oven]
       top              off           toasting         door_open
        +---start_at()-->|                |                |
        |      (1)       |                |                |
        |                +---Toasting()-->|                |
        |                |      (2)       |                |
        |                |                +---Door_Open()->|
        |                |                |      (3)       |
        |                |                +<-Door_Close()--|
        |                |                |      (4)       |

1-2. Same behavior as the previous design

  1. The door_open state can be transitioned to.

  2. While in the door_open state, a Door_Close event causes the unit to go back into its previous state, the toasting state.

As a first pass, this is looking good, but is it a proof that our system is working. Not even close. We will get serious about testing in the next iteration.

Iteration 3 questions#

Can you show the full proof that the system works?#

We can turn on the spy and trace instrumentation and run the design through all of its state transitions. Then we can look at the instrumentation’s output to see if it worked as expected.

oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")
oven.live_spy = True
oven.live_trace = True  # I'll add this to interleave the trace

# Start the oven in the Off state
# Open the door
# Close the door
# Bake something
# Open the door
# close the door
# Toast something
# Open the door
# Close the door


Here is the instrumentation’s live output:

  1[2019-01-31 08:30:22.869093] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
 10<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
 11[2019-01-31 08:30:22.873013] [oven] e->Door_Open() off->door_open
 21<- Queued:(7) Deferred:(0)
 22[2019-01-31 08:30:22.874019] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->off
 33<- Queued:(6) Deferred:(0)
 34[2019-01-31 08:30:22.875289] [oven] e->Baking() off->baking
 46<- Queued:(5) Deferred:(0)
 47[2019-01-31 08:30:22.876085] [oven] e->Door_Open() baking->door_open
 61<- Queued:(4) Deferred:(0)
 62[2019-01-31 08:30:22.877258] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->baking
 76<- Queued:(3) Deferred:(0)
 77[2019-01-31 08:30:22.878420] [oven] e->Toasting() baking->toasting
 93<- Queued:(2) Deferred:(0)
 94[2019-01-31 08:30:22.879734] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
108<- Queued:(1) Deferred:(0)
109[2019-01-31 08:30:22.880552] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting
123<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)

I have highlighted the lines the show us it is working.

This is a reasonable spot check, but it’s not really something you would want to leave as a regression test. A better testing approach is demonstrated in the next iteration.

What does the H with a star beside it mean?#

The H with a star beside it is called the deep history pseudostate. A pseudostate is any useful glyph that touches an arrow or event on a statechart, that isn’t actually a state.


When an arrow points to a deep history pseudostate, it means, go back to the last activated state that was used in that region of the statechart.


In our example this could be anyone of the heating, baking, toasting or off states.

How does your code give me the deep history feature?#

The event processor in miros doesn’t support the deep history pattern directly.

To make a statechart that gives you the deep-history behaviour you can:

  • add a history attribute to your ActiveObject derived class, in this example the ToasterOven class.

  • upon entering a state that is within a region spanned by a deep history pseudostate, assign the state’s name to the history attribute in that state’s entry condition.

  • when you want to transition to history, transition to the state held in the history attribute: status = oven.trans(oven.history)

If you look at the code and compare it to the design you will see that this is what I have done.

Why don’t you set the history attribute in the door_closed and heating states?#

The door_closed and heating_states are transitory states; the toaster oven can’t settle into either of these states. So, the history attribute doesn’t need to be assigned for them.


By making this design decision I am breaking the Harel formalism, a deep history icon should be able to go to the heating state too. I’m not going to include it because I don’t need it, and I can’t test it anyway.

If you are removing unneeded things from your code, then what is the init event for?#

Good point, if you look at the design, you see that the statechart starts in the off state: oven.start_at(off). There is no need for the init pseudostate in the door_closed region, at least when looking at how the toaster oven turns on.

How about after the door has been closed? Well as discussed in the previous answer, the unit can only transition back into the baking, toasting or off states after the door is closed; we still don’t need that init pseudostate.

Are there any other ways we can get into the door_closed region? No. So, this design doesn’t need the door_closed init signal.


But if a maintenance developer were to change the oven.start_at(off) code to oven.start_at(door_closed) our design would still work, because the init pseudostate would cause the system to settle into the off state.

What would happen if the maintenance developer changed the oven.start_at(off) to oven.start_at(heating)? Well, this would be a bug. The unit would heat in an undefined way, it wouldn’t be baking or toasting.


As a design evolves you will end up with a lot of vestigial parts. Things that used to be needed, but aren’t needed anymore, like an appendix, or tonsils.

This illustrates two different design philosophies, we can be:

  • minimalist

  • or, hardened

The minimalist approach would try to reduce the design to just what it needs to work. The hardened approach would try and kind of future proof the design against changes made by a maintenance developer:


The above diagram describes a hardened design: all the intermediate states have init signals and all of the states in the deep history region assign their callback function’s address to the oven.history attribute in their entry conditions.

If we were to use the above design, we would now have a bug in our specification: there a is no description of the default behavior of our heating state. We could just go back and fix it, but this will clutter our specification with unneeded complexity. We should keep the specifications short and legible.

At first glance you might be tempted to take the hardened approach; but over a long period of time, your statecharts will have more and more unused, untested and unneeded code within them. You will accumulate some technical debt.

There is no right answer to this, but personally I lean towards keeping a design as simple as possible, I lean towards minimalism. If I’m conscious of a choice between a complicated thing and a simple thing, I will pick the simple thing.

I’ll change the design in the next iteration so that the unit starts in the door_closed state. (I want that init event to be useful, because I’m trying to explain how statecharts work here)

Why is the state pattern oval put on the diagram?#

The statechart patterns use different parts of the diagram to work together to provide a global behavior described by that pattern. To make it easier for someone to understand this, the oval is put on the diagram to announce what is going on.

If you don’t know what the transition to history is, you can just look it up and understand the designer’s intention, then look and see how that pattern applies to the specific design.

Isn’t the Deep history icon and the call to oven history redundant?#

When we put our other arrows on this chart we didn’t write their trans calls on them. So, yes, the call to oven.trans(oven.history) is kind of redundant; the arrow to the deep history icon should be enough. But, remember that the deep history feature isn’t supported by this version of the statechart algorithm; so, let’s help the person reading the page see explicitly how we are going to make the pattern work.

We need the deep history icon as a clean shorthand, or we would have to draw arrows to all of our states (Super Ugly):


Versus (less Ugly):


So yes, the diagram has some redundancy in it and it is useful.

Why isn’t the deep history handled by the framework?#

The event processor in this library is based on the work published by Miro Samek, who is coming from an embedded background. His algorithm is blazingly fast and his code had a tiny memory footprint; he wanted it to work on small processors.

You can use his framework instead of having a real time operating system. It includes its own event loop and software bus. It’s really cool.

What it didn’t have was the high level statechart features like transition to deep history and transition to shallow history, or orthogonal regions, but he gave them to his audience through app-notes; “just write your code like this and you get the same effect”.

I haven’t looked at his stuff lately, it wouldn’t surprise me if he has the history features in his contemporary framework. (embedded processors are much more powerful now).

What is the difference between deep and shallow history?#

Shallow history pseudostates, only cause transitions into the first level of states within the region they span. The shallow history icon is an H in a circle without the star beside it.

If we replaced the deep history icon in this diagram with a shallow history icon, only the heating and off states could be reached with a Door_Close event.


I’m sure there are applications where the shallow history icon is useful; but I have never used one.

Can you map this history idea back onto the story?#

Imagine that the bartender named Door_Close in the door_open bar has a pair of binoculars hanging around his neck (with a deep history icon painted on them as their brand). He uses them to watch where Tara and Spike drink when they are in any bar above the door_closed terrace, taking note of their last location.

When Tara asks him for directions he whispers his answer in her ear.

(if you can think of a better way of adding to this story email me)

Iteration 4: hook, testing and hardware abstraction#

So far we have built a very basic toaster oven using a statechart.

In this iteration we will change the design so that:

  • The unit can make a buzzing sound from any state of operation.

  • We can decouple our hardware tests from our statemachine tests.

Iteration 4 specification#

The toaster oven spec:

  • The toaster oven will have an oven light, which can be turned on and off

  • The toaster oven will have a heater, which can be turned off and on

  • It will have two different heating modes; baking and toasting

  • The toaster oven should start in the off state

  • The toaster can only heat when the door is closed

  • The toaster’s light should be off when the door is closed

  • The toaster should turn on its light when the door is opened

  • A customer should be able to open and close the door of our toaster oven

  • When a customer closes the door, the toaster oven should go back to behaving like it did before

  • While the toaster oven is in any state the customer should be able to press a buzzer which will get the attention of anyone nearby

Technical Improvements:

  • Start the toaster oven in the door_closed state

  • Test the statechart off of the hardware target

  • Test the code the controls the hardware in isolation from the statechart code

Iteration 4 design#


Iteration 4 code#

  1# iteration 4
  2from miros import ActiveObject
  3from miros import return_status
  4from miros import Event
  5from miros import signals
  6from miros import spy_on
  7import time
  9class ToasterOvenMock(ActiveObject):
 10  def __init__(self, name):
 11    super().__init__(name)
 12    self.history = None
 14  def light_on(self):
 15    self.scribble("light_on")
 17  def light_off(self):
 18    self.scribble("light_off")
 20  def heater_on(self):
 21    self.scribble("heater_on")
 23  def heater_off(self):
 24    self.scribble("heater_off")
 26  def buzz(self):
 27    self.scribble("buzz")
 29class ToasterOven(ActiveObject):
 30  def __init__(self, name):
 31    super().__init__(name)
 32    self.history = None
 34  def light_on(self):
 35    # call to your hardware's light_on driver
 36    pass
 38  def light_off(self):
 39    # call to your hardware's light_off driver
 40    pass
 42  def heater_on(self):
 43    # call to your hardware's heater on driver
 44    pass
 46  def heater_off(self):
 47    # call to your hardware's heater off driver
 48     pass
 50  def buzz(self):
 51    # call to your hardware's buzzer
 52    pass
 55def common_features(oven, e):
 56  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 57  if(e.signal == signals.Buzz):
 58    print("buzz")
 60    status = return_status.HANDLED
 61  else:
 62 =
 63    status = return_status.SUPER
 64  return status
 67def door_closed(oven, e):
 68  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 69  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 70    oven.light_off()
 71    status = return_status.HANDLED
 72  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
 73    status = oven.trans(baking)
 74  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
 75    status = oven.trans(toasting)
 76  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
 77    status = oven.trans(off)
 78  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
 79    status = oven.trans(off)
 80  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Open):
 81    status = oven.trans(door_open)
 82  else:
 83 = common_features
 84    status = return_status.SUPER
 85  return status
 88def heating(oven, e):
 89  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 90  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 91    oven.heater_on()
 92    status = return_status.HANDLED
 93  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 94    oven.heater_off()
 95    status = return_status.HANDLED
 96  else:
 97 = door_closed
 98    status = return_status.SUPER
 99  return status
102def baking(oven, e):
103  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
104  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
105    oven.history = baking
106    status = return_status.HANDLED
107  else:
108 = heating
109    status = return_status.SUPER
110  return status
113def toasting(oven, e):
114  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
115  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
116    oven.history = toasting
117    status = return_status.HANDLED
118  else:
119 = heating
120    status = return_status.SUPER
121  return status
124def off(oven, e):
125  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
126  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
127    oven.history = off
128    status = return_status.HANDLED
129  else:
130 = door_closed
131    status = return_status.SUPER
132  return status
135def door_open(oven, e):
136  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
137  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
138    oven.light_on()
139  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Close):
140    status = oven.trans(oven.history)
141  else:
142 = common_features
143    status = return_status.SUPER
144  return status

Iteration 4 proof#

To satisfy our modularity requirement, we create a new class called ToasterOvenMock. The word mock is a common word in software testing, it describes any piece of code that can stand in for another more complicated piece of code. You would use a software mock to test one part of the system in isolation from another part of the system.


To separate the code that controls the hardware from the code that manages the feature-state of the product, we create a new class called ToasterOvenMock. It will have the exact same API as the real ToasterOven class, but its methods won’t make hardware calls that turn on and off lights/heaters and make buzzing sounds, instead they will drop debug-strings into the spy instrumentation stream using the scribble method.

To test our actual hardware features, we would instantiate the ToasterOven class on our hardware and call the buzz, heater_on, heater_off, light_on and light_off methods and see if they work as advertised. (I won’t show how to do this)

To test the statemachine, we would use the ToasterOvenMock class, because all of its hardware dependent calls have been mocked. That makes the code portable, so it can be tested anywhere Python can run.

We want to confirm that the code works like we have drawn it on our diagram. We don’t need to test the event processor because we trust that it is working, and we trust the formal set of behaviors that it follows. This let’s us simplify things a lot.

Here is a regression test for this design:

import re
from miros import stripped

# test helper functions
def trace_through_all_states():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  # Bake something
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  # Toast something
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  return oven.trace()

def spy_on_light_on():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # Open the door to turn on the light
  # turn our array into a paragraph
  return "\n".join(oven.spy())

def spy_on_light_off():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # The light should be turned off when we start
  # turn our array into a paragraph
  return "\n".join(oven.spy())

def spy_on_heater_on():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # The light should be turned off when we start
  # turn our array into a paragraph
  return "\n".join(oven.spy())

def spy_on_heater_off():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # The light should be turned off when we start
  # turn our array into a paragraph
  return "\n".join(oven.spy())

def spy_on_buzz():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")

  # Send the buzz event
  # turn our array into a paragraph
  return "\n".join(oven.spy())

# Tests start here
# Confirm our state transitions work as designed
trace_target = """
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.538413] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540290] [oven] e->Door_Open() off->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540534] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->off
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540825] [oven] e->Baking() off->baking
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541109] [oven] e->Door_Open() baking->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541393] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->baking
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541751] [oven] e->Toasting() baking->toasting
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542083] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting

with stripped(trace_target) as stripped_target, \
     stripped(trace_through_all_states()) as stripped_trace_result:

  for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
    assert(target == result)

# Confirm our light turns off
assert'off', spy_on_light_off())

# Confirm our light turns on
assert'on', spy_on_light_on())

# Confirm the heater turns on
assert'heater_on', spy_on_heater_on())

# Confirm the heater turns on
assert'heater_off', spy_on_heater_off())

# Confirm our buzzer works
assert'buzz', spy_on_buzz())

Iteration 4 questions#

Can you explain how the unit can buzz from any state?#

Let’s send some Buzz events to our statechart and see how it behaves:

oven = ToasterOven(name="oven")

# start our oven
time.sleep(0.01)  # let the oven thread catch up to main

# What state?

# Trigger the buzzer

# What state?

# Toast something

# What state?

# Trigger the buzzer

# What state?

The statechart reacts to the Buzz event without changing state.


The buzz code is being hooked by the common_features state, you can see this by looking at the top left corner of its rectangle in the diagram:

# short hand for what we see in the
Buzz /

To see how the code in the picture is manifested in our actual code, look at the common_features callback function that represents this state:

 1# Legend for mapping code onto diagram:
 2# s: draw as shorthand on your diagram
 3# f: completely write as code on your diagram
 4# g: drawn as a graph element on your diagram
 5# !: don't draw this code on your diagram
 7@spy_on                             # !
 8def common_features(oven, e):       # g
 9  status = return_status.UNHANDLED  # !
10  if(e.signal == signals.Buzz):     # s
11    print("buzz")                   # f
12                     # f
13    status = return_status.HANDLED  # !
14  else:                             # !
15 =        # g
16    status = return_status.SUPER    # !
17  return status                     # !

We see that when the Buzz event is reacted to by this function (10), it prints buzz (11) then calls the code of its derived class (12), then returns return_status.HANDLED (13,17).

When the event processor receives a return_status.HANDLED it knows it can stop searching, leaving its source state as it was. Upon completing its search the event processor relinquishes control back to its thread, which in turn goes back to pending on its input queue.

But how did the event processor call the common_features callback in the first place?

I’ll answer this by first imagining that our oven has settled in the toasting state when it receives a Buzz event:

  1. The source state S and target state T are both set to the toasting state before the reaction. Then the statechart receives the Buzz event from the post_fifo call.

    The event processor begins its reaction to the Buzz event by sending the callback pointed to by T two arguments, a reference to the ToasterOven object which is called oven and e set to Event(signal=signals.Buzz).

    The toasting callback’s if-elif logical structure doesn’t handle a Buzz event so it passes control to its else clause. The else clause updates the T to the parent state of the toasting state: heating. The toasting callback returns return_status.SUPER, telling the event processor that the event was not handled. The event processor continues searching.

def toasting(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    oven.history = toasting
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = heating  # T is now set to heating
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status
  1. The source state S is toasting and the target state T is heating.

    The event processor sends the callback pointed to by T two arguments, a reference to the ToasterOven object which is called oven and e set to Event(signal=signals.Buzz).

    The heating callback’s if-elif logical structure doesn’t handle a Buzz event so it passes control to its else clause. The else clause updates the T to the parent state of the heating state: door_closed. The heating callback returns return_status.SUPER, telling the event processor that the event was not handled. The event processor continues searching.

def heating(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: = door_closed  # T is not set to door_closed
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status
  1. The source state S is toasting and the target state T is door_closed.

    T doesn’t handle Buzz, T is set to common_features in the else clause. (same logic as above). The door_closed callback returns return_status.SUPER, telling the event processor that the event was not handled. The event processor continues searching.

def door_closed(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
    status = oven.trans(baking)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
    status = oven.trans(toasting)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
    status = oven.trans(off)
  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Open):
    status = oven.trans(door_open)
  else: = common_features  # T set to common_features
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status
  1. The source state S is toasting and the target state T is common_features.

    The event processor sends the callback pointed to by T two arguments, a reference to the ToasterOven object which is called oven and e set to Event(signal=signals.Buzz).

    The common_features callback’s if-elif logical structure handles a Buzz event. It prints “buzz” then calls the buzz method of the oven object, then returns return_status.HANDLED.

    The event processor knows its search is complete.

def common_features(oven, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.Buzz):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  else: =
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status
  1. T snaps back to S, toasting, the event processor stops searching and the RTC process is finished.

Because the common_features state encloses all of the other states (all else clauses lead to it), it can hook any Buzz event from any state.

This is an example of behavioral inheritance.

Can you relate the buzz hook to the story?#

T represents Tara, the explorer spirit, in our story.

While Tara and Spike were spending time together on an upper terrace, someone from our world, put a “Buzz” event into their universe’s portal.

Theo, the god of their underworld (the statechart’s thread), immediately notices this and pulls the event out of his side of the portal. He casts his gaze up into the sky to see Eve, the goddess of heaven (event processor). Eve awakens and takes the event from Theo. She looks down on the earth until she sees Spike, and beside him Tara.

Eve flies done to Tara and gives her the event. Eve says, “Tara, I want you to go to the terrace where there is a bartender who knows what to do with this event. Then I want you to go to wherever he tells you to take it. Good luck Tara, I believe in you.”

Tara, upon seeing that there was no bartender named Buzz on her current terrace, descends outward and downwards in the bar system. She does this until she is at the lowest bar on the earth, the common_feature. There she see’s that there is a bartender named Buzz. she approaches him and asks if he knows what to do with the event. He says, “give me the event, I’ll handle it, don’t worry about it anymore”.

What Tara and the gods don’t know is that Buzz is a member of a subversive society called hack-the-humans. He has some secret code which he will run when he is activated by Tara’s event and awakened from nonexistence by Theo’s attention.

He carefully pulls his code out of his jacket pocket so nobody can see what he is doing, especially Eve, who he considers to be the worst kind of boss – a micromanager. He runs “print(“oven”);”, smiles, then destroys the event.

Meanwhile, Tara has gone back up the terrace system to rejoin Spike. He asks her what happened (even though he knows already) and she tells him that the bartender handled the event, to which he yells out “hook!” and is happy, because he doesn’t have to move. Instead he orders another drink.

Theo, the solipsist, sees that the work is done. He pulls his gaze from his universe, freezing it into non-existence, and puts all of his attention back onto the portal connecting him with you and me.

The buzz seems like a pointless feature, what’s going on?#

In the next iteration we will tie the buzz event to a timer. In this iteration I’m trying to focus on hooks in isolation to make them easier to understand.

Are entry and exit events hooks too?#

I can see why you asked this. It looks like they are, doesn’t it?

We can see this in the heating callback, which uses both an ENTRY_SIGNAL and an EXIT_SIGNAL:

 2def heating(oven, e):
 3  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 4  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 5    oven.heater_on()
 6    status = return_status.HANDLED
 7  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 8    oven.heater_off()
 9    status = return_status.HANDLED
10  else:
11 = door_closed
12    status = return_status.SUPER
13  return status

We see that the ENTRY_SIGNAL is caught by the if statement on line 4 and the status is set to return_status.HANDLED. Likewise the EXIT_SIGNAL is caught by line 7 and the status is set to return_status.HANDLED on line 9.

And this looks the same as our hook in the common_features callback:

 2def common_features(oven, e):
 3  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 4  if(e.signal == signals.Buzz):
 5    print("buzz")
 7    status = return_status.HANDLED
 8  else:
 9 =
10    status = return_status.SUPER
11  return status

So are the entry and exit events hooks?

No, they aren’t. If you don’t include the ENTRY_SIGNAL or EXIT_SIGNAL catches in the if-elif logical structure of your callback, the entry and exit events will not propagate outward to be handled by some super state; instead, these events will just be ignored.

If this weren’t the case, you would have to include the ENTRY_SIGNAL, EXIT_SIGNAL, not to mention the INIT_SIGNAL in every single callback in your design. That would be annoying.

Why are you showing two classes on the diagram?#

There are two classes on the diagram to show how we can test our design.

We would like to test the code that is specific for the hardware, on that hardware and we would like to be able to test the statechart’s statemachine anywhere where Python can run.


The ToasterOvenMock class is used to confirm that our statechart is working, and it can be run anywhere where Python can run, you can see the test code that confirms our design is working here.

The ToasterOven object would run on the computer inside of our toaster oven. The buzz, light_on, light_off, heater_on and heater_off methods of this ToasterOven object would call out to hardware abstraction layer.

What is a hardware abstraction layer?#

The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is code that separates your software from the hardware it runs on.

If we were building a real toaster oven, the code would run on a processor inside of the toaster oven. If you were making a toaster oven using the Raspberry Pi 3, this processor would be a quad-core ARM Cortext-A53 CPU. Any code running inside of a CPU that is shipped with the product, is called embedded code, because it’s embedded in the processor which is embedded in a product.

Typically embedded projects, put a layer of software between the code that provides the features that their customer’s want from the code that is needed to drive the CPU to do what it needs. This software acts as a buttress against the hardware. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to build, and it acts as cheap insurance for your company. But why would you want to protect your software from your CPU? It’s not the CPU you have to worry about, it’s the price of the CPU that you have to worry about.

Suppose that Larry Ellison, the guy currently shaking down the Java ecosystem, finds out that a lot of products have been built using the Raspberry Pi. He discovers companies like using the Raspberry Pi, because it is cheap, has a nice stable version of Linux and is easy to use. Smelling an opportunity, he buys up the Raspberry Pi foundation and immediately cranks up the price of the part from $35 to $500.

If we wrote our embedded code using a hardware abstraction layer, we could quickly port our code over to the BeagleBoard-X15, which has an ARM Cortext-At15 CPU and is also $35. Sure, it would cost us a bit of money to switch our hardware and re-write the hardware drivers and part of the HAL, but we would rather do that than lose $465 per unit.

Where is the hardware abstraction you listed in your title?#

In our design we present two different classes and an HSM.


The purpose of the ToasterOvenMock class is to give us the ability to watch how our statemachine would call out to the HAL as it reacts to different events.


The ToasterOvenMock object calls out to the spy instrumentation, which acts as a fake HAL. This fake HAL can be queried by our test code, to see if a call to the hardware was made when we needed it to be made.

The ToasterOvenMock object can be tested on your development machine, or on a continual integration server. Once its statemachine has been proven to work, you can confidently attach it to the ToasterOven object running on the computer embedded in your product.

So, the hardware abstraction described in the title of this iteration, is provided by the ToasterOvenMock and the code used to test it.

Why do you break the transition-tests apart from the other tests?#

The transition-tests confirm that we can transition between all of the different parts of the state machine:

from miros import stripped

# test helper functions
def trace_through_all_states():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  # Bake something
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  # Toast something
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  return oven.trace()

# Confirm our state transitions work as designed
trace_target = """
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.538413] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540290] [oven] e->Door_Open() off->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540534] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->off
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540825] [oven] e->Baking() off->baking
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541109] [oven] e->Door_Open() baking->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541393] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->baking
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541751] [oven] e->Toasting() baking->toasting
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542083] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting

with stripped(trace_target) as stripped_target, \
     stripped(trace_through_all_states()) as stripped_trace_result:

  for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
    assert(target == result)

They test the statemachine’s graphical structure, using the trace instrumentation.

They don’t test the statemachine’s hooks or the use of the ToasterOven’s methods.

The are pulled out from the other tests, that use the spy instrumentation to keep the test code organized into two different ways of thinking:

  1. Is the graph working?

  2. Is the statechart making the correct calls to the ToasterOven class when they need to be made?

Why don’t you just copy out your spy output and use it as the test target?#

You could do this, but then your tests would be testing the event processor too. I’m trying to show how you can test your code so that it is just coupled to your design and not to the design of the miros library.

Where did you get your trace-test-target, and what is going on with that stripped call?#

I got the trace-test-target by running a live trace on the code. I visually inspected it and convinced myself that it was working.

The stripped context manager pulls the time stamp off the front of the trace strings. Once you get rid of the timestamps you can compare a new trace output against and old trace output:

from miros import stripped

# test helper functions
def trace_through_all_states():
  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  # Bake something
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  # Toast something
  # Open the door
  # Close the door
  return oven.trace()

# Confirm our state transitions work as designed
trace_target = """
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.538413] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540290] [oven] e->Door_Open() off->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540534] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->off
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540825] [oven] e->Baking() off->baking
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541109] [oven] e->Door_Open() baking->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541393] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->baking
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541751] [oven] e->Toasting() baking->toasting
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542083] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting

with stripped(trace_target) as stripped_target, \
     stripped(trace_through_all_states()) as stripped_trace_result:

  for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
    assert(target == result)
Why don’t you just copy out your trace output and use it as a test target?#

The timestamps wouldn’t match, so your tests would always fail.

Your light_on, light_off … tests seem pretty light, are you sure you are testing these features?#

Let’s break down one of these tests, while looking at the toaster oven design:


Suppose we want to test that the heater will turn on when we toast or bake something. Let’s toast something, and run a test:

 1import re
 3# make an oven and put it into a heating state
 4def spy_on_heater_on():
 5  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 6  # The light should be turned off when we start
 7  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 8  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 9  time.sleep(0.01)
10  # turn our array into a paragraph
11  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
13# Confirm the heater turns on in a heating state
14assert'heater_on', spy_on_heater_on())

The highlighted code matches the heater_on string against the output of the spy_on_heater_on test helper. If this helper function weren’t a part of the assert statement, it would have outputted this string:

11<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
22<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)

So our test code: assert'heater_on', spy_on_heater_on()), just searches through a bunch of lines from our spy instrumentation and returns True if it sees, heater_on, which it does, so the test passes.

Should we now start our test again and send our statechart a Bake` event? No, that would be a waste of time. We tested that our transitions worked, so the graph is correct: Bake is inside of Heating. We tested that the entry condition of the heating state calls out to our heater_on() code in the ToasterOvenMock, the formalism of the Harel statecharts says if it happens for one thing inside of a state, it will happen for all things inside that state.

We are done testing this thing.

The light_on, light_off, heater_off and buzz tests follow a very similar pattern.

It is important to note that statecharts pack a lot of feature complexity into a very small amount of code. If you over-test your statecharts, your test code will quickly balloon in size. So use the statechart formalism to keep your test suites under control.

Iteration 5: time and one-shots#

Now we have two different software artifacts, the production code from which we can make our toaster oven and some test code we can use to verify its state machine.

In this iteration let’s add the dimension of time. Let’s have the buzzer sound 20 seconds after a Baking event and 10 seconds after a Toasting event.

Iteration 5 specification#

The toaster oven spec:

  • The toaster oven will have an oven light, which can be turned on and off

  • The toaster oven will have a heater, which can be turned on and off

  • It will have two different heating modes, baking which can bake a potato and toasting which can toast some bread

  • The toaster oven should start in the off state

  • The toaster can only heat when the door is closed

  • The toaster’s light should be off when the door is closed

  • The toaster should turn on its light when the door is opened

  • A customer should be able to open and close the door of our toaster oven

  • When a customer closes the door, the toaster oven should go back to behaving like it did before

  • While the toaster oven is in any state the customer should be able to press a buzzer which will get the attention of anyone nearby.

  • The buzzer will sound 20 seconds after a Baking event

  • The buzzer will sound 10 seconds after a Toasting event

Iteration 5 design#


Iteration 5 code#

  1import re
  2import time
  3from miros import Event
  4from miros import spy_on
  5from miros import signals
  6from datetime import datetime
  7from miros import ActiveObject
  8from miros import return_status
 10class ToasterOven(ActiveObject):
 13  BAKE_TIME_IN_SEC = 20
 15  def __init__(self, name, toast_time_in_sec=None, bake_time_in_sec=None):
 16    super().__init__(name)
 18    if toast_time_in_sec is None:
 19      toast_time_in_sec = ToasterOven.TOAST_TIME_IN_SEC
 20    if bake_time_in_sec is None:
 21      bake_time_in_sec = ToasterOven.BAKE_TIME_IN_SEC
 23    self.toast_time_in_sec = toast_time_in_sec
 24    self.bake_time_in_sec = bake_time_in_sec
 25    self.history = None
 27  def light_on(self):
 28    # call to your hardware's light_on driver
 29    pass
 31  def light_off(self):
 32    # call to your hardware's light_off driver
 33    pass
 35  def heater_on(self):
 36    # call to your hardware's heater on driver
 37    pass
 39  def heater_off(self):
 40    # call to your hardware's heater off driver
 41     pass
 43  def buzz(self):
 44    # call to your hardware's buzzer
 45    pass
 47class ToasterOvenMock(ToasterOven):
 48  def __init__(self, name, toast_time_in_sec=None, bake_time_in_sec=None):
 49    super().__init__(name, toast_time_in_sec, bake_time_in_sec)
 51  @staticmethod
 52  def prepend_trace_timestamp(string):
 53    '''Prepend the trace-style timestamp in front of a string
 55    **Args**:
 56       | ``string`` (str): a string you would like timestamped
 58    **Returns**:
 59       (string): datetime stamp prepended to input string
 61    **Example(s)**:
 63    .. code-block:: python
 65      ToasterOven.prepend_trace_timestamp("example")
 66      # => [2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] example
 68    '''
 69    return "[{}] {}".format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), string)
 71  @staticmethod
 72  def get_100ms_from_timestamp(timestamp_string):
 73    '''Get the 100ms part of a timestamp provided in the trace style
 75    **Args**:
 76       | ``timestamp_string`` (str): string with prepended timestamp
 78    **Returns**:
 79       | (string): The first three digits after the seconds decimal point
 80       | (None): If no match
 82    **Example(s)**:
 84    .. code-block:: python
 86      get_my_ms =  "[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] example"
 87      ToasterOven.prepend_trace_timestamp(get_my_ms) # => 542
 89    '''
 90    pattern = re.compile(r'\[.+\.([0-9]{3}).+\]')
 91    try:
 92      result =
 93    except:
 94      result = None
 95    return result
 97  @staticmethod
 98  def time_difference(time_1_string, time_2_string, modulo_base=None):
 99    '''Return the time difference between to ms readings of a timestamp
101    **Args**:
102       | ``time_1_string`` (str|int): part of a timestamp
103       | ``time_2_string`` (str|int): part of a timestamp
104       | ``modulo_base`` (int):  defaults to 1000, allows for time raps
106    **Returns**:
107       (int): (int(time_1_string) - int(time_2_string)) % modulo_base
109    **Example(s)**:
111    .. code-block:: python
113      # typical usage
114      ToasterOvenMock.time_difference('500', '300') #=> 200
115      ToasterOvenMock.time_difference('500', '300', modulo_base=1000) #=> 200
117      # time wrap
118      # time_1_string from 1.010
119      # time_2_string from 0.790
120      ToasterOvenMock.time_difference('010', '790') #=> 200
122    '''
123    if modulo_base is None:
124      modulo_base = 1000
125    time_1 = int(time_1_string)
126    time_2 = int(time_2_string)
127    diff = time_2 - time_1 if time_1 <= time_2 else (time_2 - time_1) % modulo_base
128    return diff
130  @staticmethod
131  def instrumentation_line_of_match(spy_or_trace, string):
132    '''Get the line from a instrumentation collection
134    **Args**:
135       | ``spy_or_trace`` (str|list): instrumentation output
136       | ``string`` (str): thing to search for in the instrumentation output
138    **Returns**:
139       (str): part of the instrumentation that matches the string
141    **Example(s)**:
143    .. code-block:: python
145      spy_of_trace = """
146        [2019-02-09 10:50:07.784989] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
147        [2019-02-09 10:50:07.785844] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting"""
149      ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(
150        spy_of_trace, "Toasting")
151      # => '[2019-02-09 10:50:07.785844] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting'
153    '''
154    result = None
155    i_list = spy_or_trace.split("\n") if type(spy_or_trace) is str else spy_or_trace
156    pattern = re.compile(string)
157    for line in i_list:
158      if
159        result = line
160        break
161    return result
163  def scribble(self, string):
164    '''prepend a scribble string with the trace instrumentation style timestamp
166    **Args**:
167       | ``string`` (str): String to add to the scribble
169    **Example(s)**:
171    .. code-block:: python
173       oven = ToasterOvenMock(name='oven')
175       # calls ActiveObject's scribble with something like:
176       # "[2019-02-09 10:50:07.785844] buzz"
177       oven.scribble("buzz")
179    '''
180    super().scribble(ToasterOvenMock.prepend_trace_timestamp(string))
182  def light_on(self):
183    self.scribble("light_on")
185  def light_off(self):
186    self.scribble("light_off")
188  def heater_on(self):
189    self.scribble("heater_on")
191  def heater_off(self):
192    self.scribble("heater_off")
194  def buzz(self):
195    self.scribble("buzz")
199def common_features(oven, e):
200  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
201  if(e.signal == signals.Buzz):
203    status = return_status.HANDLED
204  else:
205 =
206    status = return_status.SUPER
207  return status
210def door_closed(oven, e):
211  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
212  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
213    oven.light_off()
214    status = return_status.HANDLED
215  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
216    status = oven.trans(baking)
217  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
218    status = oven.trans(toasting)
219  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
220    status = oven.trans(off)
221  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
222    status = oven.trans(off)
223  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Open):
224    status = oven.trans(door_open)
225  else:
226 = common_features
227    status = return_status.SUPER
228  return status
231def heating(oven, e):
232  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
233  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
234    oven.heater_on()
235    status = return_status.HANDLED
236  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
237    oven.heater_off()
238    status = return_status.HANDLED
239  else:
240 = door_closed
241    status = return_status.SUPER
242  return status
245def baking(oven, e):
246  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
247  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
248    oven.history = baking
249    oven.post_lifo(
250      Event(signal=signals.Buzz),
251      times=1,
252      period=oven.bake_time_in_sec,
253      deferred=True
254    )
255    status = return_status.HANDLED
256  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
257    oven.cancel_events(
258      Event(signal=signals.Buzz)
259    )
260    status = return_status.HANDLED
261  else:
262 = heating
263    status = return_status.SUPER
264  return status
267def toasting(oven, e):
268  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
269  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
270    oven.history = toasting
271    oven.post_lifo(
272      Event(signal=signals.Buzz),
273      times=1,
274      period=oven.toast_time_in_sec,
275      deferred=True
276    )
277    status = return_status.HANDLED
278  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
279    oven.cancel_events(
280      Event(signal=signals.Buzz)
281    )
282    status = return_status.HANDLED
283  else:
284 = heating
285    status = return_status.SUPER
286  return status
289def off(oven, e):
290  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
291  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
292    oven.history = off
293    status = return_status.HANDLED
294  else:
295 = door_closed
296    status = return_status.SUPER
297  return status
300def door_open(oven, e):
301  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
302  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
303    oven.light_on()
304  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Close):
305    status = oven.trans(oven.history)
306  else:
307 = common_features
308    status = return_status.SUPER
309  return status

Iteration 5 proof#

Here are our test helpers

  1import re
  2from miros import stripped
  4def trace_through_all_states():
  5  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  6  oven.start_at(door_closed)
  7  # Open the door
  8  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
  9  # Close the door
 10  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Close))
 11  # Bake something
 12  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
 13  # Open the door
 14  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
 15  # Close the door
 16  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Close))
 17  # Toast something
 18  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 19  # Open the door
 20  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
 21  # Close the door
 22  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Close))
 23  time.sleep(0.01)
 24  return oven.trace()
 26def spy_on_light_on():
 27  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 28  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 29  # Open the door to turn on the light
 30  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
 31  time.sleep(0.01)
 32  # turn our array into a paragraph
 33  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 35def spy_on_light_off():
 36  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 37  # The light should be turned off when we start
 38  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 39  time.sleep(0.01)
 40  # turn our array into a paragraph
 41  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 43def spy_on_buzz():
 44  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 45  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 46  # Send the buzz event
 47  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Buzz))
 48  time.sleep(0.01)
 49  # turn our array into a paragraph
 50  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 52def spy_on_heater_on():
 53  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 54  # The light should be turned off when we start
 55  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 56  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 57  time.sleep(0.02)
 58  # turn our array into a paragraph
 59  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 61def spy_on_heater_off():
 62  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 63  # The light should be turned off when we start
 64  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 65  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 66  oven.clear_spy()
 67  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Off))
 68  time.sleep(0.01)
 69  # turn our array into a paragraph
 70  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 72def test_toaster_buzz_one_shot_timing():
 73  # set toasting time to 100 ms
 74  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven", toast_time_in_sec=0.100)
 75  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 76  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 78  time.sleep(0.106)
 80  trace_line = ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(oven.trace(), "Toasting")
 81  toasting_time_ms = int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(trace_line))
 83  spy_line = ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(oven.spy(), "buzz")
 84  buzz_time_ms = int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(spy_line))
 86  delay_in_ms = ToasterOvenMock.time_difference(toasting_time_ms, buzz_time_ms)
 88  # allow for 5 milliseconds of jitter (needed in jupyter)
 89  try:
 90    assert(100 <= delay_in_ms <= 105)
 91  except:
 92    print(delay_in_ms)
 94def test_baking_buzz_one_shot_timing():
 95  # set bake time to 200 ms
 96  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven", bake_time_in_sec=0.200)
 97  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 98  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
100  time.sleep(0.206)
102  trace_line = ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(oven.trace(), "Baking")
103  baking_time_ms = int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(trace_line))
105  spy_line = ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(oven.spy(), "buzz")
106  buzz_time_ms = int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(spy_line))
108  delay_in_ms = ToasterOvenMock.time_difference(baking_time_ms, buzz_time_ms)
110  # allow for 5 milliseconds of jitter (needed in jupyter)
111  try:
112    assert(200 <= delay_in_ms <= 205)
113  except:
114    print(delay_in_ms)

Calling our test helper functions to prove our design works:

 1import re
 2from miros import stripped
 4# Confirm our graph's structure
 5trace_target = """
 6[2019-02-04 06:37:04.538413] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
 7[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540290] [oven] e->Door_Open() off->door_open
 8[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540534] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->off
 9[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540825] [oven] e->Baking() off->baking
10[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541109] [oven] e->Door_Open() baking->door_open
11[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541393] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->baking
12[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541751] [oven] e->Toasting() baking->toasting
13[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542083] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
14[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting
17with stripped(trace_target) as stripped_target, \
18     stripped(trace_through_all_states()) as stripped_trace_result:
20  for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
21    assert(target == result)
23# Confirm the our statemachine is triggering the methods we want when we want them
24assert'light_off', spy_on_light_off())
26# Confirm our light turns on
27assert'light_on', spy_on_light_on())
29# Confirm the heater turns on
30assert'heater_on', spy_on_heater_on())
32# Confirm the heater turns off
33assert'heater_off', spy_on_heater_off())
35# Confirm our buzzer works
36assert'buzz', spy_on_buzz())
38# Confirm time features work

Iteration 5 questions#

What happens if they don’t take out there food after a buzz rings?#

The toaster oven would continue to cook. This will be fixed in the next iteration.

What is a one shot?#

It is the code that issues an event to the statechart at a predetermined time in the future.

Here is an example, when the following code is run, a Buzz event will be sent to the statechart in 10 seconds:

# send an Buzz event to this chart, 10 seconds from now

An event which is issued by a one shot looks just like any other event that has been received from outside of the statechart. Our design already accomodates Buzz events, they are handled by the common_features state.

How does a one shot work?#

Any post_fifo or post_lifo call with the period argument set, spawns another python daemonic-thread with an internal timer. It will issue as many events as indicated by the times argument; when it has completed its work, the thread will stop running and python will garbage collect it.


If the times argument is set to zero, the post_fifo or post_lifo will continue to post events until the program is stopped.

Why do you cancel the events in the exit states?#

The deferred one shot pushes a behavior into the future. its event will arrive as if it was posted from outside of the chart, with no regard for the chart’s current state. This can lead to some confusing behavior.

I’ll illustrate this with an example. Suppose we didn’t cancel our one-shot events upon leaving either the baking or toasting states:


Imagine that we toast something for 5 seconds, then quickly open and close the door, then immediately press the bake button.

5 seconds after this moment we would hear a buzz, then 10 seconds after that, then 20 seconds after that.

Without canceling our one shot, the diagram’s fidelity is reduced, because you can’t just see the behavior, instead you have to run a full simulation in your head.

However, if you cancel your one-shot upon exiting the state from which they were created, you will avoid these strange behaviours. When you look at the baking or toasting states, you will know that if the unit remains in these states for their respective one-shot times, the oven will behave as you expect it to.


Let’s re-imagine our scenario with the one-shot cancellations in the exit states of baking and toasting. We toast something for 5 seconds, open the door, close the door, then immediately press the bake button. The buzzer will sound in 20 seconds.

Typically, I cancel deferred events when exiting the states from which they were initiated. If you see a diagram where this isn’t the case; it might be a design bug, or at least an indication that you have to think harder to understand what is going on.

In the next iteration I will break this best-practice to make a different point.

Can you relate a one shot to the story?#

One-shot triggers and their cancellations can be initiated by any human when they talk to Spike or Tara.

The one shot is a kind of event gun (post_fifo or post_lifo) which invents a small universe then tears a portal to it. Through this portal, an event is placed in suspension for a given amount of time relative to our universe (a statechart has no such time dimension). The portal closes and the universe (holding the event) persists for the duration of time specified by the period argument. Once this time has elapsed, the event attaches itself into the portal that Theo is watching and the temporary universe is destroyed.

When Theo receives such an event he marvels at it, believing that it came from some other universe, which is true, but he has no idea that it was initiated by one of the humans in his own domain. He treats it as he would any other event.

If the one shot was initiated using a post_fifo call, the event will be placed at the last location available in the deque.


If the one shot was initiated by a post_lifo call, the event will barge its way to the front of the deque, shifting all other items to the right by one. Such a call will put the event immediately in front of Theo once its time has elapsed.


cancel_events can be thought of as a gun that shoots bullets that destroys bullets shot by other guns. A call to cancel_events will tear into the great beyond, looking for all of the one-shots that haven’t timed-out yet. If the event name of the one shot matches that which was fed to the cancel_events call, that universe is annihilated before its event can be presented Theo.

What is the remind pattern?#

When you invent an event within a statechart, then post it back into the same statechart, it is called the reminder pattern.

Why did you turn ToasterOvenMock into a subclass of ToasterOven?#

A ToasterOvenMock object is intended to test a ToasterOven and its attached statemachine.

In this iteration we introduced the toast_time_in_sec and bake_time_in_sec attributes to the ToasterOven, and they are referenced within the statemachine. This means that the ToasterOvenMock needs them too.

To avoid repeating myself, by defining these attributes in both classes, ToasterOvenMock inherits from the ToasterOven so I get these attributes automatically.

Why do you have docstrings in the test code and not elsewhere?#

I found the testing code a bit confusing so I added some documentation. You can see that I use some reStructuredText in my Docstring which adds some clutter.

When docstrings are written in this manner, then parsed and turned into html, they will produce a document that looks like this

What is jitter?#

“Jitter is the deviation from true periodicity of a presumable periodic signal, often in relation to a reference clock signal”. – Wikipedia

In our test code we try to produce two signals, one with a period of 100 ms and the other 200 ms. The signals only run once, but we still see evidence of jitter, because they arrive late.

We account for this lateness in our test code by providing some tolerance:

assert(100 <= delay_in_ms <= 105)
# ..
assert(200 <= delay_in_ms <= 205)


Our jitter is asymetric, an event will never arrive early; we slip into the future.

Why is your tolerance of jitter so high?#

I am testing this documentation using Jupyter (running in a web browser) which is talking to a CPython, Python implementation, which is running within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (wsl). The Jupyter web interface communicates with the Cpython interpreter using Json over the ZeroMQ messaging protocol.

The miros library uses Python threads, which is to say a single process on one CPU, that is shared between the threads. To avoid concurrency problems – deadlocks, priority-inversion etc, python uses something called the global interpreter lock (GIL).

So there is a lot of technology between my demonstration-code and the actual CPU and its timers. As a python programmer using Threads I really don’t get to have access to the precise time features offered by my computer; especially if I am running code in Jupyter.

If you need tight time tolerances consider using the QP framework without an OS.

How can I reduce the jitter?#

Well, don’t run your program in Jupyter for one. Consider using the qp framework or its derived farc framework in python.

In our design, we don’t really care about the 2-5 ms latency, because it is 0.02%-0.05% of the 10 second delay, and 0.01%-0.025% percent of the 20 second delay. Our customers won’t notice if they have to wait an additional 5 ms to hear their toaster oven buzz.

Iteration 6: Multi-Shot events and Payloads#

So far we have built a very basic toaster oven.

In this iteration we will add two new features:

  • The oven will buzz once when it is almost done.

  • When the oven has finished cooking, it will buzz twice and turn off.

Iteration 6 specification#

The toaster oven spec:

  • The toaster oven will have an oven light, which can be turned on and off

  • The toaster oven will have a heater, which can be turned on and off

  • It will have two different heating modes, baking which can bake a potato and toasting which can toast some bread

  • The toaster oven should start in the off state

  • The toaster can only heat when the door is closed

  • The toaster’s light should be off when the door is closed

  • The toaster should turn on its light when the door is opened

  • A customer should be able to open and close the door of our toaster oven

  • When a customer closes the door, the toaster oven should go back to behaving like it did before

  • The buzzer will sound 10 seconds after a Toasting event

  • The buzzer will sound 20 seconds after a Baking event

  • The toasting mode will cook for 10 seconds, then turn off

  • The baking mode will cook for 20 seconds, then turn off

  • One buzz means get ready, there is 1 second left

  • Two buzzes means something has finished cooking

  • Three buzzes means the white walkers are coming

Iteration 6 design#

If you can’t see the design in your browser, click on the diagram to look at the pdf file.


The entry condition of the baking state creates two deferred one-shot events, Get_Ready and Done. Each of these events contain a buzz specification as a payload.

When the Get_Ready event is received by the statechart, it creates a Buzz one-shot which fires immediately.

When the Done event is received, it creates a Buzz multishot (two buzzes) which begins firing immediately, then the oven turns off.

The toasting state behaves exactly like the baking state, except it has a different cook time. To avoid having code repetition, the code that is common between the baking and toasting states was pulled out of the statemachine and into the cook_time method of the ToasterOven.

Here is a timing diagram describing how the statechart timing relates to the hardware timing:


Iteration 6 code#

  1import re
  2import time
  3from miros import Event
  4from miros import spy_on
  5from miros import signals
  6from datetime import datetime
  7from miros import ActiveObject
  8from miros import return_status
  9from collections import namedtuple
 11BuzzSpec = namedtuple(
 12  "BuzzSpec", ['buzz_times'])
 14class ToasterOven(ActiveObject):
 17  BAKE_TIME_IN_SEC = 20
 18  PRE_TIME_SEC = 1
 21  def __init__(self, name,
 22    toast_time_in_sec=None,
 23    bake_time_in_sec=None,
 24    get_ready_sec=None,
 25    done_buzz_period_sec=None):
 27    super().__init__(name)
 29    if toast_time_in_sec is None:
 30      toast_time_in_sec = ToasterOven.TOAST_TIME_IN_SEC
 31    if bake_time_in_sec is None:
 32      bake_time_in_sec = ToasterOven.BAKE_TIME_IN_SEC
 33    if get_ready_sec is None:
 34      get_ready_sec = ToasterOven.PRE_TIME_SEC
 35    if done_buzz_period_sec is None:
 36      done_buzz_period_sec = ToasterOven.DONE_BUZZ_PERIOD_SEC
 38    self.toast_time_in_sec = toast_time_in_sec
 39    self.bake_time_in_sec = bake_time_in_sec
 40    self.get_ready_sec = get_ready_sec
 41    self.done_buzz_period_sec = done_buzz_period_sec
 42    self.history = None
 44  def light_on(self):
 45    # call to your hardware's light_on driver
 46    pass
 48  def light_off(self):
 49    # call to your hardware's light_off driver
 50    pass
 53  def heater_on(self):
 54    # call to your hardware's heater on driver
 55    pass
 57  def heater_off(self):
 58    # call to your hardware's heater off driver
 59     pass
 61  def buzz(self):
 62    # call to your hardware's buzzer
 63    pass
 65  def cook_time(self, time_in_sec):
 66    '''Produce ``Get_Ready`` and ``Done`` one-shot events with their respect Buzz
 67       specifications.
 69    **Note**:
 70       This code is used in both the baking and toasting states, so it was moved
 71       into the ToasterOven class to avoid repeating code in the statemachine.
 73    **Args**:
 74       | ``time_in_sec`` (float): the cooking time in seconds
 75    '''
 76    get_ready_sec = time_in_sec - self.get_ready_sec
 78    self.post_fifo(
 79      Event(signal=signals.Get_Ready, payload=BuzzSpec(buzz_times=1)),
 80      times=1,
 81      period=get_ready_sec,
 82      deferred=True)
 84    self.post_fifo(
 85      Event(signal=signals.Done, payload=BuzzSpec(buzz_times=2)),
 86      times=1,
 87      period=time_in_sec,
 88      deferred=True)
 91class ToasterOvenMock(ToasterOven):
 93  def __init__(self,
 94    name,
 95    toast_time_in_sec=None,
 96    bake_time_in_sec=None,
 97    get_ready_sec=None,
 98    done_buzz_period_sec=None):
100    super().__init__(name,
101      toast_time_in_sec,
102      bake_time_in_sec,
103      get_ready_sec,
104      done_buzz_period_sec)
106  @staticmethod
107  def prepend_trace_timestamp(string):
108    '''Prepend the trace-style timestamp in front of a string
110    **Args**:
111       | ``string`` (str): a string you would like timestamped
113    **Returns**:
114       (string): datetime stamp prepended to input string
116    **Example(s)**:
118    .. code-block:: python
120      ToasterOven.prepend_trace_timestamp("example")
121      # => [2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] example
123    '''
124    return "[{}] {}".format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), string)
126  @staticmethod
127  def get_100ms_from_timestamp(timestamp_string):
128    '''Get the 100ms part of a timestamp provided in the trace style
130    **Args**:
131       | ``timestamp_string`` (str): string with prepended timestamp
133    **Returns**:
134       | (string): The first three digits after the seconds decimal point
135       | (None): If no match
137    **Example(s)**:
139    .. code-block:: python
141      get_my_ms =  "[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] example"
142      ToasterOven.prepend_trace_timestamp(get_my_ms) # => 542
144    '''
145    pattern = re.compile(r'\[.+\.([0-9]{3}).+\]')
146    try:
147      result =
148    except:
149      result = None
150    return result
152  @staticmethod
153  def time_difference(time_1_string, time_2_string, modulo_base=None):
154    '''Return the time difference between to ms readings of a timestamp
156    **Args**:
157       | ``time_1_string`` (str|int): part of a timestamp
158       | ``time_2_string`` (str|int): part of a timestamp
159       | ``modulo_base`` (int):  defaults to 1000, allows for time raps
161    **Returns**:
162       (int): (int(time_1_string) - int(time_2_string)) % modulo_base
164    **Example(s)**:
166    .. code-block:: python
168      # typical usage
169      ToasterOvenMock.time_difference('500', '300') #=> 200
170      ToasterOvenMock.time_difference('500', '300', modulo_base=1000) #=> 200
172      # time wrap
173      # time_1_string from 1.010
174      # time_2_string from 0.790
175      ToasterOvenMock.time_difference('010', '790') #=> 200
177    '''
178    if modulo_base is None:
179      modulo_base = 1000
180    time_1 = int(time_1_string)
181    time_2 = int(time_2_string)
182    diff = time_2 - time_1 if time_1 <= time_2 else (time_2 - time_1) % modulo_base
183    return diff
185  @staticmethod
186  def instrumentation_line_of_match(spy_or_trace, string):
187    '''Get the line from a instrumentation collection
189    **Args**:
190       | ``spy_or_trace`` (str|list): instrumentation output
191       | ``string`` (str): thing to search for in the instrumentation output
193    **Returns**:
194       (str): part of the instrumentation that matches the string
196    **Example(s)**:
198    .. code-block:: python
200      spy_of_trace = """
201        [2019-02-09 10:50:07.784989] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
202        [2019-02-09 10:50:07.785844] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting"""
204      ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(
205        spy_of_trace, "Toasting")
206      # => '[2019-02-09 10:50:07.785844] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting'
208    '''
209    result = None
210    i_list = spy_or_trace.split("\n") if type(spy_or_trace) is str else spy_or_trace
211    pattern = re.compile(string)
212    for line in i_list:
213      if
214        result = line
215        break
216    return result
218  def scribble(self, string):
219    '''prepend a scribble string with the trace instrumentation style timestamp
221    **Args**:
222       | ``string`` (str): String to add to the scribble
224    **Example(s)**:
226    .. code-block:: python
228       oven = ToasterOvenMock(name='oven')
230       # calls ActiveObject's scribble with something like:
231       # "[2019-02-09 10:50:07.785844] buzz"
232       oven.scribble("buzz")
234    '''
235    super().scribble(ToasterOvenMock.prepend_trace_timestamp(string))
237  def light_on(self):
238    self.scribble("light_on")
240  def light_off(self):
241    self.scribble("light_off")
243  def heater_on(self):
244    self.scribble("heater_on")
246  def heater_off(self):
247    self.scribble("heater_off")
249  def buzz(self):
250    if self.live_spy == False:
251      output = ToasterOvenMock.prepend_trace_timestamp("buzz")
252      print(output)
253    self.scribble("buzz")
257def common_features(oven, e):
258  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
259  if(e.signal == signals.Buzz):
261    status = return_status.HANDLED
262  else:
263 =
264    status = return_status.SUPER
265  return status
268def door_closed(oven, e):
269  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
270  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
271    oven.light_off()
272    status = return_status.HANDLED
273  elif(e.signal == signals.Baking):
274    status = oven.trans(baking)
275  elif(e.signal == signals.Toasting):
276    status = oven.trans(toasting)
277  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
278    status = oven.trans(off)
279  elif(e.signal == signals.Off):
280    status = oven.trans(off)
281  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Open):
282    status = oven.trans(door_open)
283  else:
284 = common_features
285    status = return_status.SUPER
286  return status
289def heating(oven, e):
290  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
291  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
292    oven.heater_on()
293    status = return_status.HANDLED
294  elif(e.signal == signals.Get_Ready):
295    oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Buzz),
296      times=e.payload.buzz_times,
297      period=oven.done_buzz_period_sec,
298      deferred=False)
299    status = return_status.HANDLED
300  elif(e.signal == signals.Done):
301    oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Buzz),
302      times=e.payload.buzz_times,
303      period=oven.done_buzz_period_sec,
304      deferred=False)
305    status = oven.trans(off)
306  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
307    oven.heater_off()
308    status = return_status.HANDLED
309  else:
310 = door_closed
311    status = return_status.SUPER
312  return status
315def baking(oven, e):
316  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
317  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
318    oven.history = baking
319    oven.cook_time(oven.bake_time_in_sec)
320    status = return_status.HANDLED
321  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
322    oven.cancel_events(Event(signal=signals.Done))
323    oven.cancel_events(Event(signal=signals.Get_Ready))
324    status = return_status.HANDLED
325  else:
326 = heating
327    status = return_status.SUPER
328  return status
331def toasting(oven, e):
332  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
333  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
334    oven.history = toasting
335    oven.cook_time(oven.toast_time_in_sec)
336    status = return_status.HANDLED
337  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
338    oven.cancel_events(Event(signal=signals.Done))
339    oven.cancel_events(Event(signal=signals.Get_Ready))
340    status = return_status.HANDLED
341  else:
342 = heating
343    status = return_status.SUPER
344  return status
347def off(oven, e):
348  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
349  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
350    oven.history = off
351    status = return_status.HANDLED
352  else:
353 = door_closed
354    status = return_status.SUPER
355  return status
358def door_open(oven, e):
359  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
360  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
361    oven.light_on()
362  elif(e.signal == signals.Door_Close):
363    status = oven.trans(oven.history)
364  else:
365 = common_features
366    status = return_status.SUPER
367  return status
369if __name__ == '__main__':
371  # reduce our time delays so we don't have
372  # to wait while we are testing
373  oven = ToasterOvenMock(
374    name="oven",
375    toast_time_in_sec=1.0,
376    bake_time_in_sec=2.0,
377    get_ready_sec=0.10,
378    done_buzz_period_sec=0.05)
380  oven.live_spy = True
382  # start our oven in the door_closed state
383  oven.start_at(door_closed)
385  # Toast something
386  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
388  # Let it finish toasting
389  time.sleep(2)
391  # Bake something
392  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
394  # let it finish backing
395  time.sleep(3)

Iteration 6 proof#

Our design hasn’t changed that much, but is the part that we changed working?


Let’s give it some time parameters, turn on the trace and look at the output. To avoid a long feedback cycle we will test in milliseconds.

 1toast_time = 0.1  # 100 ms
 2bake_time = 0.2  # 200 ms
 3get_ready_sec = 0.05  # 50 ms
 4done_buzz_period_sec = 0.01  # 10 ms
 6oven = ToasterOvenMock(
 7  name="oven",
 8  toast_time_in_sec=toast_time,
 9  bake_time_in_sec=bake_time,
10  get_ready_sec=get_ready_sec,
11  done_buzz_period_sec=done_buzz_period_sec)
12oven.live_trace = True

This results in something like this:

[2019-02-17 11:32:54.844655] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
[2019-02-17 11:32:54.845782] [oven] e->Toasting() off->toasting
[2019-02-17 11:32:54.897128] buzz
[2019-02-17 11:32:54.948089] [oven] e->Done() toasting->off
[2019-02-17 11:32:54.948708] buzz
[2019-02-17 11:32:54.958674] buzz

These results match the “Statchmachine Timing” characteristics of our timing diagram:


Here is a sequence diagram of the output:

[Statechart: oven]
      top            off         toasting
       +--start_at()->|              |
       |     (1)      |              |
       |              +--Toasting()->|
       |              |     (2)      |
       |              |              | buzz(3)
       |              |              |
       |              +<---Done()----|
       |              |     (4)      | buzz(5)
       |              |              | buzz(6)
       |              |              |
  1. Starting the oven

  2. Sending the toasting event at 845 ms

  3. Get ready buzz event at 897 ms. 897, roughly (845 + 100-50)

  4. The toasting is Done at 948 ms. 948, roughly (845 + 100)

  5. First off buzz event at 949 ms, telling the user the oven is done cooking. 949, roughly (845 + 100)

  6. Second off buzz event at 959 ms, telling the user the oven is done cooking. 959, roughly (845 + 100 + 10)

Our preliminary check tells us things are working.

Here is a complete test:

  1import re
  2from miros import stripped
  4def trace_through_all_states():
  5  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
  6  oven.start_at(door_closed)
  7  # Open the door
  8  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
  9  # Close the door
 10  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Close))
 11  # Bake something
 12  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
 13  # Open the door
 14  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
 15  # Close the door
 16  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Close))
 17  # Toast something
 18  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 19  # Open the door
 20  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
 21  # Close the door
 22  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Close))
 23  time.sleep(0.01)
 24  return oven.trace()
 26def spy_on_light_on():
 27  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 28  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 29  # Open the door to turn on the light
 30  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Door_Open))
 31  time.sleep(0.01)
 32  # turn our array into a paragraph
 33  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 35def spy_on_light_off():
 36  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 37  # The light should be turned off when we start
 38  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 39  time.sleep(0.01)
 40  # turn our array into a paragraph
 41  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 43def spy_on_buzz():
 44  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 45  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 46  # Send the buzz event
 47  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Buzz))
 48  time.sleep(0.01)
 49  # turn our array into a paragraph
 50  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 52def spy_on_heater_on():
 53  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 54  # The light should be turned off when we start
 55  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 56  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 57  time.sleep(0.02)
 58  # turn our array into a paragraph
 59  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 61def spy_on_heater_off():
 62  oven = ToasterOvenMock(name="oven")
 63  # The light should be turned off when we start
 64  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 65  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
 66  oven.clear_spy()
 67  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Off))
 68  time.sleep(0.01)
 69  # turn our array into a paragraph
 70  return "\n".join(oven.spy())
 72def test_buzz_timing():
 73  # Test in the range of ms so we don't have to wait around for results
 74  toast_time, bake_time = 0.1, 0.2
 75  get_ready_sec = 0.01
 76  done_buzz_period_sec = 0.03
 78  oven = ToasterOvenMock(
 79    name="oven",
 80    toast_time_in_sec=toast_time,
 81    bake_time_in_sec=bake_time,
 82    get_ready_sec=get_ready_sec,
 83    done_buzz_period_sec=done_buzz_period_sec)
 85  # start our oven in the door_closed state
 86  oven.start_at(door_closed)
 88  # Buzz timing testing specifications and helper functions
 89  TS = namedtuple('TargetAndToleranceSpec', ['desc', 'offset', 'tolerance'])
 91  def make_test_spec(cook_time_sec, get_ready_sec, done_buzz_period_sec, tolerance_in_ms=3):
 92    "create as specification where define everything in ms"
 93    ts = [
 94      TS(desc="get ready buzz",
 95        offset=1000*(cook_time_sec-get_ready_sec),
 96        tolerance=tolerance_in_ms),
 97      TS(desc="first done buzz" ,
 98        offset=1000*(cook_time_sec),
 99        tolerance=tolerance_in_ms),
100      TS(desc="second done buzz",
101        offset=1000*(cook_time_sec+done_buzz_period_sec),
102        tolerance=tolerance_in_ms)]
103    return ts
105  def test_buzz_events(test_type, start_time, spec, buzz_times):
106    for (desc, offset, tolerance), buzz_time in zip(spec, buzz_times):
108      # only keep track of ms, allow for wrapping of time
109      bottom_bound = (start_time+offset-tolerance) % 1000
110      top_bound = (start_time+offset+tolerance) % 1000
112      # allow for wrapping of time
113      if bottom_bound > top_bound:
114        bottom_bound -= 1000
115      try:
116        assert(bottom_bound <= float(buzz_time) <= top_bound)
117      except:
118        # if you land here try increasing your tolerance
119        print("FAILED: testing {} {}".format(test_type, desc))
120        print("{} <= {} <= {}".format(bottom_bound, buzz_time, top_bound))
122  toasting_buzz_test_spec = make_test_spec(toast_time, get_ready_sec, done_buzz_period_sec)
124  # Toast something
125  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Toasting))
126  time.sleep(1)
127  trace_line = ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(oven.trace(), "Toasting")
128  toasting_time_ms = int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(trace_line))
129  buzz_times = [int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(line)) for
130                line in re.findall(r'\[.+\] buzz', "\n".join(oven.spy()))]
131  test_buzz_events('toasting', toasting_time_ms, toasting_buzz_test_spec, buzz_times)
133  # clear the spy and trace logs for another test
134  oven.clear_spy()
135  oven.clear_trace()
137  baking_buzz_test_spec = make_test_spec(bake_time, get_ready_sec, done_buzz_period_sec)
139  # Bake something
140  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
141  time.sleep(1)
142  oven.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.Baking))
143  trace_line = ToasterOvenMock.instrumentation_line_of_match(oven.trace(), "Baking")
144  baking_time_ms = int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(trace_line))
145  buzz_times = [int(ToasterOvenMock.get_100ms_from_timestamp(line)) for
146                line in re.findall(r'\[.+\] buzz', "\n".join(oven.spy()))]
147  test_buzz_events('baking', baking_time_ms, baking_buzz_test_spec, buzz_times)
149# Confirm our graph's structure
150trace_target = """
151[2019-02-04 06:37:04.538413] [oven] e->start_at() top->off
152[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540290] [oven] e->Door_Open() off->door_open
153[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540534] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->off
154[2019-02-04 06:37:04.540825] [oven] e->Baking() off->baking
155[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541109] [oven] e->Door_Open() baking->door_open
156[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541393] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->baking
157[2019-02-04 06:37:04.541751] [oven] e->Toasting() baking->toasting
158[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542083] [oven] e->Door_Open() toasting->door_open
159[2019-02-04 06:37:04.542346] [oven] e->Door_Close() door_open->toasting
162with stripped(trace_target) as stripped_target, \
163     stripped(trace_through_all_states()) as stripped_trace_result:
165  for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
166    assert(target == result)
168# Confirm the our statemachine is triggering the methods we want when we want them
169assert'light_off', spy_on_light_off())
171# Confirm our light turns on
172assert'light_on', spy_on_light_on())
174# Confirm the heater turns on
175assert'heater_on', spy_on_heater_on())
177# Confirm the heater turns off
178assert'heater_off', spy_on_heater_off())
180# Confirm our buzzer works
181assert'buzz', spy_on_buzz())
183# Confirm the buzzer timing features are working

Iteration 6 questions#

Do you really test things like this?#

No. I mostly rely on the spy and trace instrumentation to determine if a design is working or not.

The graph confirmation and mock tests seem like a good idea to me; these can be added to a regression test without a lot of effort. They won’t slow down development progress and they aren’t tightly coupled to the specifics of the implementation.

This can not be said for the timing tests. They are expensive, because you need to:

  • parameterize your timing features so you can reduce the time it takes to make the test. (complexity is added to make the system testable)

  • add tunable tolerancing to account for task jitter

  • manage time wrapping when testing in the millisecond domain

  • explain how the test works to a maintenance developer in your docstrings.

The burden of carrying these tests may outweigh the benefits they offer.

It is a worthwhile investment to pay the high cost of such rigorous regression tests, when it is difficult to decouple a system for debugging purposes. It also makes sense when you can’t see your code with a debugger, like if you are meta-programming with Ruby. As far as I can tell the test everything ethos came from this community.

But if you are using the statechart architectural pattern, it is trivial to build up an elaborate design using small and knowable parts, each part having its own diagram and rich instrumentation. If you need to debug something, you can just drop into that part of the system and look at its picture to understand how it works, then test it in isolation to see if it’s misbehaving.

Do you typically use timing diagrams with your design?#

No. I think they look good, but they quickly add to your technical debt. So only use them if you need them.

To explain what I mean consider what would happen if I change the number of buzzes used to tell someone their food is done, from 2 to 3. Now I have to remember to go back into the timing diagram and mess about with the drawn pulses, I have to re-size the picture and make sure all of the words fit. I’m not adding a lot of value here and this work would slow me down.

In comparison, to change the number of pulses from 2 to 3 in the statechart diagram I would update one character in its picture, and I would be done.


Timing diagrams should be generative; they should automatically be constructed from the instrumentation output. I did this work for the construction of the sequence diagrams but I did not do it for the timing diagrams.

How do you generate the ASCII sequence diagrams from the trace?#

You can read about that here.

What is a payload?#

The payload is the thing within the event. You can use this to pass whatever information you want between threads. In our case we use a payload to describe the number of buzz pulses: The event is passed from the statechart to a one shot thread and then from the one shot thread back to the statechart. When the statechart receives the Get_Ready or Done events, it can look within those event payloads to get the number of times we want the buzzer to pulse:

# e is the event
Why do you use a namedtuple to make a payload?#

Nametuples are immutable and they are easy to make and describe; they make great payload data structures. You don’t have to use a namedtuple; but I advise that you use something immutable.

Why should payloads be immutable?#

Immutable means that it can’t be changed once it’s written. This immutability is precisely what we want because we are sharing information between two different threads which operate at different times and have no knowledge of one another. If both threads try to change the information they share, as some underlying process task-switches between them, the information will become scrambled for both threads.

You can see how this could lead to a nasty bug. These kinds of bugs appear to happen randomly; so they are extremely difficult to reproduce and fix. In fact, this is why people advise against the use of threads.

If you do share memory between threads, you need to provide a locking mechanism.


This is what the GIL does in Python, it’s a locking mechanism that has gotten a lot of bad press.

Or, you can take a Charlie Munger approach and just pre-avoid the mistake:

Miros doesn’t share memory, so it doesn’t use a locking mechanism, it just copies the data from one thing into the queue of another thing. But, there is a chance that Python won’t actually make a copy of your data, it might use a reference (I can’t claim to understand the implementation details of Python memory management.)

So to pre-lock all of your data in the payload, use an immutable data structure. If you can’t change the data once it is written, you can’t have a bug. This is why namedtuples are great event payloads.

Can you explain the timing diagram?#

The timing diagram contains two signals: the “hardware Timing” as the blue line and the “Statemachine Timing” as the red line. The horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis represents voltage.

Monitoring a voltage change on the hardware makes sense but it doesn’t really make sense when we are thinking about the statemachine. So we need to wave our hands and pretend we have peppered hardware-bit-toggling code through out the statemachine and we are monitoring the output of its pin’s voltage with an oscilloscope. We aren’t going to do this, but you know it is possible. If it where added to the code, the results would be used to construct the “Statemachine Timing” signal.

The positive edge would map to the post_fifo call initiating the oneshot and the negative edge would map to the moment the task managing the one shot began to run.


The “thread start latency” is the time between when we want to initiate a one-shot or multi-shot task, and when it actually starts. This latency might be very small, but it will always be there.


This “thread start latency” will very depending upon which version of python you run, your os, your hardware etc. It will not be reliably consistent. If you need tight time tolerancing switch to qp.

Here is the timing diagram with the code that initiates the timing.


The diagram displays two different kinds of deferred event patterns. The “Get_Ready Oneshot” and “Done Oneshot” events occur sometime after they are initiated, they are deferred.

This is not true for the buzz one-shot and multi-shot, they trigger almost immediately after being started.