Orthogonal Regions#

The code for this example can be found here.

As your products scale and your designs get more complicated you will experience State space explosion. The number of states that are needed to make your system combinatorially mix so that it becomes impractical to test all paths of possible behaviour.

State space explosion also describes a situation where you can no longer comprehend your design because it has become too complicated. Your chosen design abstraction has been outpaced by the size of your problem, and you can’t compress the picture of your system into a small enough diagram to understand it.

This scale-to-bafflement rate is dependent upon your choice of abstraction. It will happen quickly if you use finite state machines as your primary design tool. You can hold it off a bit longer by switching to a hierarchical state machine design approach; common behaviours are mapped into outer states, but this can only take you so far. At some point, you must chunk your design into concurrent pieces that interact.

Concurrent state machines mix combinatorially, giving you an abstraction which scales without needing pages and pages to draw out your idea. Concurrent statecharts give you state space compression.

David Harel’s original statechart paper addressed state space explosion by inventing the orthogonal region. Orthogonal regions pictorially describe concurrency within an HSM.

But the orthogonal region abstraction was not supported in Miro Samek’s statechart algorithm (used by this library), for performance reasons. Instead he offered up orthogonal components; HSMs acting as variables within other HSMs.

In this example, I will show you what an orthogonal region is and why you would use it. Then we will map the orthogonal region behaviour into a Python program using existing miros features. We will be using the orthogonal components mixed with a Factory to satisfy an “orthogonal regions” behavioural description written as part of the SCXML standard.

Our example will be instrumented so we can see it working as it runs.

The SCXML standard describes an orthogonal region statechart similar to this:



Click the above diagram to see a larger version.

The parallel CSXML parallel regions document is full of mistakes, but written well enough to describe how orthogonal regions should behave.

Let’s break the above UML diagram away from its supporting XML:


The dotted line describes two orthogonal regions within the p state which will both become active when the p state is entered. This means that when the p state is entered, the init events will ensure that both S11 and S21 will both become active states. In the case that the statechart receives a to_outer event while in the p state, the exit behaviour in both orthogonal regions will be followed until the p state is exited: S11 exit code will run, the S1 Region exit code will run, then the S21 exit code will run and the S2 Region exit code will run.


David Harel’s statechart paper does not describe regions as having entry and exit conditions. If you do not want to support such a thing (because they may not appear in a standard), don’t add them to your design.

The power of the orthogonal region comes from its multiplicative feature. The number of state combinations within p is the product of the number of states in each region: 3*3 = 9 (counting the final pseudostates):


The Active State combinations within p are:

(S11, S21) (S11, S22) (S11, S2_final) (S12, S21) (S12, S22) (S12, S2_final) (S1_final, S21) (S1_final, S22) (S1_final, S2_final)

This multiplicative property holds true for any concurrency mechanism, whether it be concurrent statecharts (with publish/subscribe) or with the orthogonal component pattern.

David Harel’s way of drawing concurrency fits nicely onto a diagram. Moreover, to have concurrency (with its multiplicative ability to compact design complexity) in part of the design while having it go away in another part of the design is a beautiful form of state space compression.

If you take the time to read the expected behaviour for orthogonal regions in the CSXML standard you will see that a “final” event can be defined when all of the regions within p have entered their final state (the circle with the black dot). The diagram’s p_final arrow describes what should happen when both the S1 and S2 regions have finished.

Constructing Orthogonal Regions with Miros#

We will write some Python code which maps the miros feature set onto this design such that its behaviours match those described in the SCXML standard.


We will verify that our design works by:

  • starting the statechart and confirming it has moved into the outer_state

  • posting a to_p event and confirm that both S11 and S21 are eventually entered.

  • posting an e4 and confirming that S11 transitions into S12 but that the other active region remains in the S21 state.

  • posting an e1 and confirming that S12 transitions into the S1 Region final state and that S12 transitions into S22 in the S2 Region.

  • posting a to_outer and confirming that the two active states collapse into one active state, and that all of the expected exit conditions are run; In Region S1, the S1 region exit condition is run and in Region S2, the exit condition for S22 is run then the exit condition for Region S2 is run. After the p region has been exited, the statechart will ultimately land in the outer_state.

  • re-posting e4 and then e1 with the same expected behaviour listed above.

  • posting an e2 event which while S1 Region is in its final state and the S2 region is in its S22 state. This e2 event will cause the S2 Region to enter its final state too. Since both final states have been entered, the chart should post a p_final to itself. This will cause the exit conditions of the S1 Region and S2 Region to trigger, the two active states will collapse into one. The p_final event will cause a transition into the some_other_state who’s entry condition should trigger.

We would like the statechart to describe its behaviour in a log file, so that we can confirm it is working.

The design should be sub-classable in the case that we want to change its behaviour.

As far as I know there is no UML shorthand for two final states in a orthogonal region conspiring to post an event to itself, so our design diagram will explicitly describe this behaviour in code.

High Level Strategy to Build Orthogonal Regions with miros#


The statechart will have one thread, and the orthogonal regions described within p will be driven by this thread using the orthogonal component pattern. Each region will be an object derived from the HsmWithQueues class, which provides all of the HSM dynamics and access to the post_fifo and complete_circuit methods. While in the p state, the outer statechart will dispatch e1, e2 and e4 by posting into the queues of the S1 Region and the S2 Region.

Each Region will be given an outer and a regions attribute. The outer attribute will be a reference to the outer statechart running the thread, which will be an object derived from the Factory class. Using this outer attribute, either region can post an event back into its outer statechartThis will be needed for the p_final signal to work. The regions attribute will contain references to the other regions sharing the same orthogonal region area of the chart. Information about the other region’s final state will be needed to determine if it is time to post the p_final event into the outer statechart. The outer attribute will also be used by a region to channel its instrumentation stream back into the main statechart’s instrumentation stream.

Two hidden states will be constructed, one for each region. This is needed so that the regions can exit without re-triggering their init signals. For instance if Region S2 was in S22 when outer chart received a to_outer event, we would expect this region to run its S22 exit condition, then run the Region S2 exit condition then stop. However, if we only caused a transition into the Region S2 state, the region’s init signal would re-fire and the region would enter the S21 state. This is not what we want, so we invent a hidden outer state for the region. To get the desired exit behaviours resulting from the to_outer event we trigger a second, hidden-event which will cause a transition into the hidden outer state for the region. By doing this the exit conditions for a region will work as expected.

To make the instrumentation legible, we will wrap some code around the spy_on decorator used to instrument the S1 and S2 regions. This code will route a region’s spy instrumentation into the main statechart’s spy instrumentation stream. Since we are doing this we can remove any references to hidden outer states to avoid cluttering up our spy stream. The instrumentation will be written to a log file by registering a spy function handler with the main state chart.

The code used to start the chart, and its regions will be written as a method of the main statechart. Each of the regions will be pre-started in their hidden states to keep the code needed to enter the p state as simple as possible. By pulling the start code out of the __init__ method of the main chart, we can subclass the main chart without starting its thread when super is called within the subclass’ __init__ method.

Orthogonal Regions Using Orthogonal Components#

The behaviour described with this diagram:


Can be manifested this way using miros:


If you would like to compare the diagram to the code, the code is available here.

To run the code:

python3 ./examples/xml_chart.py

This will generate an instrumentation stream in xml_chart.log.

To view the instrumentation as the code is running:

tail -f ./examaples/xml_chart.log.

Now I will do a walk through of the code starting from the orthogonal regions then I will talk about the XMLChart (right to left on the diagram).

Orthogonal Components As Regions#

The Regions class will be derived from the HsmWithQueues class.


The two region orthogonal components will be constructed in the __init__ method of the XMLChart like so:

 class XmlChart(InstrumentedFactory):
   def __init__(self, name, live_trace=None, live_spy=None):
   super().__init__(name, live_trace=live_trace, live_spy=live_spy)

   self.p_regions = []
   for region in self.p_regions:
     for _region in self.p_regions:
   # ...

Each region will have to have a reference to its outer state chart and a reference to all regions. You can see this in the UML diagram as white-diamond arrows (Aggregation arrows in UML-speak). The white diamond arrow describes a “has a” relationship: A region “has many” other regions and “has an” outer state chart. These relationships are established in the __init__ code of the XMLChart which constructs each region object (see the above listing).

The reference to the other regions is needed to determine if all regions are in their final state. If they are, then p_final event must be placed in the outer statechart’s event queue. To do this a reference to the outer statechart is required.

A region’s state machine will be defined in the flat method style and will be instrumented with the @instrumented decorator which will be described shortly.


Here is the S1 Region’s HSM code:

def s1_hidden_region(r, e):
  '''A hidden state which permits the exit feature of the
     s1_region to work.

       This will not appear in the spy instrumentation

       | ``p`` (HsmWithQueues): Hsm with queues with no thread
       | ``e`` (Event): event

       (type): return_status
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.to_p):
    status = r.trans(s1_region)
    r.temp.fun = r.top
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def s1_region(r, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = r.trans(s11)
  elif(e.signal == signals.region_exit):
    status = r.trans(s1_hidden_region)
    r.temp.fun = s1_hidden_region
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def s11(r, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.e4):
    status = r.trans(s12)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    r.temp.fun = s1_region
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def s12(r, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.e1):
    status = r.trans(s1_region_final)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    r.temp.fun = s1_region
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def s1_region_final(r, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    r.final = True
  elif(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    r.final = False
    r.temp.fun = s1_region
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

The S2 Region state machine will be very similar to the above listing.

To start the regions, code will be added to the start method of the XMLChart class such that the XMLChart can be instantiated, then started like this:

example = XmlChart(
  'parallel', live_spy=True, live_trace=True

The XMLChart start method will look like this:

def start(self):
  for region in self.p_regions:

  return self

The reason that the start_at methods are broken out of the __init__ call is to make the XMLChart subclassable. It is important to tease apart the class definition from code that starts a thread, otherwise the super keyword can become very dangerous later on. We don’t want to call the start_at method from within the main function, since we are trying to data-hide how the state machine works.

As previously mentioned, we pre-start the orthogonal regions into their hidden states before they are needed to keep the p entry state code simple within the XMLChart state machine.

The Regions class contains a name, a starting state so that a subclass can change how it is used, a final_event so that the XMLChart class can tell its components what event to fire when they are done. It has an instrumented attribute which can be set to False once we know the chart works and we want to speed up the code and a final bool used to track if the component is in its final state. The regions list will contain a list to all regions within p, including a reference to itself.


Here is the Region class code:

class Region(HsmWithQueues):

  def __init__(self,
    name, starting_state, outer, final_event, instrumented=True):
    '''Region management for othogonal regions

       | ``name`` (str): name of the region
       | ``starting_state`` (str): name of the starting
       |   state of the region
       | ``outer`` (Factory): The statechart which will be
       |   using this region.
       | ``final_event`` (Event): The event used to finalize
       |   the region.
       | ``instrumented=True`` (bool): Need if you want to
       |   view the spy instrumention

       (Region): a region in the statechart


    .. code-block:: python

      self.s1_region = Region(

    self.name = name
    self.starting_state = starting_state
    self.outer = outer
    self.final_event = final_event
    self.instrumented = instrumented

    self.final = False
    self.regions = []

  def post_p_final_to_outer_if_ready(self):
    ready = False if self.regions is None and len(self.regions) < 1 else True
    for region in self.regions:
      ready &= True if region.final else False
    if ready:

The post_p_final_to_outer_if_ready worker function, iterates through all of the regions and if they are all in a final state will post the final_event, p_final provided by an argument to the __init__ function. It is within this worker function that we see how a region references other regions and uses its reference to the outer statechart to post events to it.

The InstrumentedFactory#

The XMLChart subclasses from the InstrumentedFactory.


The InstrumentedFactory instruments a miros factory class. It creates an xml_chart.log file then registers a spy and trace callback handler for the statechart to use.

class InstrumentedFactory(Factory):
  def __init__(self, name, *, log_file=None, live_trace=None, live_spy=None):
    self.live_trace = False if live_trace == None else live_trace
    self.live_spy = False if live_spy == None else live_spy
    self.log_file = 'xml_chart.log' if log_file == None else log_file


      format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s',


  def trace_callback(self, trace):
    '''trace without datetimestamp'''
    trace_without_datetime = re.search(r'(\[.+\]) (\[.+\].+)', trace).group(2)
    logging.debug("T: " + trace_without_datetime)

  def spy_callback(self, spy):
    '''spy with machine name pre-pending'''
    logging.debug("S: [{}] {}".format(self.name, spy))

  def clear_log(self):
    with open(self.log_file, "w") as fp:

Main Statechart as XMLChart#

We call our main chart the XMLChart because we are deriving its behaviour from the SCXML specification. It doesn’t actually consume or produce any XML.

The XMLChart has two Region orthogonal components which it defines in its __init__ method.


Here is the XMLChart written as Python:

class XmlChart(InstrumentedFactory):
  def __init__(self, name, live_trace=None, live_spy=None):
    '''Example of othogonal regions described in the CSXML

       | ``name`` (type1):
       | ``live_trace=None``: enable live_trace feature?
       | ``live_spy=None``: enable live_spy feature?



    .. code-block:: python

        example = XmlChart(
          'parallel', live_spy=True, live_trace=True

    super().__init__(name, live_trace=live_trace, live_spy=live_spy)

    self.p_regions = []
    for region in self.p_regions:
      for _region in self.p_regions:

    self.outer_state = self.create(state="outer_state"). \
        handler=self.outer_state_entry_signal). \
        handler=self.outer_state_to_p). \

    self.p = self.create(state="p"). \
        handler=self.p_entry_signal). \
        handler=self.p_dispatcher). \
        handler=self.p_dispatcher). \
        handler=self.p_dispatcher). \
        handler=self.p_p_final). \
        handler=self.p_exit_signal). \
        handler=self.p_to_outer). \

    self.some_other_state = self.create(state="some_other_state"). \
        handler=self.some_other_state_entry_signal). \

    self.nest(self.outer_state, parent=None). \
      nest(self.p, parent=self.outer_state). \
      nest(self.some_other_state, parent=self.outer_state)

  def start(self):
    for region in self.p_regions:
    return self

  def outer_state_entry_signal(self, e):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    return status

  def outer_state_to_p(self, e):
    status = self.trans(self.p)
    return status

  def p_entry_signal(self, e):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    return status

  def p_dispatcher(self, e):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    [region.post_fifo(e) for region in self.p_regions]
    [region.complete_circuit() for region in self.p_regions]
    return status

  def p_p_final(self, e):
    status = self.trans(self.some_other_state)
    return status

  def p_exit_signal(self, e):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    return status

  def p_to_outer(self, e):
    status = self.trans(self.outer_state)
    return status

  def some_other_state_entry_signal(self, e):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    return status

I have highlighted the two lines that will post events to the two orthogonal regions, then drive those events through their respective HSMs.

Now that we see how the three HSMs are initialized and how they work, let’s compare them to the orthogonal regions design presented at the beginning of this essay:


We can mentally verify that the bottom design matches the top design by:

  • starting the statechart and confirming it has moved into the outer_state

  • posting a to_p event and confirm that both S11 and S21 are eventually entered.

  • posting an e4 and confirming that S11 transitions into S12 but that the other active region remains in the S21 state.

  • posting an e1 and confirming that S12 transitions into the S1 Region final state and that S12 transitions into S22 in the S2 Region.

  • posting a to_outer and confirming that the two active states collapse into one active state, and that all of the expected exit conditions are run; In Region S1, the S1 region exit condition is run and in Region S2, the exit condition for S22 is run then the exit condition for Region S2 is run. After the p region has been exited, the statechart will ultimately land in the outer_state.

  • re-posting e4 and then e1 with the same expected behaviour listed above.

  • posting an e2 event which while S1 Region is in its final state and the S2 region is in its S22 state. This e2 event will cause the S2 Region to enter its final state too. Since both final states have been entered, the chart should post a p_final to itself. This will cause the exit conditions of the S1 Region and S2 Region to trigger, the two active states will collapse into one. The p_final event will cause a transition into the some_other_state who’s entry condition should trigger.

Instrumentation: Hacking the spy_on Decorator#

We are mashing together a Factory and two HsmWithQueues derived-objects. All of these objects can leave bread crumbs (spy streams) about what they have done and when they did it. We want these spy streams to be merged into one file as all three objects are run together.

The InstrumentedFactory defines a spy_callback, which will be used by the XMLChart to write its spy stream into a log file. Our goal is to have each region write its spy stream to this same log file. Each region has a reference back to the XMLChart object, and the XMLChart is derived from the InstrumentedFactory which means each region has a reference to the spy_callback, which was defined by the InstrumentedFactory. So we should be able to grab information out of a region’s spy stream, adjust it, then send it into the XMLChart spy stream as that information is being generated. This way, the order of events will be preserved and we can retroactively confirm our miros version of orthogonal regions is working as we would expect it to work.

State methods used by an HsmWithQueues derived object (our regions) can be instrumented by decorating them with the spy_on decorator provided by the miros library. The spy_on decorator is just a function wrapper. So why don’t we wrap this wrapper with another wrapper, and force it to write its spy information back into its outer chart like so:

 1# ..
 2from functools import wraps
 4def instrumented(fn):
 5  @wraps(fn)
 6  def _pspy_on(chart, *args):
 7    if chart.instrumented:
 8      status = spy_on(fn)(chart, *args)
 9      for line in list(chart.rtc.spy):
10        m = re.search(r'hidden_region', str(line))
11        if not m:
12          chart.outer.live_spy_callback(
13            "{}::{}".format(chart.name, line))
14      chart.rtc.spy.clear()
15    else:
16      e = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args[-1]
17      status = fn(chart, e)
18    return status
19  return _pspy_on

The above decorator accepts a function as an argument, then returns a new function that uses the original function within it. This decorator will be used to wrap flat-state functions used by our regions.

In our case, we wrap the original function with a spy_on call so that its instrumentation data structures are filled (line 8). Then we iterate over this instrumentation information and send it to the live_spy_callback that we registered by the InstrumentedFactory (lines 9-13). The hidden states are added to make exit features work in our version of the orthogonal regions, but we don’t want to see anything about this in our spy stream, so we filter it out with a regular expression (line 9-11). When we are finished using the spy information, we clear the list holding the instrumentation so that we don’t write it out the next time this decorator is called (line 14).

Once we know our chart is working, we can improve its performance by turning off its instrumentation (line 7 and lines 15-17).


The miros library will only instrument decorators with a spy_on as part of their name, for this reason the _pspy_on inner function is called this. This “feature” was added so that user defined decorators can be placed around state functions (line 6, line 19).

Now that we have a new decorator that can route the instrumentation information from our flat state methods back to our main statechart we can use them like this:

# ..

def s1_region(r, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = r.trans(s11)
  elif(e.signal == signals.region_exit):
    status = r.trans(s1_hidden_region)
    r.temp.fun = s1_hidden_region
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

def s11(r, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.e4):
    status = r.trans(s12)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    r.temp.fun = s1_region
    status = return_status.SUPER
  return status

# ..

Any flat method decorated with the @instrumented will route its instrumentation information back into our main chart, and it will appear in the xml_chart.log in the correct sequence. Well, almost…

The instrumentation stream coming from the orthogonal components will arrive in the log file before the event, which initiates from the XMLChart. This is because the instrumentation code for a XMLChart runs after an event has been processed. The @instrumented decorate doesn’t wait; it just writes what it sees immediately into the live_spy_callback.

Having the region events write themselves to the log before the event which triggered them in the first place, will make the log file a bit confusing to read.

To make it easier to read, you will use the scribble feature, and pound a note into the spy stream before a region is run, like so:

def p_dispatcher(self, e):
  status = return_status.HANDLED
  [region.post_fifo(e) for region in self.p_regions]
  [region.complete_circuit() for region in self.p_regions]
  return status

Let’s build and run the chart, then look at the resulting log file:

if __name__ == '__main__':

  # lines 1-7 in log file
  example = XmlChart(

  # lines 8-26

  # lines 27-38

  # lines 39-54

  # lines 55-73

  # lines 74-92

  # lines 93-104

  # lines 105-120

  # lines 121-151, and causes chart to post p_final to itself


  1 2019-12-06 09:39:43,431 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::START
  2 2019-12-06 09:39:43,432 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::START
  3 2019-12-06 09:39:43,433 DEBUG:S: [parallel] START
  4 2019-12-06 09:39:43,433 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:outer_state
  5 2019-12-06 09:39:43,433 DEBUG:S: [parallel] ENTRY_SIGNAL:outer_state
  6 2019-12-06 09:39:43,434 DEBUG:S: [parallel] INIT_SIGNAL:outer_state
  7 2019-12-06 09:39:43,434 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
  8 2019-12-06 09:39:43,435 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_p:outer_state
  9 2019-12-06 09:39:43,435 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_p:p
 10 2019-12-06 09:39:43,436 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s1_region
 11 2019-12-06 09:39:43,436 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s1_region
 12 2019-12-06 09:39:43,436 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s1_region
 13 2019-12-06 09:39:43,437 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s11
 14 2019-12-06 09:39:43,437 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s11
 15 2019-12-06 09:39:43,437 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s11
 16 2019-12-06 09:39:43,438 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s2_region
 17 2019-12-06 09:39:43,438 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s2_region
 18 2019-12-06 09:39:43,438 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s2_region
 19 2019-12-06 09:39:43,439 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s21
 20 2019-12-06 09:39:43,439 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s21
 21 2019-12-06 09:39:43,439 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s21
 22 2019-12-06 09:39:43,440 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_p:outer_state
 23 2019-12-06 09:39:43,440 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:p
 24 2019-12-06 09:39:43,440 DEBUG:S: [parallel] ENTRY_SIGNAL:p
 25 2019-12-06 09:39:43,440 DEBUG:S: [parallel] INIT_SIGNAL:p
 26 2019-12-06 09:39:43,440 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(7) Deferred:(0)
 27 2019-12-06 09:39:43,440 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e4:p
 28 2019-12-06 09:39:43,441 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::e4:s11
 29 2019-12-06 09:39:43,441 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s12
 30 2019-12-06 09:39:43,441 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s11
 31 2019-12-06 09:39:43,442 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s11
 32 2019-12-06 09:39:43,442 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s12
 33 2019-12-06 09:39:43,442 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s12
 34 2019-12-06 09:39:43,443 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e4:s21
 35 2019-12-06 09:39:43,443 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e4:s2_region
 36 2019-12-06 09:39:43,443 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e4:p
 37 2019-12-06 09:39:43,444 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e4:p:HOOK
 38 2019-12-06 09:39:43,444 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(6) Deferred:(0)
 39 2019-12-06 09:39:43,444 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e1:p
 40 2019-12-06 09:39:43,444 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::e1:s12
 41 2019-12-06 09:39:43,444 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
 42 2019-12-06 09:39:43,445 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s12
 43 2019-12-06 09:39:43,445 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s12
 44 2019-12-06 09:39:43,445 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
 45 2019-12-06 09:39:43,446 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
 46 2019-12-06 09:39:43,446 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e1:s21
 47 2019-12-06 09:39:43,446 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s22
 48 2019-12-06 09:39:43,447 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s21
 49 2019-12-06 09:39:43,447 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s21
 50 2019-12-06 09:39:43,447 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s22
 51 2019-12-06 09:39:43,447 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s22
 52 2019-12-06 09:39:43,448 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e1:p
 53 2019-12-06 09:39:43,448 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e1:p:HOOK
 54 2019-12-06 09:39:43,448 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(5) Deferred:(0)
 55 2019-12-06 09:39:43,448 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_outer:p
 56 2019-12-06 09:39:43,449 DEBUG:S: [parallel] region_exit:p
 57 2019-12-06 09:39:43,449 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::region_exit:s1_region_final
 58 2019-12-06 09:39:43,449 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::region_exit:s1_region
 59 2019-12-06 09:39:43,450 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
 60 2019-12-06 09:39:43,450 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s1_region
 61 2019-12-06 09:39:43,450 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s1_region
 62 2019-12-06 09:39:43,451 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::region_exit:s22
 63 2019-12-06 09:39:43,451 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::region_exit:s2_region
 64 2019-12-06 09:39:43,452 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s22
 65 2019-12-06 09:39:43,452 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s22
 66 2019-12-06 09:39:43,452 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s2_region
 67 2019-12-06 09:39:43,453 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s2_region
 68 2019-12-06 09:39:43,453 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_outer:p
 69 2019-12-06 09:39:43,453 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:outer_state
 70 2019-12-06 09:39:43,453 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:p
 71 2019-12-06 09:39:43,454 DEBUG:S: [parallel] EXIT_SIGNAL:p
 72 2019-12-06 09:39:43,454 DEBUG:S: [parallel] INIT_SIGNAL:outer_state
 73 2019-12-06 09:39:43,454 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(4) Deferred:(0)
 74 2019-12-06 09:39:43,454 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_p:outer_state
 75 2019-12-06 09:39:43,454 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_p:p
 76 2019-12-06 09:39:43,455 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s1_region
 77 2019-12-06 09:39:43,455 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s1_region
 78 2019-12-06 09:39:43,455 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s1_region
 79 2019-12-06 09:39:43,456 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s11
 80 2019-12-06 09:39:43,456 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s11
 81 2019-12-06 09:39:43,456 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s11
 82 2019-12-06 09:39:43,457 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s2_region
 83 2019-12-06 09:39:43,457 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s2_region
 84 2019-12-06 09:39:43,457 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s2_region
 85 2019-12-06 09:39:43,458 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s21
 86 2019-12-06 09:39:43,458 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s21
 87 2019-12-06 09:39:43,458 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s21
 88 2019-12-06 09:39:43,459 DEBUG:S: [parallel] to_p:outer_state
 89 2019-12-06 09:39:43,459 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:p
 90 2019-12-06 09:39:43,459 DEBUG:S: [parallel] ENTRY_SIGNAL:p
 91 2019-12-06 09:39:43,459 DEBUG:S: [parallel] INIT_SIGNAL:p
 92 2019-12-06 09:39:43,459 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(3) Deferred:(0)
 93 2019-12-06 09:39:43,459 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e4:p
 94 2019-12-06 09:39:43,460 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::e4:s11
 95 2019-12-06 09:39:43,460 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s12
 96 2019-12-06 09:39:43,460 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s11
 97 2019-12-06 09:39:43,461 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s11
 98 2019-12-06 09:39:43,461 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s12
 99 2019-12-06 09:39:43,461 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s12
100 2019-12-06 09:39:43,462 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e4:s21
101 2019-12-06 09:39:43,462 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e4:s2_region
102 2019-12-06 09:39:43,462 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e4:p
103 2019-12-06 09:39:43,463 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e4:p:HOOK
104 2019-12-06 09:39:43,463 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(2) Deferred:(0)
105 2019-12-06 09:39:43,463 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e1:p
106 2019-12-06 09:39:43,463 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::e1:s12
107 2019-12-06 09:39:43,464 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
108 2019-12-06 09:39:43,464 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s12
109 2019-12-06 09:39:43,464 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s12
110 2019-12-06 09:39:43,464 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
111 2019-12-06 09:39:43,465 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
112 2019-12-06 09:39:43,465 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e1:s21
113 2019-12-06 09:39:43,465 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s22
114 2019-12-06 09:39:43,466 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s21
115 2019-12-06 09:39:43,466 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s21
116 2019-12-06 09:39:43,466 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s22
117 2019-12-06 09:39:43,467 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s22
118 2019-12-06 09:39:43,467 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e1:p
119 2019-12-06 09:39:43,467 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e1:p:HOOK
120 2019-12-06 09:39:43,467 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(1) Deferred:(0)
121 2019-12-06 09:39:43,467 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e2:p
122 2019-12-06 09:39:43,468 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::e2:s1_region_final
123 2019-12-06 09:39:43,468 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::e2:s1_region
124 2019-12-06 09:39:43,468 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::e2:s22
125 2019-12-06 09:39:43,469 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s2_region_final
126 2019-12-06 09:39:43,469 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s22
127 2019-12-06 09:39:43,469 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s22
128 2019-12-06 09:39:43,470 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::ENTRY_SIGNAL:s2_region_final
129 2019-12-06 09:39:43,470 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::INIT_SIGNAL:s2_region_final
130 2019-12-06 09:39:43,470 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e2:p
131 2019-12-06 09:39:43,470 DEBUG:S: [parallel] POST_FIFO:p_final
132 2019-12-06 09:39:43,470 DEBUG:S: [parallel] e2:p:HOOK
133 2019-12-06 09:39:43,471 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(1) Deferred:(0)
134 2019-12-06 09:39:43,471 DEBUG:S: [parallel] region_exit:p
135 2019-12-06 09:39:43,472 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::region_exit:s1_region_final
136 2019-12-06 09:39:43,472 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::region_exit:s1_region
137 2019-12-06 09:39:43,472 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s1_region_final
138 2019-12-06 09:39:43,473 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s1_region
139 2019-12-06 09:39:43,473 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s1_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s1_region
140 2019-12-06 09:39:43,473 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::region_exit:s2_region_final
141 2019-12-06 09:39:43,474 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::region_exit:s2_region
142 2019-12-06 09:39:43,474 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s2_region_final
143 2019-12-06 09:39:43,474 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:s2_region
144 2019-12-06 09:39:43,475 DEBUG:S: [parallel] s2_r::EXIT_SIGNAL:s2_region
145 2019-12-06 09:39:43,475 DEBUG:S: [parallel] p_final:p
146 2019-12-06 09:39:43,476 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:some_other_state
147 2019-12-06 09:39:43,476 DEBUG:S: [parallel] SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:p
148 2019-12-06 09:39:43,476 DEBUG:S: [parallel] EXIT_SIGNAL:p
149 2019-12-06 09:39:43,476 DEBUG:S: [parallel] ENTRY_SIGNAL:some_other_state
150 2019-12-06 09:39:43,476 DEBUG:S: [parallel] INIT_SIGNAL:some_other_state
151 2019-12-06 09:39:43,476 DEBUG:S: [parallel] <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)