It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
—Mark Twain
Mongol Horse Archer#
In this example, I will demonstrate how to write a type of tactical botnet. I will base it on something from history, the Mongol Horsemen.

The example will demonstrate how to design emergent order using multiple nodes across a network, which have limited information about one another. Each node will have the ability to link up with another node and act in unison and then unlink and act independently. The overall unit tactic will continue to work even if only one node remains.
Example Background:
Example Software:
Some Historical Context#
An officer must exert their plan onto an army of men who would rather be at home, feeding their families. When an officer exercises their power over a soldier, they reduce that soldier’s ability to think for themselves.
But each soldier in battle consumes tremendous amounts of information; far too much to send up the chain of command. If they could act upon it independently, it could be to the significant advantage of their army. This is the paradox of leadership: when a leader exerts too much control over their subordinates, they limit the effective-intelligence of the group to their own mental ability and the limited information they are receiving.
The chain of command is like an extremely slow nervous system. Limited and bottle-necked by the cognitive load and cognitive biases of each officer as they transmit orders to their soldiers and the results of those orders back up to their own ranking officer.
But without officers providing decisions in battle, the group would break down into a set of unorganized individuals who at best, would default to their training and at the worst would run from the enemy exposing themselves to slaughter. Group cohesion is the key.
In war, there are hard points and weak points to armies. Ideally, you would attack your opponent’s weak point with your hard point. An example of this is a flanking maneuver. If you can hit your enemy at the side (flank), rather than at their front, you would minimize your losses while maximizing theirs.
But the chain of command itself is a weak point in an army. If you could kill the officer’s of your opposing force, you would turn the army into a group of scared men all acting alone. A micromanaging general who is exerting absolute control can be attacked directly with confusion and mental over-taxation. Such a general becomes a weak point because of the paradox of leadership. As confusion diminishes their mental ability, their whole army acts dumber, making ever worse collective decisions.
In the 13th Century, western armies typically organized their officers into hierarchical structures, using command and control architectures. The officers would be on the front line, mounted on horseback, wearing heavy armour, easy to identify.
The Mongols organized their forces differently, each horse archer could act as a local officer to control the overall efforts of their local unit. Each unit was made up of no more than ten horse archers. The cognitive load required to control the whole system was limited because each unit could act independently from their whole.
There was still a hierarchy of leadership in the Mongol army with different ranking officers controlling the actions of the groups of units under their command; but orders were issued as intentions, rather than a specific set of individual instructions. Today we call this, “commander’s intent”. If such orders are used, the military force under their command becomes smarter than the officer issuing them. Each officer at each level can innovate and react to their local battles as they unfold. Officer-ship itself is pushed down into the individual soldiers.
The Mongol strategy and tactics were intended to harm the state of mind of the opposing military commander. They would not stay put; they would not act in a way that could be fathomed by theory or previous experience. They would snare their opponents in an ever-changing conundrum – if their enemy closed ranks the Mongols would fire arrows on the mass of men, if they spread out, the Mongols would attack and pick off the individuals.
Any opposing micro-manager would quickly become overwhelmed, leaving their forces lobotomized; breaking down group cohesion.
So confusion was the great weapon of the Mongols, and it was blasted directly into the minds of the military commanders controlling their opposing force. When a Mongol army came upon a larger army using traditional-command-and-control cognition, it was a simple matter to destroy them at their leisure – since this opposing force lacked to mobility to catch or surround the Mongols.
The Mongols would engage, feign a retreat, then move into more favourable terrain. The opposing force would be lead away from their strong point, exposing a supply line and become small enough that the Mongols could attack them en masse with numerical superiority.
This tactic is called “Defeat in Detail”.
Deceit in Detail#
Now let’s talk about a specific “Defeat in Detail” set of tactics used by an individual group of Mongol horse archers.
Their commander’s intent: lure the enemy away from its protecting mass and kill as many officers as possible.
Each horse archer started a fight with sixty arrows and a scimitar. The arrows could be used to damage the enemy from a distance while avoiding personal risk.
They would only pull their scimitar while close to their prey. But the point of the scimitar wasn’t to kill or maim their enemy, but to protect themselves while they got close enough to present a lie.
In close quarters the Mongol would pretend that they were scared. They would act as if their unit’s will was broken when it wasn’t. This bating behaviour would be especially alluring to anyone wanting to prove their valour. An opposing soldier, enraged and frustrated with their inability to take action, would have been more willing to see this fake weakness as truth, to break ranks and attack.
The Mongol units had to attack as a unit and retreat as a unit. To do otherwise would have had them executed by their senior officers for lack of cohesion.
But the retreat requirement of this cohesion-directive was often broken by the fog of war. They couldn’t always know if another horse archer had been killed and to wait around and get killed themselves would have been stupid; so a compromise was reached. When a horse archer saw that their enemy was re-organized enough to put up real resistance, or better yet, they had successfully lured an officer, they could issue a retreat war cry and all other horse archers within earshot would follow them to a predetermined marshal point.
While retreating, the horse archers would turn and use their last arrows on the enemies chasing them; placing the highest priority on officers.
It is possible that modern Western military theory has still not caught up to medieval Mongol thinking. The tactic name, “defeat in detail” might have been called “deceit in detail” had it been written down by a 13th century Mongol, instead of Napoleon.
Modelling the Mongol Mind#
A group of Mongol horse archers needed to protect their mental flanks while doing the most to harm their opponents. The key to this is to make the group tactic simple from the inside and bafflingly complex from the outside.
Each soldier needed independent thought and action but in a moment to be able to snap back into a collective dance with the rest of their unit. The calls between the members of a unit needed to be encrypted, simple and loud.
The amount of memory needed to track their brethren also needed to be limited. Unlike the general trying to remember and track everything all at once, our distributed officer only needed to remember a few crucial things.
To make things mentally easier, the Mongol soldier relied on the idea of sameness. The ergodic mirror metaphor is useful here. If you were surrounded by an ergodic mirror, anywhere you turn, you would be looking into your own eyes. So the Mongol horse archers were ergodic; they were surrounded by themselves. Every member of their unit would act as they would, so there was no concern or doubt about what to do.
The tactics used by a unit of horse archers needed to work even if some of its members got killed. The hologram provides another useful metaphor. A holographic sheet is a two-dimensional thing, yet as its parts work together, it produces something in the third dimension. If you scratch the holographic sheet, the three-dimensional image remains, only slightly fuzzier than it was before. To be effective the Mongol tactics needed to have this same property. As a unit they express complexity beyond the sum of their parts, and this complexity would not break down with losses, but only lose its fidelity.
Let’s weave these metaphors into the specifics of battle. To begin with, a Mongol unit would meet, fill their quivers with arrows and decide where they would meet again after their first encounter. This next place, call it a marshal point, would be on ground which would give them some advantage and access to more ammunition.
They would wait for an advance-war-cry. Any member of their unit could issue this call, and all members would immediately advance.
At a certain distance from the enemy, the horse archers would have their horses follow each other to form a circle. The closest horse archer to the enemy front lines would shoot an arrow, then reload as their horse took them around the circle again. This would create a kind of sustained machine gun effect on their opponent’s mass; causing them to loosen their ranks as to avoid the constant barrage of arrows.
The next stage of battle would have the horse archers get close enough to their enemy to skirmish. While skirmishing, a horse archer would aim their arrows directly at individual opponents. Any of the horse archers could issue a skirmish-war-cry, and all other units would follow them into the skirmish manoeuvre, riding their horse out of their circle-and-fire formation to gallop closer to the now disordered front of their enemy.
At some point one of the horse archers would become low on ammunition; then they would begin the most dangerous and effective movement in their ‘deceit in detail’ tactic, they would pull their scimitar; saving the last of their arrows for their luring retreat.
While swinging their scimitar, they would do precisely the opposite of what you would expect a terrible horse archer to do. They would appear scared and confused. It is not easy to charge into the heart of your enemy only to put on a play for them, but this deceit was necessary to lure their enemy into real danger.
So as a horse archer was fighting, they would have to remember enough about their unit to know if they were the last to pull their scimitar. If they were, it meant that as a unit they were low on ammunition, and they were ready for their next collective action.
This would mean that a horse archer would have to call out when they were pulling their scimitar, and each other horse archer would have to track this information. But if a horse archer got killed; they wouldn’t be able to call out; so there had to be another way for the unit to communicate to itself that it was time to go. So any horse archer could issue a retreat war cry. They could do this when they had successfully lured an officer are when enough time had passed that the enemy was becoming reorganized enough to put up a real opposition.
The retreat war cry would occur when the last horse archer pulled his scimitar, or when an officer got lured or when enough time had passed for the enemy to re-organize.
A retreating horse archer is extremely dangerous; since they would pretend to be slow when they were fast. The closer you got to them, the more comfortable you would make their shot on you. As you charge, there would be no flanking soldier to protect your sides, or you’re back, but there would be another horse archer there, intent on hunting you from a blind spot.
Retreating horse archers were mainly dangerous to officers since an officer would often be on horseback to increase their mobility and express their rank. The speed of the chasing officer would pull him away from his protecting mass; leaving him alone and flanked by his enemies, his helmet blinding his peripheral vision. He had no real chance of catching his prey; all of his training and his ideas about the world working against him.
From the outside the Mongols would appear like an angry swarm of hornets; Incomprehensible, always out of reach. Any engagement with them reducing the leadership and cohesion within your own force.
But if you were an individual Mongol horseman, you would only have to follow a few simple rules. Advance if you heard an Advance war cry. Create a circle when close enough to the enemy. Skirmish when you heard a Skirmish war cry. Track your unit’s Retreat Ready War cries; so you can know if it is up to you to issue the Retreat. When you heard a Retreat War cry, turn your horse around and start firing arrows at the sides of attacking enemy Knights.
As an individual horseman, you could issue your own commands to your group. You could give an Advance War Cry, to start the circle. When you were low enough on arrows you could make the Skirmish war cry, and your brethren would close the distance to the enemy with you. If your ammunition were running low, you would issue the Ammunition Low war cry, and the other members of your unit would know you are ready to go. If you had successfully lured an officer, you could issue the Retreat war cry and leave knowing that your brethren would follow and flank the officer chasing you.
Most of your concentration would be used to make your shots or to put on the deceitful-play while close enough to the enemy. The only exception to this being your need to track who in your unit was ready to go.
If you were the last horseman, the rules would still apply: You would advance; you would circle and shoot; you would skirmish and lure and retreat-to-fire when followed.

Now that we have an understanding of what we are trying to model let’s build it in software using ‘miros’.
Technical Overview#
To build the horse archer botnet, we need at least two different computers. I’ll be using a windows machine and a raspberry pi.
First, we’ll design a set of statecharts that will model an individual horse archer and its understanding of its brethren.
Any communication between our horse archer bots will be encrypted since we don’t want our enemy to learn about what we are doing.
We will adjust how our instrumentation works; we will make it so that it can stream its output to any computer of our choosing. We will do this so we can debug our entire botnet from one location.
Finally, We’ll write the software; run it on two or more computers and demonstrate that it is working.
Here are the steps:
Designing the Mongol in its Tactic#
One of the things that killed UML is the idea that you can completely design a complicated system before you build it. Nobody can actually do that. Good design requires a tolerance for making mistakes and experimentation. Think play-doh, not sculpting granite. The UML drawing is not a blueprint, it is a mistake in the right direction.
To relate this design process back to the battle metaphor; what we need is our commander’s intent, not a specific set of instructions on how to do things. The commander’s intent for this design is provided in the historical description of the mongol tactic. It is a fairly high level specification; we know how we want our units to fight and we know that they need to communicate somehow.
At this point in the writing, I have no idea about how to connect the nodes of our botnet. I don’t even know how I’m going to make their HSMs work, and that’s OK. We will sketch first, then draw in the details as the picture starts to reveal itself. We will throw out the bad ideas and keep the right ideas. To do this I’ll let my mind jump around – I’ll think about the story, then I’ll ask a lot of questions, then try to answer them. Then I’ll draw some pictures and try and make some software that will work well enough so that we can see what it does so we can make it better. Let’s begin.
When is an event a war cry? Who exactly is yelling it out?
Any war cry can come from one of two places. It can come from the horse archer himself, or a senior officer. We do this so that the unit tactic can be autonomous yet flexible enough to receive outside direction.
Let’s think about a single horse archer and the actions he would take. He would meet up with his brethren (marshal), then they would determine where they would like to meet after their first maneuver, then they would fill their quivers with arrows.
So, I have to first figure out what to call the outer state. For now, I’ll call it, Deceit_in_Detail_Tactic (marshaled), because I want to express that the horse archers are meeting and that this is one tactic of many. It’s probably not a very good name, but I don’t want to get hung up on that right now.
Immediately after filling their arrows, the Mongols attack. This action may not be historically accurate, but let’s have our botnet just attack right away.
Once the horse archers advance close enough to the mass of their enemy, they create a circle and fire arrows. How do we express this in software? If we were building a botnet to fight the North Koreans or a malevolent AI or something, we could have each node in our botnet read a transducer or take a reading. For now, we will fake out this information with a one-shot so that we can make something that can be tested within our design. Three seconds after advancing they will issue the Close_Enough_For_Circle event.
So our horse archers circle and fire; creating an intangible rain of arrows down upon the enemy’s front line. So far so good. To save themselves, the enemy loosens their ranks allowing enough space and safety for our horse archers to charge in for their next play.
Notice that the Circle and Fire state is within the Advance state. Why do this? I did this in case an individual horse archer decided that the enemies front was sufficiently disorganized enough not to waste arrows on an imprecise bombardment – to skip the circle and fire step and just advance into a skirmish. To do this, they would issue a Skirmish_War_Cry and charge into the enemy’s disorganized front to make individual attacks.
Upon making the Skirmish_War_Cry are horse archer charges into close enough range to make individual attacks with their arrows. This type of fighting is called a skirmish to show that we do not want them to stick around.
Our warbot would have some client code connected to the entry condition of the skirmish state. It might be the initialization of a specific targeting and attack control system, whatever it is it would have to issue the Ammunition_Low event when it was done firing upon specific targets. This Ammunition_Low event would be caught by the skirmish state as a hook. This hook would, in turn, trigger a Retreat_Ready_War_Cry event.
I could have just used a single Ammunition_Low event to cause the transition from the Skirmish state into the “Waiting To Lure” state. But, I often use two distinct events like this to make the debugging and reflection processes easier on myself, so that I can debug a statechart faster than I could with only one event that expresses two different meanings. (This will also give our design more flexibility, which we will see later in this example).
After a horse archer issues the Retreat_Ready_War_Cry they enter the “Waiting to Lure” state. He would expertly attach his bow to his mount and pull his scimitar, then he would do something really brave. He draws the attention of an enemy officer and somehow convinces him that he was scared and incompetent; that his unit’s will was broken. While in the waiting to lure state, he would act like a father who is being chased by his children. He would pretend that they could actually catch him if they only just tried a little bit harder.
The western Knight would be spoiling for a fight, feeling enraged, yet incompetent, he would want to do something other than watch his footmen die. He might look down at his massive warhorse and compare it to the strange little ponies these horse archers are riding.

What he doesn’t know is that he is the quarry. The Mongols are on a hunting trip – not every arrow carries the same value; the whole point of this attack has been to find him. They have something to give him.
The Knight see’s his chance and attacks!
Once again we find ourselves needing real input from the world. This is where our bot would need another transducer or reading to determine if the officer had been lured. For now, we will fake out the reading with another one-shot so that we can frame the design. To make things interesting we will pick a random integer between 3 and 12 and then count down in seconds before we trigger our fake Officer_Lured event.
The horse archer has been paying careful attention to the Knight even though he has been pretending not to see him. When he sees him begin his attack, he issues the Officer_Lured event.
The Officer_Lured event is caught by a hook, which triggers the Retreat_War_Cry. The Retreat_Ready_War_Cry causes an exit transition from the “Waiting to Lure” state. This will have the horse archer put away his scimitar and arm his bow with an arrow.
The Retreat_War_Cry causes the horse to enter the “Feigned Retreat” state. In this state, a different control system would come into play. The horse archer would let the Knight close the distance to him so that he can comfortably make his shot.
He might even veer and dodge to place bodies and soldiers between him and the charging Knight, or lure him closer toward other horse archers who could flank the knight; taking advantage of how his helmet has cut off his peripheral vision. It doesn’t really matter; once the knight attacks, stupidly charging into a group of organized horse archers with unprotected flanks, he is doomed.
What to do next? The Mongol’s unit goal has been achieved, yet they still have arrows. So they leave them in any other pursuing soldiers, then ride full gallop back to the marshal point.
The final stage of our tactic would have the horse archers meet at their marshal point. Their they would decide upon where to meet again after their next attack. Load their horses with arrows, tell some jokes and field wrap their wounds. Drink and water their horses and mentally prepare themselves for the next advance.
The requirement for group cohesion still applies. Any horse archer would be limited on the battlefield if he had to advance with an empty quiver; so every horse archer would want to wait for the last horse archer to finish reloading before advancing.
Therefore like the “Waiting to Lure” state, there must be a “Waiting to Advance” state. In this first pass at a design, we setup a one shot that will trigger the READY event after three seconds.
In the “Waiting to Advance” state we place a randomized one-shot that will trigger the Advance_War_Cry at some time between 3 and 12 seconds.
But this overall tactic, as it is currently designed is completely fragile. What happens if a horse archer is issued an Advance_War_Cry while in the “Marshal” state? Well, he would just sit there. What would happen if a Skirmish_War_Cry was issued while the horse archer was in the “Feigned Retreat” state? They would ignore the command. This is not flexible.
There will be situations where a senior officer issues an Advance_War_Cry when the horse archer is not ready; no matter, it is time to attack, even without arrows. Group cohesion is of paramount importance to the Mongols.
So, as a map, it is easy to see what is going on, but it tells a very specific and inflexible story. With a few light adjustments, we could make the horse archer much more seasoned and responsive in the face of unexpected events.
For instance, we could make the Advance_War_Cry cause an advance on the enemy while the horse archer is in any of its maneuvers. Suppose a horse archer is in the “Feigned Retreat” stage and a senior officer sees some sort of global opportunity and bangs on a war drum, issuing a global Advance_War_Cry. Our horse archer would turn around and advance.
In this way, the control at a higher leadership level of the Mongol army could reach into this unit, tweak its behaviour, then let it run autonomously again.
Let’s improve the design:
As a statechart designer, you might look at the Advance_War_Cry event connecting the outer state to the advance state and become confused. Where does this Advance_War_Cry come from? Oh, there it is, in the “Waiting to Advance” state.
I have seen junior developers destroy designs by adjusting arrows to make the “story easier to read” off of the map. It is tempting to put the arrow source back to the “Waiting to Advance” state so that the map makes immediate sense upon looking at it. But think about what this has done to our design. When an arrow is connected from the outer state to the “Advance” state, it is shorthand for connecting all of the states to the “Advance” state with an Advance_War_Cry arrow. When the junior developer mistakenly adjusts the tactic to make the map “make more sense”, they would break 7 different behavioural pathways in this design; causing our horse archer unit to lose cohesion and thereby guarantee its execution by a senior officer. Statecharts are extremely powerful at packing tactical complexity onto a map; so you really have to be careful moving the arrows around.
Now let’s adjust the Skirmish_War_Cry and the Retreat_Ready_War_Cry from the outer state to their respective states. We just added 14 different behavioural paths.
Suppose that in the future, a new developer decides to adjust the deceit-in-detail tactic by adding another state to it. If they do not change how our war-cry event arrows are attached, they will automatically get the behaviour of the old tactic without knowing that they did. Statecharts are robust against state additions made by future programmers. So statecharts can quickly act like a culture, they become smarter than the individual programming them.
Notice that the Out_Of_Arrows event was not globalized. We do not want our horse archer to just leave when he’s out of arrows. Furthermore, because of our adjustments to globalize the Advance_War_Cry, Skirmish_War_Cry and the Retreat_War_Cry we have to ensure we don’t accidentally leave our horse archer stranded in a state when he is out of arrows.
So what happens if an empty horse archer is asked to advance? Well, he uselessly circles and then will issue a Skirmish_War_Cry. Good, he can escape the “Advance” state.
Notice that some code was added to the entry state of the “Skirmish” state. Now if a horse archer has less than ten arrows or no arrows, he will end up in the “Waiting to Lure” state. This is good, he is no longer just uselessly riding around because he can start to bait knights and he can escape the “Skirmish” state event if he doesn’t have arrows.
Likewise, entry code was added to the “Feigned Retreat” state. When he enters this state with no arrows, he will just ride back to the marshal point.
Now that we have a decent sketch of a horse archer acting alone, let’s have him react to the behavior of other horse archers.
A horse archer is a distributed officer. This means that any horse archer can issue commands to, or obey commands from, any other horse archer in his unit. For this unit tactic, there are two types of commands. There is a “Let’s do this thing right now!” and a “Track that I am ready in your head!” kind of command.
To see what I mean consider the Advance_War_Cry. That is a “Let’s do this thing right now” command. All horse archers will immediately advance and circle if they issued the command themselves or if they hear it come from another horse archer or a senior officer. In the deceit in detail there are three different war cries that have this type of characteristic: Advance_War_Cry, Skirmish_War_Cry and Retreat_War_Cry.
Let’s turn each of these commands into three distinct events so that we can tell if it was issued by a senior officer, the horse archer themselves or another horse archer. By doing this our statechart will be easier to debug, its instrumentation will be clear and the sequence tool will tell a better story.
We construct three new events, Senior_Advance_War_Cry, Senior_Skirmish_War_Cry and Senior_Retreat_War_Cry. Imagine that these commands can be issued at a high vantage point by war drums near the back of the Mongol horde.
When a horse archer hears a command from a senior officer, they will give the cry themselves and then perform the action. We implement this using the reminder pattern. A hook is placed at the outer state for these commands; and it re-issues a new event as a response.
When a horse archer calls out, it can be heard by other horse archers through a mechanism we haven’t programmed yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t name these new events: Other_Advance_War_Cry, Other_Skirmish_War_Cry and Other_Retreat_War_Cry.
There will be situations where a horse archer wants to ignore a command coming from a senior officer or from his brethren. This is when he is already engaged in a complicated maneuver that would be initiated by that command. For instance while the horse archer is baiting a knight in the “Waiting to Lure” state, they would ignore the Senior_Skirmish_War_Cry and the Other_Skirmish_War_Cry since they are already engaged in that activity.
Likewise, a horse archer would ignore any order to advance, coming from someone else, if they are already advancing or engaged in the circle and fire maneuver.
Battle is a noisy affair. There is a good chance that one horse archer might not hear a war cry issued by another one far away from him (due to network issues); so anytime a horse archer hears a war cry coming from another horse archer, they yell out the command again so as to re-transmit it to any other unit member within earshot.
Notice also that I moved the Officer_Lured hook from the “Waiting to Lure” state into the “Skirmish” state. This will give us the same behavior as before, with the option of short circuiting the dangerous “Waiting to Lure” state in the case that a Knight stupidly charges at the moment the Mongols start to Skirmish.
Our design so far, has encompassed the “Let’s do this thing right now!” part of its collaboration. Senior officers can issue messages, any horse archer can hear messages from other horse archers and the horse archer can yell out messages to other horse archers. When an action is taken by one Mongol, it will be immediately taken by the others in its unit. So, in a way they are racing each other to get to the next state. For this reason I call this a “multi-chart race pattern”.
Now let’s talk about the “Track that I am ready in your head!” set of commands. These types of commands are issued when the unit is waiting for the last of its members to do something before they can all continue onto the next collective behavior. We have two such moments in this “deceit in detail” tactic. The first occurs when a horse archer puts away is bow and tries to lure a knight. He yells his Retreat_Ready_War_Cry, hoping that all of the members in his unit will hear him. When the last horse archer issues the Retreat_Ready_War_Cry he will know that it is up to him to issue the Retreat_War_Cry so his entire unit can escape this dangerous luring maneuver.
The second “Track that I’m ready in your head!” command happens when the units are marshaled. It is up to the last horse archer to tell the others that he is ready so they can get back into the fray. He does this by issuing the Advance_War_Cry.
So, a horse archer has to track what is happening with his brethren. He has to know what state they are in. Thankfully he doesn’t have to know precisely what they are doing but only a small subset of what they are doing. For this reason I call this unit empathy and it could be tracked by a second statechart.
Here is a first shot at its design:
A horse archer will have one of these statecharts for each member of his unit. It is a simplification of how another horse archer is conducting themselves.
Another horse archer’s “Advance”, “Circle and Fire” and “Skirmish” states are rendered down in the “Other Attacking” empathetic state. The “Marshal” and “Feigned Retreat” states are rendered down into the “Other Marshaling” state. The “Waiting to Lure” and “Waiting to Advance” states are left intact. There is something new added to the empathy statechart; the “Other [is] Dead” state.
If you wait for a dead man, you will be waiting a long time – unless you are waiting for a dead man on a battlefield, then you will not be waiting long.
It almost goes without saying that a horse archer will only wait for another horse archer if he thinks he’s alive.
There really isn’t perfect knowledge in battle. So, the idea that a horse archer has about another horse archer will often be wrong, until that belief is updated by more evidence and it snaps back to the truth.
But how would a horse archer come to the conclusion that someone else in their unit is dead? Well if that other horse archer is breaking the rules of their collective tactic, it is safe to assume he is doing so because he has been killed.
We see this when a horse archer thinks that another member is attacking but finds himself issuing a Retreat_War_Cry. The other member should have been in the waiting to lure state, but they weren’t, so he just assumes they are dead and continues to fight.
Of course this will often be wrong. If the first horse archer to enter the “Waiting to Lure” state lures a knight right away; he would issue a Retreat_War_Cry and with this design, he would think everyone else is dead. This is OK, because he will immediately hear the other members of his unit yell out; which will quickly change his beliefs back into a more truthful state of empathy.
So here we are talking about a kind of belief lag. The thing that the horse archer needs to know is if the person is dead while they are waiting around. If they have incorrectly concluded their entire unit is dead while retreating, there is plenty of time to fix this erroneous belief with the truth. The next wait state doesn’t happen until after they have finished their false retreat and equipped their horse for another attack. So, they can be wrong about things for a while without any consequence to the over all group tactic.
A symmetrical logic applies to the “Other Marshaling” part of the design.
The important thing to notice here is that in many situations the group’s cohesion will actually be broken by what happens to them in battle.
But what about the draconian requirement placed on this unit by its senior officers, “maintain your group cohesion or we will kill every member in your unit”. If the Mongol horde adhered to this command with autistic compliance, all the way up their leadership hierarchy, there would only be one horse archer left and his name would be Genghis Khan.

So the group cohesion requirement has to be some kind of hand waving thing. “We want you to follow each other around or re-synchronize in unusual situations, if you don’t we will kill you.”
Basically the design has to be such that when cohesion is lost across the nodes in our botnet that they snap back into the desired group dynamic when given the opportunity to do so.
Here we are talking about attractors. The idea was first introduced by Edward Lorenz when he was studying chaotic systems. His equations would never follow the same path, but they would follow the same path-ish-ness:

We aren’t going to delve into any mathematical rigor, but instead lean heavily on our intuition and our design sensibilities. A set of statecharts could be explained using a stick in some mud in the 13th century. This would be harder to do with calculus, differential equations and linear algebra, so let’s stay away from that.
Which brings us back to the idea of cognitive load. We are expecting these horse archers to remember a lot of things while in the heat of battle. If I were an officer explaining this empathy tactic, I would be complicit in weakening the unit by filling their head with over complicated maps.
So let’s make things easier on them:
Now they are less precise in how they model the other members of their unit; yet the same kind of states appear. They know who is waiting, who is not waiting and who is dead.
Let’s layer in a Mongol’s empathy into his tactical statechart:
The point of this design iteration is to add the two different unit-wait states.
If you were a horse archer, you would know the names and the voices of every member of your unit. Maybe you wouldn’t be able to do multiplication in your head, or count cards, but you certainly would know what your brothers were doing in battle. It would be a basic skill, like riding your horse, like operating your bow, like knowing where your arm is.
Our botnet is running on a computer, so tracking things in memory is trivial for it. Yet, we want to ensure the code is maintainable; legible. So, we organize our unit empathy into a data dictionary where the keys are just the IP addresses of the other nodes. The name of this collection would be called “others”.
The mental operation of tracking another horse archer in battle would involve hearing his war cry, recognizing his voice and updating your notion of what he is doing.
In our botnet, another’s war cry, is just an event with the “Other” as a prefix. This event will carry with it a name and the node’s IP address as its payload.
So anytime we hear another make a war cry, we have to feed this information into his empathy statechart. We can see this logic placed on all of the “Other” war cry events in the chart.
We also have to feed all of our empathy charts with information anytime we issue
the Advance_War_Cry or the Retreat_Ready_War_Cry. This is done using an
iterator on the other
Now we get to the meat of the multi-chart pending pattern. The horse archers have to wait until the last of their members have entered the “waiting to lure” state before they can all perform the false retreat. So in plain English, when a horse archer yells that they are ready to retreat, they mentally check to see if they are the last living member of their unit to give the call. If so, they issue the Retreat_War_Cry.
Very similar logic appears in the marshal state. A horse archer will yell the Advance_War_Cry if they are the last living member who has entered the “Waiting to Advance” state.
I was trying to avoid it to save space on our diagram, but there is no way to avoid it anymore, a horse archer needs to experience time and they need to fire arrows:
To track time a horse archer will have a tick attribute which will increment every second. We see this implemented as a hook in the outer state.
In the circle and fire state we see that the horse archer rotates in his war circle every 15 seconds; and depending on his preference he fires 1 to 3 arrows per shot. When he has less than 20 arrows he yells out the Skirmish_War_Cry and together with his unit, they break their circle formation and charge into the enemy front.

While skirmishing the horse archer is given a chance to make a shot every 3 seconds but only 40 percent of the time does he feel it is worth while to loose an arrow. It becomes easier to make a shot during the feigned retreat, so we say that there is an 80 percent chance to take the shot, every 3 seconds.
Of course these numbers are arbitrary. Your warbot would be hooked into a set of sensors and controllers and the feedback would be based on a greater semblance of reality. I am putting in these times and probabilities to inject a bit of chaos into our group tactic, to see if it can hold together in its path-ish-ness, but it’s just a sketch.
It seems possible for this design to complete a loop; but I can not say for sure that I have removed all of its accidental oscillations. Once it is written in code and run a few times we will remove the remaining design bugs.
There are no technical miracles on this page. The simple snippets of Python in the map could have been explained to a horse archer using their language. Their enemy-lobotomizing swarm behavior can be rendered down into a number of rectangles, some arrows and a few sentences. The individual actions required at each step are also unexceptional. They are simple things that a horse archer already knows how to do. Once we explain Harel formalism and this basic tactic to our troops and their junior officers, watch out; they will innovate and improve it until we get something truly remarkable.
The First Horseman#
Let’s reference our previous design and create the first horseman, Gandbold.
Scanning the design diagram we see he can carry sixty arrows, he should have an
internal counter, tick
, some arrows
and the ability to yell
Gandbold moves around the battlefield slowly; and as developers, we don’t want to wait around and see what he does while we are trying to debug his program. So I will add the ability to compress time in Gandbold’s universe, this way we can speed him up.
import time
import random
from miros import pp
from miros import Factory
from miros import signals, Event, return_status
class HorseArcher(Factory):
def __init__(self, name='Gandbold', time_compression=1.0):
self.arrows = 0
self.ticks = 0
self.time_compression = time_compression
self.others = {}
def yell(self, event):
def compress(self, time_in_seconds):
return 1.0 * time_in_seconds / self.time_compression
def to_time(self, time_in_seconds):
return self.compress(time_in_seconds)
Let’s implement Gandbold’s statechart using the Factory class. We don’t have
to use this; we could write the code using flat methods instead. Or, we could
program it with the Factory class, then run the to_code
method to see what
our factory methods would look like if they were written using the flat method
technique, then drop these resulting methods into our code. We have options.
When using a Factory class, we create statecharts by first writing callbacks. Then we create states and link the callbacks to their states. Finally, we layer these states into a hierarchy.
So, let’s begin by writing the state callbacks.
Starting with the outer Deceit_in_Detail_Tactic state, we scan the top left corner of its state rectangle and write those callbacks. Then we look for arrows connecting its state rectangle to other rectangles and write those callbacks. Finally, we look for the big black dot and write its callback.
We will follow this same workflow for each state.
Our program is easy to think about because we break our software development process into small bits of work. Our attention can linger, jump to something else, then use the map to refocus on our task without much effort. As this focused attention fixates on the part of the map, we can think hard about what is going on there, and we can improve it by fixing the little naming issues or by making slight design alterations.
Let’s begin by writing the callbacks for the defeat_in_detail_tactic state:
# Deceit-In-Detail-Tactic state callbacks
def didt_entry(archer, e):
'''Load up on arrows and start tracking time within this tactic'''
archer.arrows = HorseArcher.MAXIMUM_ARROW_CAPACITY
archer.ticks = 0
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_exit(archer, e):
'''Load up on arrows and start tracking time within this tactic'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_init(archer, e):
'''Immediately advance'''
return archer.trans(advance)
def didt_second(archer, e):
'''A second within the tactic has passed'''
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_senior_advance_war_cry(archer, e):
'''A Horse archer heard a command from a senior officer. They give this
senior officer's war cry to themselves as if they thought of it'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_advance_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Yell out "advance war cry" to others and introspect on the state of the
for ip, other in archer.others.items():
return archer.trans(advance)
def didt_other_advance_war_cry(archer, e):
'''A horse archer heard another's Advance_War_Cry, so so they
give the command to and introspect on the state of their unit'''
ip = e.payload['ip']
return archer.trans(advance)
def didt_skirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Yell out "skirmish war cry" to others'''
return archer.trans(skirmish)
def didt_other_skirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''A horse archer heard another's Skirmish_War_Cry, so they
give the command to and introspect on the state of their unit'''
ip = e.payload['ip']
return archer.trans(skirmish)
def didt_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Yell out the "retreat war cry" and introspect on the state of the unit'''
for ip, other in archer.others.items():
return archer.trans(feigned_retreat)
Now lets write the callbacks for the “Advance” state:
# Advance callbacks
def advance_entry(archer, e):
'''Upon entering the advanced state wait 3 seconds then issue
Close_Enough_For_Circle war cry'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_exit(archer, e):
'''Upon entering the advanced state wait 3 seconds then issue
Close_Enough_For_Circle war cry'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_senior_advanced_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Stop Senior_Advance_War_Cry events from being handled outside of this
state, the horse archer is already in the process of performing the
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_other_advanced_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Stop Other_Advance_War_Cry events from being handled outside of this
state, the horse archer is already in the process of performing the
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_close_enough_for_circle(archer, e):
'''The Horse Archer is close enough to begin a Circle and Fire maneuver'''
return archer.trans(circle_and_fire)
Now lets write the callbacks for the “Circle and Fire” state:
# Circle-And-Fire callbacks
def caf_second(archer, e):
'''A horse archer can fire 1 to 3 arrows at a time in this maneuver,
how they behave is up to them and how they respond
to their local conditions'''
if(archer.ticks % 6 == 0):
archer.arrows -= random.randint(1, 3)
archer.scribble('arrows left {}'.format(archer.arrows))
if archer.arrows < 20:
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
Now lets write the callbacks for the “Skirmish” state:
# Skirmish state callbacks
def skirmish_entry(archer, e):
'''The Horse Archer will trigger an Ammunition_Low event if he
has less than 10 arrows when he begins skirmishing
An knight can charge at this horse archer at some time between 40 and 200
seconds after entering the skirmish state of the maneuver.
period=archer.to_time(random.randint(40, 200)),
if archer.arrows < 10:
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_exit(archer, e):
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_second(archer, e):
'''Every 3 seconds the horse archer fires an arrow, if he has
less than 10 arrows he will trigger an Ammunition_Low event'''
if archer.ticks % 3 == 0:
if random.randint(1, 10) <= 4:
archer.arrows -= 1
archer.scribble('arrows left {}'.format(archer.arrows))
if archer.arrows < 10:
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_officer_lured(archer, e):
'''If Horse Archer lures an enemy officer they issue a
Retreat_War_Cry event.'''
print("Knight Charging")
archer.scribble("Knight Charging")
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_ammunition_low(archer, e):
'''If Horse Archer is low ammunition they will give
a Retreat_War_Cry'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_senior_squirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Ignore skirmish war cries from other while skirmishing'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_other_squirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Ignore skirmish war cries from other while skirmishing'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_retreat_ready_war_cry(archer, e):
'''If all other horse archers are ready for a return, issue a
Retreat_War_Cry, if not or either way transition into the
waiting_to_lure state'''
ready = True
for ip, other in archer.others.items():
if other.state_name != 'dead':
ready &= other.state_name == 'waiting'
if ready:
# let's make sure Gandbold isn't a chicken
period=archer.to_time(random.randint(10, 30)),
return archer.trans(waiting_to_lure)
Here are the callbacks for the “Waiting to Lure” state:
# Waiting-to-Lure callbacks
def wtl_entry(archer, e):
archer.scribble('put away bow')
archer.scribble('pull scimitar')
archer.scribble('act scared')
return return_status.HANDLED
def wtl_second(archer, e):
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def wtl_exit(archer, e):
archer.scribble('stash scimitar')
archer.scribble('pull bow')
archer.scribble('stop acting')
return return_status.HANDLED
Lets write the callbacks for the “Feigned Retreat” state:
# Feigned-Retreat callbacks
def fr_entry(archer, e):
archer.scribble('fire on knights')
archer.scribble('fire on footman')
if archer.arrows == 0:
period=archer.to_time(random.randint(10, 30)),
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_exit(archer, e):
archer.scribble("full gallop")
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_second(archer, e):
if archer.ticks % 3 == 0:
if random.randint(1, 10) <= 8:
archer.arrows -= 1
archer.scribble('arrows left {}'.format(archer.arrows))
if archer.arrows == 0:
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_other_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_out_of_arrows(archer, e):
return archer.trans(marshal)
The “Marshal” state callbacks:
# Marshal callbacks
def marshal_entry(archer, e):
archer.scribble("halt horse")
archer.scribble("identify next marshal point")
archer.scribble("field wrap wounds on self and horse")
archer.scribble("drink water")
return return_status.HANDLED
def marshal_ready(archer, e):
ready = True
for ip, other in archer.others.items():
if other.state_name != 'dead':
ready &= other.state_name == 'waiting'
if ready:
return archer.trans(waiting_to_advance)
Now we write the callbacks for our last state, “Waiting to Advance”:
# Waiting-to-Advance callbacks
def wta_entry(archer, e):
archer.arrows = HorseArcher.MAXIMUM_ARROW_CAPACITY
period=archer.to_time(random.randint(30, 120)),
return return_status.HANDLED
def wta_exit(archer, e):
return return_status.HANDLED
Here is the latest iteration of our design:
Now that the callbacks are written, let’s make a statechart, and wire these callbacks into its states:
# Create the archer
archer = HorseArcher()
# Create the archer states
deceit_in_detail = archer.create(state='deceit_in_detail'). \
handler=didt_entry). \
handler=didt_init). \
handler=didt_second). \
handler=didt_senior_advance_war_cry). \
handler=didt_advance_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_advance_war_cry). \
handler=didt_skirmish_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_skirmish_war_cry). \
handler=didt_retreat_war_cry). \
advance = archer.create(state='advance'). \
handler=advance_entry). \
handler=advance_exit). \
handler=advance_senior_advanced_war_cry). \
handler=advance_other_advanced_war_cry). \
handler=advance_close_enough_for_circle). \
circle_and_fire = archer.create(state='circle_and_fire'). \
handler=caf_second). \
skirmish = archer.create(state='skirmish'). \
handler=skirmish_entry). \
handler=skirmish_exit). \
handler=skirmish_second). \
handler=skirmish_officer_lured). \
handler=skirmish_ammunition_low). \
handler=skirmish_senior_squirmish_war_cry). \
handler=skirmish_other_squirmish_war_cry). \
handler=skirmish_retreat_ready_war_cry). \
waiting_to_lure = archer.create(state='waiting_to_lure'). \
handler=wtl_entry). \
handler=wtl_exit). \
handler=wtl_second). \
feigned_retreat = archer.create(state='feigned_retreat'). \
handler=fr_entry). \
handler=fr_exit). \
handler=fr_second). \
handler=fr_out_of_arrows). \
handler=fr_retreat_war_cry). \
handler=fr_other_retreat_war_cry). \
marshal = archer.create(state='marshal'). \
handler=marshal_entry). \
handler=marshal_ready). \
waiting_to_advance = archer.create(state='waiting_to_advance'). \
handler=wta_entry). \
handler=wta_exit). \
Using the nest
method we add the design’s hierarchy:
archer.nest(deceit_in_detail, parent=None). \
nest(advance, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(circle_and_fire, parent=advance). \
nest(skirmish, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(waiting_to_lure, parent=skirmish). \
nest(feigned_retreat, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(marshal, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(waiting_to_advance, parent=marshal)
Now that we have programmed Gandbold, let’s have him run through his tactic and watch his behavior in real time:
if __name__ == '__main__':
archer.live_spy = True
archer.time_compression = 1.0
time.sleep(300.0) # five minutes
Notice that I have set the live spy to true. This will cause the state chart instrumentation to output the event processor’s behaviour to the screen. I have set the time compression to 1, which will allow our horse archer to share the same time reference as us. The full cycle will take about five minutes.
Watch it here:
The spy is very useful for debugging intricate issues, but it can drown us in detail. If we would rather see our horse archer’s maneuver in broad-strokes, we could use the trace instrumentation instead. This trace instrumentation will only output state transitions and the events that caused them. For this reason, it will not output hooks or any other actions done by the event processor that are important to our design. No matter, if we have to look at it with greater precision, we can use the spy instead.
The horse archer’s ‘deceit in detail’ cycle takes about 3-5 minutes. If you are trying to debug this; such slow feedback could harm your ability to concentrate. So to speed up our debugging process, and improve our ability to think about the problem, we compress Gandbold’s time:
if __name__ == '__main__':
archer.live_trace = True
archer.time_compression = 100
In this video, I show Gandbold’s trace running 100 times faster than our time reference:
In this video I demonstrate how to generate sequence diagrams from the output of the trace information:
As a technical person, you would use the diagram, the code and the instrumentation to think about and ‘see’ your design. But, to help other people comprehend your efforts, you could use a sequence diagram generated from the trace output:
[2018-02-24 06:53:18.711127] [Gandbold] e->start_at() top->advance
[2018-02-24 06:53:18.741241] [Gandbold] e->Close_Enough_For_Circle() \
[ Chart: Gandbold ] (?)
top advance circle_and_fire
+------start_at()------->| |
| (?) | |
| +-Close_Enough_For_Circle()->|
| | (?) |
In this way, you can have your statechart instrumentation write part of your documentation for you. This becomes especially useful when you start writing multi-chart systems, or when your designs change quickly.
Gandbold can ride his horse around and shoot arrows, but if you added him to a unit of horse archer’s he would get them all killed. Let’s fix this by giving him empathy:
This HSM shows how he could empathize with the other members in his unit, but how will this tie into his specific statechart? We could create ten different empathy statecharts, each running in their own thread and have Gandbold publish his events to them and subscribe to events from them. This would be an easy way to proceed even if it is kind of contemptuous of the CPU’s resources and memory.
Instead, I will use Gandbold’s thread to drive the processing of his empathy state machine using the orthogonal component pattern.
I’ll write the empathy state machine using a flat method technique then have ten different empathy-objects, derived from the OtherHorseArcher class, link to it and use it as a behavioral map.
from miros import HsmWithQueues, spy_on
def empathy(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
if(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
elif(e.signal == signals.Other_Advance_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
elif(e.signal == signals.Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(waiting)
status, = return_status.SUPER,
return status
def not_waiting(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
if(e.signal == signals.Retreat_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(dead)
elif(e.signal == signals.Advance_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(dead)
status, = return_status.SUPER, empathy
return status
def dead(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
status, = return_status.SUPER, empathy
return status
def waiting(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
if(e.signal == signals.Advance_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
elif(e.signal == signals.Retreat_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
status, = return_status.SUPER, not_waiting
return status
class OtherHorseArcher(HsmWithQueues):
def __init__(self, name='other', ip=None, time_compression=1.0):
super().__init__(name) = name
self.ip = ip
def dead(self):
result = self.state_name == 'dead'
return result
def waiting(self):
result = self.state_name == 'waiting'
return result
def not_waiting(self):
result = self.state_name == 'not_waiting'
return result
Above is an empathy state machine and a class, whose objects would like to link
to this state machine. But, the actual linking doesn’t happen until you take the
event processor within an object derived from the OtherHorseArcher class and
tell it which HSM to use. This is done with the start_at
oha_1 = OtherHorseArcher('Hulagu')
How do these empathy statecharts build up Gandbold’s concept of his military unit? The construction of this currently isn’t in his ‘defeat in detail tactic’; it doesn’t belong there. There must be some outer, yet-to-be-defined state, which builds up his ideas about how he fits in with the overall horde.
Let’s write some code that could do this; remember that our botnet will be on a network, so each node will already have a name: its IP address.
Let’s wrap our “deceit in detail tactic” state with something that can be used to capture this discovery process. Here is a UML diagram the describes our new design.
A horse archer object contains 10 “other horse archer” objects which are each tied to the empathy statechart. When a horse archer enters battle he takes note of who is going into battle with him; then tracks their state. Then he begins his “deceit in detail tactic.”
To see how the HorseArcher and OtherHorseArcher object’s relate to each other in the object inheritance hierarchy I have included the generalization arrows. The HorseArcher is a generalization of the Factory (allows callbacks), which is a generalization of the ActiveObject (which provides threads) which is a generalization of the HsmWithQueues. The OtherHorseArcher class only derives itself from the HsmWithQueues class because it doesn’t need callbacks or a thread; the horse archer will provide the thread of operation for each object tracking other horse archer’s within him (remember that we are using the orthogonal component state chart pattern). Callbacks are not used for the empathy part of the design because we are using the flat method of writing HSMs for the empathy state machine.
To add this outer state to our previous design, we would create two battle callbacks, a battle state, adjust the nesting and how the ‘others’ items are being called within the code that we wrote before.
To skip to the other side of this code listing, click here.
import time
import random
from miros import pp
from miros import HsmWithQueues, spy_on
from miros import Factory
from miros import signals, Event, return_status
[ Chart: empathy (ip) ] (10 per horse archer)
top not_waiting waiting dead
+-start_at->| | |
| (?) | | |
| +-Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry()->| |
| | (?) | |
| | +<----Retreat_War_Cry()------|
| | | (?) |
| +-------Advance_War_Cry()--------+--------------------------->|
| | (?) | |
| +<-------------------------------+--Other_Advance_War_Cry()---|
| | | (?) |
| +-Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry()->| |
| | (?) | |
| | +<----Advance_War_Cry()------|
| | | (?) |
| +-------Advance_War_Cry()--------+--------------------------->|
| | (?) | |
| +<-------------------------------+--Other_Advance_War_Cry()---|
| | | (?) |
def empathy(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
if(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
elif(e.signal == signals.Other_Advance_War_Cry or
e.signal == signals.Other_Skirmish_War_Cry or
e.signal == signals.Other_Retreat_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
elif(e.signal == signals.Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry or
e.signal == signals.Other_Ready_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(waiting)
status, = return_status.SUPER,
return status
def not_waiting(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
if(e.signal == signals.Retreat_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(dead)
elif(e.signal == signals.Advance_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(dead)
status, = return_status.SUPER, empathy
return status
def dead(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
status, = return_status.SUPER, empathy
return status
def waiting(other, e):
status = return_status.UNHANDLED
if(e.signal == signals.Advance_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
elif(e.signal == signals.Retreat_War_Cry):
status = other.trans(not_waiting)
status, = return_status.SUPER, not_waiting
return status
class OtherHorseArcher(HsmWithQueues):
def __init__(self, name='other', ip=None, time_compression=1.0):
super().__init__(name) = name
self.ip = ip
def dead(self):
result = self.state_name == 'dead'
return result
def waiting(self):
result = self.state_name == 'waiting'
return result
def not_waiting(self):
result = self.state_name == 'not_waiting'
return result
class HorseArcher(Factory):
def __init__(self, name='Gandbold', time_compression=1.0):
self.arrows = 0
self.ticks = 0
self.time_compression = time_compression
self.others = {}
def yell(self, event):
def compress(self, time_in_seconds):
return 1.0 * time_in_seconds / self.time_compression
def to_time(self, time_in_seconds):
return self.compress(time_in_seconds)
def battle_entry(archer, e):
# this will be adjusted to actual discovered ip addresses once we build up
# the network part of the code
ips = ['', '',
'', '',
'', '',
'', '',
# horse archer names
names = ['Hulagu', 'Hadan',
'Gantulga', 'Ganbaatar',
'Narankhuu', 'Ihbarhasvad',
'Nergui', 'Narantuyaa',
# append the ip address to each name
empathy_names = list(map(str.__add__, [name + '_' for name in names], ips))
# build up individual empathy HSMs and start them in the correct state
ohas = [OtherHorseArcher(empathy_name) for empathy_name in empathy_names]
for oha in ohas:
archer.others[] = oha
return return_status.HANDLED
def battle_init(archer, e):
return archer.trans(deceit_in_detail)
# Deceit-In-Detail-Tactic state callbacks
def didt_entry(archer, e):
'''Load up on arrows and start tracking time within this tactic'''
archer.arrows = HorseArcher.MAXIMUM_ARROW_CAPACITY
archer.ticks = 0
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_exit(archer, e):
'''Load up on arrows and start tracking time within this tactic'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_init(archer, e):
'''Immediately advance'''
return archer.trans(advance)
def didt_second(archer, e):
'''A second within the tactic has passed'''
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_senior_advance_war_cry(archer, e):
'''A Horse archer heard a command from a senior officer. They give this
senior officer's war cry to themselves as if they thought of it'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_advance_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Yell out "advance war cry" to others and introspect on the state of the
for name, other in archer.others.items():
return archer.trans(advance)
def didt_other_advance_war_cry(archer, e):
'''A horse archer heard another's Advance_War_Cry, so so they
give the command to and introspect on the state of their unit'''
name = e.payload
return archer.trans(advance)
def didt_other_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
name = e.payload
return archer.trans(feigned_retreat)
def didt_skirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Yell out "skirmish war cry" to others'''
return archer.trans(skirmish)
def didt_other_skirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''A horse archer heard another's Skirmish_War_Cry, so they
give the command to and introspect on the state of their unit'''
name = e.payload
return archer.trans(skirmish)
def didt_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Yell out the "retreat war cry" and introspect on the state of the unit'''
for name, other in archer.others.items():
return archer.trans(feigned_retreat)
def didt_other_retreat_ready_war_cry(archer, e):
name = e.payload
return return_status.HANDLED
def didt_other_ready_war_cry(archer, e):
name = e.payload
return return_status.HANDLED
# Advance callbacks
def advance_entry(archer, e):
'''Upon entering the advanced state wait 3 seconds then issue
Close_Enough_For_Circle war cry'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_exit(archer, e):
'''Upon entering the advanced state wait 3 seconds then issue
Close_Enough_For_Circle war cry'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_senior_advanced_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Stop Senior_Advance_War_Cry events from being handled outside of this
state, the horse archer is already in the process of performing the
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_other_advanced_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Stop Other_Advance_War_Cry events from being handled outside of this
state, the horse archer is already in the process of performing the
name = e.payload
return return_status.HANDLED
def advance_close_enough_for_circle(archer, e):
'''The Horse Archer is close enough to begin a Circle and Fire maneuver'''
return archer.trans(circle_and_fire)
# Circle-And-Fire callbacks
def caf_second(archer, e):
'''A horse archer can fire 1 to 3 arrows at a time in this maneuver,
how they behave is up to them and how they respond
to their local conditions'''
if(archer.ticks % 6 == 0): # second attack already!
archer.arrows -= random.randint(1, 3)
archer.scribble('arrows left {}'.format(archer.arrows))
if archer.arrows < 20:
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
# Skirmish state callbacks
def skirmish_entry(archer, e):
'''The Horse Archer will trigger an Ammunition_Low event if he
has less than 10 arrows when he begins skirmishing'''
# a Knight could charge at him sometime between 40-120 sec
# once he enters the skirmish state
period=archer.to_time(random.randint(40, 200)),
if archer.arrows < 10:
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_exit(archer, e):
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_second(archer, e):
'''Every 3 seconds the horse archer fires an arrow, if he has
less than 10 arrows he will trigger an Ammunition_Low event'''
# While skirmishing, he makes directed attacks on his enemy
# 40 percent chance of making a shot every 3 seconds
if archer.ticks % 3 == 0:
if random.randint(1, 10) <= 4:
archer.arrows -= 1
archer.scribble('arrows left {}'.format(archer.arrows))
if archer.arrows < 10:
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_officer_lured(archer, e):
'''If Horse Archer lures an enemy officer they issue a
Retreat_War_Cry event.'''
print("Knight Charging")
archer.scribble("Knight Charging")
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_ammunition_low(archer, e):
'''If Horse Archer is low ammunition they will give
a Retreat_War_Cry'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_senior_squirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Ignore skirmish war cries from other while skirmishing'''
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_other_squirmish_war_cry(archer, e):
'''Ignore skirmish war cries from other while skirmishing'''
name = e.payload
return return_status.HANDLED
def skirmish_retreat_ready_war_cry(archer, e):
'''If all other horse archers are ready for a return, issue a
Retreat_War_Cry, if not or either way transition into the
waiting_to_lure state'''
ready = True
for name, other in archer.others.items():
if other.dead() is not True:
ready &= other.waiting()
if ready:
# let's make sure Gandbold isn't a chicken
delay_time = random.randint(10, 30)
return archer.trans(waiting_to_lure)
# Waiting-to-Lure callbacks
def wtl_entry(archer, e):
archer.scribble('put away bow')
archer.scribble('pull scimitar')
archer.scribble('act scared')
return return_status.HANDLED
def wtl_second(archer, e):
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def wtl_exit(archer, e):
archer.scribble('stash scimitar')
archer.scribble('pull bow')
archer.scribble('stop acting')
return return_status.HANDLED
# Feigned-Retreat callbacks
def fr_entry(archer, e):
archer.scribble('fire on knights')
archer.scribble('fire on footman')
if archer.arrows == 0:
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_exit(archer, e):
archer.scribble("full gallop")
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_second(archer, e):
if archer.ticks % 3 == 0:
if random.randint(1, 10) <= 8:
archer.arrows -= 1
archer.scribble('arrows left {}'.format(archer.arrows))
if archer.arrows == 0:
archer.ticks += 1
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
name = e.payload
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_other_retreat_war_cry(archer, e):
name = e.payload
return return_status.HANDLED
def fr_out_of_arrows(archer, e):
return archer.trans(marshal)
# Marshal callbacks
def marshal_entry(archer, e):
archer.scribble("halt horse")
archer.scribble("identify next marshal point")
archer.scribble("field wrap wounds on self and horse")
archer.scribble("drink water")
return return_status.HANDLED
def marshal_ready(archer, e):
ready = True
for name, other in archer.others.items():
if other.dead() is not True:
ready &= other.waiting()
if ready:
return archer.trans(waiting_to_advance)
# Waiting-to-Advance callbacks
def wta_entry(archer, e):
archer.arrows = HorseArcher.MAXIMUM_ARROW_CAPACITY
period=archer.to_time(random.randint(30, 120)),
return return_status.HANDLED
def wta_exit(archer, e):
return return_status.HANDLED
# Create the archer
archer = HorseArcher()
# Create the archer states
battle = archer.create(state='battle'). \
handler=battle_entry). \
handler=battle_init). \
deceit_in_detail = archer.create(state='deceit_in_detail'). \
handler=didt_entry). \
handler=didt_init). \
handler=didt_second). \
handler=didt_senior_advance_war_cry). \
handler=didt_advance_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_advance_war_cry). \
handler=didt_skirmish_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_skirmish_war_cry). \
handler=didt_retreat_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_retreat_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_retreat_ready_war_cry). \
handler=didt_other_ready_war_cry). \
advance = archer.create(state='advance'). \
handler=advance_entry). \
handler=advance_exit). \
handler=advance_senior_advanced_war_cry). \
handler=advance_other_advanced_war_cry). \
handler=advance_close_enough_for_circle). \
circle_and_fire = archer.create(state='circle_and_fire'). \
handler=caf_second). \
skirmish = archer.create(state='skirmish'). \
handler=skirmish_entry). \
handler=skirmish_exit). \
handler=skirmish_second). \
handler=skirmish_officer_lured). \
handler=skirmish_ammunition_low). \
handler=skirmish_senior_squirmish_war_cry). \
handler=skirmish_other_squirmish_war_cry). \
handler=skirmish_retreat_ready_war_cry). \
waiting_to_lure = archer.create(state='waiting_to_lure'). \
handler=wtl_entry). \
handler=wtl_exit). \
handler=wtl_second). \
feigned_retreat = archer.create(state='feigned_retreat'). \
handler=fr_entry). \
handler=fr_exit). \
handler=fr_second). \
handler=fr_out_of_arrows). \
handler=fr_retreat_war_cry). \
handler=fr_other_retreat_war_cry). \
marshal = archer.create(state='marshal'). \
handler=marshal_entry). \
handler=marshal_ready). \
waiting_to_advance = archer.create(state='waiting_to_advance'). \
handler=wta_entry). \
handler=wta_exit). \
archer.nest(battle, parent=None). \
nest(deceit_in_detail, parent=battle). \
nest(advance, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(circle_and_fire, parent=advance). \
nest(skirmish, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(waiting_to_lure, parent=skirmish). \
nest(feigned_retreat, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(marshal, parent=deceit_in_detail). \
nest(waiting_to_advance, parent=marshal)
We see that the above listing does more than just add an empathy statechart. It fixes some missing items in the original horse archer statechart.
The previous empathy design features were added using hand waving and imagination, rather than testing. So, it was pretty much guaranteed not to work.
To see how the orthogonal components were behaving, I first had to test its individual HSM, then ensure that the horse archer’s main statechart was feeding in the correct set of events to run each of the empathy state machines.
In doing this, I found a bunch of design and software bugs. These issues were corrected, and you can see them in the above diff (the highlighted code in the above listing).
To test the empathy state machine, I built up another-horse-archer empathy object (oha) and tied it to the outer state of the empathy HSM. Then I started it and sent it all of the events pictured in the empathy HSM diagram. I used its trace instrumentation to see how it reacted to these events; by comparing this reaction to the HSM diagram, I confirmed that the HSM in the code was matching the HSM in the picture.
Notice the use of the complete_circuit
method in the following code listing.
The oha object doesn’t have its own thread; it’s derived from the HsmWithQueues
class. With no thread to drive the next run-to-completion event, the oha object
can’t pull events from its queue and force its HSM to react to them. The
method, uses the main operating thread to drive events from
the empathy FIFO into its HSM. It will run until its FIFO is empty.
oha = OtherHorseArcher()
oha.start_at(empathy) # tie oha to outer state of empathy hsm
oha.complete_circuit() # no thread drives this, so we force it run
This code created the feedback I needed to fix my empathy HSM. To begin with it was completely wrong, so I changed the HSM code until it matched what I was expecting:
[17.592835] [other] e->start_at() top->not_waiting
[17.593095] [other] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() not_waiting->waiting
[17.593384] [other] e->Retreat_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
[17.593570] [other] e->Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
[17.593886] [other] e->Other_Advance_War_Cry() dead->not_waiting
[17.594120] [other] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() not_waiting->waiting
[17.594381] [other] e->Advance_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
[17.594557] [other] e->Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
I would like to convert this instrumentation output into a code snippet so that a regression test could use it as a specification. But the trace output contains date-time information, so if I compared it with another trace they would never match, because they are logging different times.
The stripped
context manager, pulls off all date-time information and allows
test code to compare old trace outputs, to new trace outputs. So I used the
context manager to build up the following test code:
oha = OtherHorseArcher()
oha.start_at(empathy) # tie oha to outer state of empathy hsm)
oha.complete_circuit() # no thread drives this, so we force it run
expected_empathy_trace = \
[17.592835] [other] e->start_at() top->not_waiting
[17.593095] [other] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() not_waiting->waiting
[17.593384] [other] e->Retreat_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
[17.593570] [other] e->Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
[17.593886] [other] e->Other_Advance_War_Cry() dead->not_waiting
[17.594120] [other] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() not_waiting->waiting
[17.594381] [other] e->Advance_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
[17.594557] [other] e->Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
with stripped(expected_empathy_trace) as stripped_target, \
stripped(oha.trace()) as stripped_trace_result:
for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
assert(target == result)
The horse archer can now empathize, but he can’t link what he experiences on the field of battle with this ability. He can’t track the members of his unit in his head yet.
Gandbold’s statechart has a thread which came from his ActiveObject
ancestral-class. This thread will continuously pluck events from his queues and
react to these events by driving them through his battle and empathy state
machines. The battle state machine uses the dispatch
method to push a
subset of its experiences into his empathy HSMs. The thread does the work of
pulling items off of his queues, so we do not need to use the
method anymore. You will only need to use
when you have an event processor derived from an
HsmWithQueues class or any of its ancestors.
We need to confirm that his battle HSM dispatches the events required to drive his empathy.
To test that Gandbold could send his experienced events into his empathy HSM, I first looked at the empathy HSM picture and decided what events had to be sent to it. Then, I plucked a single empathy HSM out of Gandbold’s mind so that I could see how it was working.
It would be hard to understand what Gandbold was thinking and empathizing about while in the heat of battle, so I stopped time for him. Then I send him the events that I wanted him to dispatch into his empathy HSM. Upon doing this I could look at the empathy object and use trace instrumentation to see if it was behaving properly.
We already know the empathy HSM is working, so if it wasn’t working properly in this test it was because Gandbold wasn’t dispatching to it.
# stop time for the horse archer so that we can test his empathy reactions
archer.live_trace = False # stop looking at his reactions
# get the name of his first and last brother in arms
others = list(archer.others.keys())
first_brothers_name = others[0]
empathy_for_first_brother = \
last_brothers_name = others[-1]
# confirm paths in empathy chart
# confirm not_waiting paths
Event(signal=signals.Other_Advance_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Other_Skirmish_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Other_Retreat_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
# confirm path to dead
Event(signal=signals.Advance_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Other_Advance_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Retreat_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
# confirm path to waiting
Event(signal=signals.Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Other_Ready_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
# confirm paths from waiting to not waiting
Event(signal=signals.Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Advance_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
Event(signal=signals.Retreat_War_Cry, payload=first_brothers_name))
This will output the following empathy trace:
[18] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->start_at() top->not_waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->not_waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Skirmish_War_Cry() not_waiting->not_waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_War_Cry() not_waiting->not_waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Advance_War_Cry() dead->not_waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Retreat_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() dead->waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Ready_War_Cry() waiting->waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() waiting->waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Advance_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() not_waiting->waiting
[20] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Retreat_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
So Gandbold can track Altan’s shouts and make reasonable guesses about what he is doing on the battlefield. The code listing below demonstrates how to turn this trace and lock in Gandbold’s expected behaviour, as a regression test:
To skip to the other side of this code listing, click here.
# start time
# wait a bit
archer.live_trace = True
# stop time
# get first brother
others = list(archer.others.keys())
first_brothers_name = others[0]
empathy_for_first_brother = \
# prime the pump and clear the trace of the first brother
# confirm paths in empathy chart
# confirm not_waiting paths
# confirm path to dead
# confirm path to waiting
# confirm paths from waiting to not waiting
# wait a bit
# compare trace output with expected output (remove name)
expected_empathy_target_trace = \
[07:06:53.42] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->not_waiting
[07:06:53.42] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Skirmish_War_Cry() not_waiting->not_waiting
[07:06:53.43] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_War_Cry() not_waiting->not_waiting
[07:06:53.44] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Advance_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Advance_War_Cry() dead->not_waiting
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Retreat_War_Cry() not_waiting->dead
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() dead->waiting
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Ready_War_Cry() waiting->waiting
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() waiting->waiting
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Advance_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry() not_waiting->waiting
[07:06:53.45] [Altan_192.168.0.10] e->Retreat_War_Cry() waiting->not_waiting
with stripped(expected_empathy_target_trace) as stripped_target, \
stripped(empathy_for_first_brother.trace()) as stripped_trace_result:
for target, result in zip(stripped_target, stripped_trace_result):
assert(target == result)
Networking our Horse Archers#
When I first wrote this documentation I described the steps needed to integrate Gandbold with the RabbitMQ networking library. This turned out to be both complicated and distracting, since I was spending a lot of time writing about networks and security and not writing about horse archers or statecharts. So, I left this project for a while and wrote the miros-rabbitmq plugin.
You can now use the miros-rabbitmq plugin to make networkable statecharts. So let’s network our Mongols by following these steps:
install RabbitMQ and miros-rabbitmq on all of the computers you want to network.
replace any Factory class with a NetworkedFactory class
Let’s talk about the directory structure that you will need for this to work:
├── .env
The hidden, .env
file holds your RabbitMQ credentials and your
miros-rabbitmq encryption keys.
You can actually place your .env
file in an outer directory too. Typically
they are placed in the same directory as your .git
Your .env
file contains your secrets. It will look something like this:
Make sure you use the same credentials in your .env file that you used while
installing RabbitMQ on your system. Take special note that the
match how you set your RabbitMQ
installation up.
The miros-rabbitmq library uses pydotenv
as a dependency. It is this
which will turn the items of your .env
file into environment
variables that your program can use.
To access these secrets and use the new networkable statechart classes you will need to add some code to your
# drop in replacements of the ActiveObject and Factory
from miros_rabbitmq import NetworkedActiveObject
from miros_rabbitmq import NetworkedFactory
# imports needed to get your secrets from the .env file
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pathlib import Path
# put the secrets in the .env file into separate environment variables
env_path = Path('.') / '.env'
if env_path.is_file():
load_dotenv(env_path) # variables now set in the shell's environment
# recurse outward to find .env file if no .env file found
# get the contents of our shell's environment
Often the code to access your .env file is put within the file for your package or application. If you set things up this way, you can just import your variables from the setup.
We previously derived our HorserArcher from the Factory class. To get the networking features, I’ll derive the HorseArcher with the new NetworkedFactory instead:
The miros-rabbitmq plugin’s NetworkedFactory classes extend the interface of the Factory class with the transmit, enable_snoop_trace and enable_snoop_spy methods. This means that any object derived from our HorseArcher will have these methods too.
The miros-rabbitmq library actually constructs three different RabbitMQ networks:
The most important of these networks, is the mesh network, which is used by the
statecharts to send events to one another. To send an event, a statechart would
use its transmit
RabbitMQ permits the use of a topic routing feature, which miros-rabbitmq provides access to on the mesh network only.
The two snoop networks are set up for debugging the distributed system from one
computer. For a node to participate in one of the snoop networks, you need to enable it
with a call to either enable_snoop_trace
or enable_snoop_spy
Attaching the Mongol to the Mesh#
The Mongols in our warbot will run on different processes on many different computers, or, within many processes on one machine. It doesn’t matter, if they are running somewhere on a LAN they should find one another and start to work together.
As a statechart designer, you want to be able to focus your attention on the networked Mongol statechart structure without being bogged down by the details of networking.
So we would like our horse archers to be able to yell commands back and forth, and we want to be able to monitor what their botnet is doing from one machine. To do all of this we will insert the NetworkedActiveObject class (with all of its networking features) between the HorseArcher and its Factory ancestor in our class inheritance hierarchy.
The RabbitFactory abstracts away large parts of the network, and it provides a way to build up a statechart which can access the mesh and snoop networks.
To understand the networking part of the statechart abstraction, we will have to know how it relates to our statechart architecture, how to build it up and how to use its API.
Here is a sketch of the new networked statechart architecture:
The generalization arrows between the ancestor UML rectangles shows us which of the ancestral classes, gives our HorseArcher what set of features. Most of the time this can be handwaved away with a “yes I trust that part works,” but it is good to consider what is happening from time to time:
The HsmWithQueues class provides the event dispatcher, the trace and the spy instrumentation features. The ActiveObject delivers the threading that our HSMs can run in. An HSM running in its thread is called a statechart; so the ActiveObject provides us with the ability to make statecharts. The Factory class gives us the ability to build up statecharts by writing callbacks, constructing state objects, linking these then imposing a hierarchy on the states. As of now, between the Factory class and the HorseArcher, we place the NetworkedFactory (from the miros-rabbitmq plugin).
The NetworkedFactory will include all of the required network dependencies. It will link all of the statechart features to other statecharts across three different types of networks: it will provide a publish/subscription routing model for event messaging with an encrypted mesh network and it allow us to extend our spy and trace instrumentation across every connected statechart using a two different snoop-networks.
Now that we know more about the architecture, how do we syntactically construct a networked statechart? Here is how we would build a networked archer object:
archer = HorseArcher(
name = HorseArcher.get_a_name(),
The highlighted lines in the above listing show what information is required to
connect to the network. We get this information from the .env
file and the
code that we added to access our networking secrets.
Inside the HorseArcher class, its RabbitFactory object is constructed with a bit more detail:
1# . code inside the __init__ method of the HorseArcher = name
3# super would be NetworkedFactory
5 tx_routing_key='archer.{}'.format(name),
6 rx_routing_key='archer.#',
7 rabbit_user=rabbit_user,
8 rabbit_password=rabbit_password,
9 mesh_encryption_key=mesh_encryption_key,
10 snoop_key=snoop_trace_encryption_key=snoop_trace_encryption_key,
11 snoop_key=snoop_spy_encryption_key=snoop_spy_encryption_key,
12 rabbit_port=rabbit_port)
13# .
The highlighted lines describe how we will set up the topic routing scheme for this state chart. We will transmit each event wrapped in an ‘archer.<name>’ topic, and we will receive ‘archer.#’, where the ‘#’ matches zero or more words. We really aren’t using this feature in any meaningful way. I am adding it here so that you are aware of it for your own designs.
Now that we can build a networked horse archer, how do we use it?
Well, to start with we can yell
events across the mesh. The yell
takes an Event as an input and posts it into the FIFO inbox of all connected
statecharts. The yell
method calls the transmit
method of the
The enable_snoop_trace
and enable_snoop_spy
methods act on the other
snoop networks. It turns on the ability to debug every connected statechart on
one machine. The only other method that we will want is snoop_scribble
Think of this as a networked print statement that will write your messages into
the snoop networks.
So to use the new features provided by the NetworkedFactory class: we will
out events on the mesh network and watch the collective instrumentation
on one, or both of our snoop networks.
Building a Mongol Unit#
Off camera, I re-wrote the horse archer to use the NetworkedFactory. In this section I will describe the new parts of the design and then present the code.
To begin, let’s Reduce the resolution on the NetworkedFactory part of our architectural diagram while increasing the detail on the battle HSM:
The named methods in the HorserArcher and OtherHorseArcher classes represent code that used to exist in their HSMs. Upon scanning the design, I noticed there was a lot of code repetition. To DRY my Python up I sucked the repetitive code up out of the HSMs, into named methods in the HorseArcher and OtherHorseArcher classes.
The HorseArcher class also has a static method: HorseArcher.get_name
. In
our previous design, we were going to reference the other horse archer’s by
their IP addresses. But if we named them this way, we could not run more than
one horse archer process per machine without breaking the software. I don’t
have ten computers in my LAN; so I will have to test multiple processes per
device to confirm that the design is working. The HorseArcher.get_name
static method will provide unique names so that we can create horse archers on
the same machine.
Now let’s talk about the battle statechart. Things have become quite complicated, and we are starting to face the limitations of the Umlet tool used to describe our picture. The diagram is too big to fit on this page, so we compact a large part of it into the deceit_in_detail ‘substate’ glyph. This means, there is something else here, but we have hidden it from view. We will talk about it soon enough.
Let’s look at the exposed parts of the networked battle statechart.
We see that the first thing our horse archers do when they begin battle is to yell out that they have arrived. They yell the Other_Arrival_On_Field event, using their name as a payload.
As a convention, I will pre-pend ‘Other’ in front of any event that is intended to be sent out over the mesh. By doing this, our system will be a lot easier to debug.
Our statechart is ergotic; so not only does it need to yell out events it must also receive those same events from others in the mesh.
The following method, called from the Other_Arrival_On_Field hook, is used to add members to a horse archer’s unit:
def add_member_if_needed(self, other_archer_name):
if != other_archer_name and other_archer_name is not None:
if other_archer_name not in self.others:
oha = OtherHorseArcher(other_archer_name)
self.others[other_archer_name] = oha
Consider what a horse archer does when he calls his add_member_if_needed
He checks to see if he is just listening to himself and if he can identify a name within the shout. Then he checks to see if he is already mentally tracking this person in his collection of ‘others.’ If he hasn’t been, he creates an empathy object for them, starts it up then adds this object to his ‘others’ data dictionary. He can now mentally track that other person on the battlefield.
With this method, there is no upper bound for members in a horse archer unit. Also, the horse archers don’t need to know about each other before they begin to fight as a team. Their shared mesh encryption key is enough for them to see that they are intended to work together.
Now let’s look at the networked deceit_in_detail part of the battle statechart:
The map has gotten too big! So we will break it into five different diagrams and talk about the new parts of the design in each region.
First, we will look at the deceit_in_detail state in high resolution while blurring out its inner states:
On the top right of the diagram we see some notes linked to a small subset of the HorseArcher class diagram. These notes describe a heuristic, a pattern hint, for helping us program this design:
The horse archer must send various events into his empathy HSMs so he can track
what his unit is doing. This code, which used to be peppered all over our
previous HSMs, is now wrapped up into two different HorseArcher methods,
and dispatch_to_empathy
The pattern hints are explicitly written down to help us avoid making mistakes. The events that are intended for our local consumption, like the Advance_War_Cry, need to be sent to all empathy statecharts. The events that have been received from another horse archer only go to that horse archer’s empathy HSM.
But what signals need to be fed into these empathy methods?
To answer that, we look back to our empathy HSM diagram:
So these design hints, and their policies, are intended to save us from getting
lost in details. All Other
pre-pended events in listed in the empathy
diagram need to use the dispatch_to_empathy
method when referenced anywhere
in the deceit_in_detail statechart. Likewise all personal events, like the
Advance_War_Cry and the Retreat_War_Cry need to use the
methods. By generalizing our thinking, imposing
simple rules and following these rules we can save ourselves from adding bugs to
our design.
These policy heuristics should be implemented within the code. The yell to others and a war cry to themselves could be split into separate methods; then a policy could be set without expecting the developer to be vigilent. This would be an obvious refactoring objective for the next design iteration.
Let’s look at how the dispatch_to_empathy
method works.
def dispatch_to_empathy(self, event, other_archer_name=None):
if other_archer_name is None:
other_archer_name = event.payload
if other_archer_name is not None:
It seems simple enough. The method determines what the name of the other horse
archer is. If it hasn’t heard from this horse archer before, it is added to the
object. Then, because our empathy HSM doesn’t have its own thread,
we call its dispatch
The dispatch_to_all_empathy
method is even simpler:
def dispatch_to_all_empathy(self, event):
for name, other in self.others.items():
We iterate over all of the empathy objects and dispatch the event into them.
Now let’s look at the networked advance and circle_and_fire part of the design:
We see some new things here, first, we yell out when we enter the state. Why do we do this? Well, we know that this Other_Advance_War_Cry is intended to be a horse archer’s expression of local officer-ship in his unit. If the other horse archers are not advancing, they will advance if they hear his call.
But, we could easily cause infinite oscillations between our networked statecharts: if one were to yell out, only to have another yell out which would cause us to yell out again. Next thing you know, we are attacked by smurfs.
To avoid this kind of trouble I follow the multi-chart race pattern, before describing how it is implemented let’s consider what we are trying to do. We want the horse archers to race each other into the next state. If one decides it is time to advance, we want them all to advance. So when we look at this part of the diagram we need to think about more than one chart at the same time.
If the first horse archer in our unit decided it was time to advance, he would yell out the Advance_War_Cry and enter the advance state. Then he would yell out the Other_Advance_War_Cry. When another horse archer hears this, he would transition into the Other_Advance_War_Cry and yell out his own Other_Advance_War_Cry. When such a race is happening between nodes there will be a burst of traffic on the mesh network.
But there would be an infinite burst of traffic without the last part of this pattern, the event block within the target state. Notice that when our horse archer is in the advance state he will not act when he hears the Other_Advance_War_Cry event. This is very important. It is this block that stops an avalanche of oscillations across the mesh.
Suppose you wanted a quieter multi-chart race and you really trusted your network to deliver messages. Instead of yelling out the Other_Advance_War_Cry in the entry state, you could place it on the Advance_War_Cry event. The first advancing horse archer would notify all other members that he is advancing and everyone would follow. If you didn’t block there wouldn’t be an infinite oscillation (it’s still a good idea to block though).
The problem with this approach is that you can’t trust your network. For it to work, every path between the first advancing horse archer and every other unit would have to be clear. With the approach followed in the example, you take advantage of the redundant network paths to ensure messages are transmitted out to all units. It’s an automatic feature.
The second new thing we see in this design is an innocuous little comment,
orthogonal component debug code here
. The orthogonal component pattern was
invented by Miro Samek to be a faster, drop-in replacement of the orthogonal
region pattern imagined by David Harel. We are using the orthogonal component
pattern to build unit empathy. The only problem is that the instrumentation
within these orthogonal HSMs is not included in the trace and spy information of
the main battle statechart. So our empathy orthogonal component information is
in the dark.
How will we know if it works?
Well, we can just print its trace information onto the screen every time a horse archer finishes a loop. But there might be lots of horse archers, how will we know if they all work as they were intended? We will test the first one. If it works, we can have confidence that the others will work too.
Here is some orthogonal component debug code that could be put into the ‘advance’ state’s entry condition to test to see if our empathy design works:
# in the advance entry state
if len(archer.others) >= 1:
first_name_of_others = next(iter(archer.others))
The above code would appear under the orthogonal component debug code here
comment. It will only run if there is another horse archer in the mesh. We
get the first empathy orthogonal component. We print its trace information to
the screen, then we clear its trace log so that we will only capture the next
loop’s empathy information when we print it out on the next pass.
Now let’s look at the networked Skirmish and Ready for Retreat states:
Here the horse archers engage in another multi-chart race.
Instead of racing each other into the ‘advance’ state, they race each other into the ‘skirmish’ state.
Furthermore, the whole point of the global tactic is happening inside of this part of the map; we are trying to lure a knight while maintaining group cohesion. When a horse archer’s ammunition runs low, he makes a Retreat_Ready_War cry. Upon reacting to this event, he reflects upon all of his living teammates to determine if they are waiting for him. If they are he will still enter the waiting to lure state, but for a shorter period than he would if there was another team member that was still skirmishing. In this way he isn’t a coward, he joins his brethren in the dangerous ‘waiting_to_lure’ state before yelling out the Retreat_War_Cry.
This also makes the map holographic: If all other horse archers are dead, the global tactic will look the same for the last horse archer.
So the last horse archer who enters the feigned_retreat state determines when all other members can leave this state. This is the opposite situation from the multi-chart race pattern. For lack of a better description, I call it the “multi-chart pend pattern,” since all of the charts are pending on the last statechart for their next action.
In fact all of the trouble caused by building up the empathy orthogonal components, and then feeding these components with the various events around the map were done to serve this “multi-chart pend” pattern.
I tried to draw a lot of that information onto this part of the diagram:
We see that the “multi-chart pend” pattern uses the empathy structures, that the
and dispatch_to_all_empathy
methods were used to
feed these empathy orthogonal components with the information they need to
settle into their correct states. We also see that the iterator on the
Retreat_Ready_War_Cry event was there to determine if we were the last living,
waiting, horse archer. If so, to set our time before yelling our retreat to a
smaller value than it would be otherwise.
To stay consistent, we yell out this multi-unit signal upon entering the state where it is truthful to do so. This yell will not cause oscillations like it would for the multi-chart race pattern. In fact, we use a hook in an external state to catch this call made by other horse archers; we don’t block it in the waiting_to_lure state. The Other_Retreat_Ready_War_Cry is only used to feed the empathy charts, to update information about if another horse archer is waiting, not waiting or dead. It can’t cause an oscillation.
We see something else here too, when a horse archer thinks another one is dead
he calls the snoop_scribble
method to write about it. This will put this
information into the snoop stream. Any snooping horse archer will see this
information on their snoop network. This is very useful for understanding what
is happening across the whole of the botnet.
The snoop_scribble
will print information out onto the snoop network. If
this network has been set to track the trace instrumentation it will be
written in to that stream, if it has been set to track the spy information, it
will be written into that stream. The local, scribble
method will still work,
but it will only write information into the local statechart’s spy stream.
Let’s see what new networking code I added to the feigned_retreat state.
Here we see what happens when a horse archer finally lures a knight, or when they decide they have spent enough time in the waiting_to_lure state. A Retreat_Ready_War_Cry causes all horse archers to retreat using a multi-chart race pattern.
Finally, when a horse archer has run out of arrows they independently marshal and wait.
When they begin to marshal, they refill their quiver and after 60 seconds transition into the waiting_to_advance state.
The waiting_to_advance state is like the waiting_to_lure state: it is only when the last horse archer is ready that all of the members can begin their next action.
But we also see that a horse archer might get impatient, and attack before all of his teammates regroup from their previous attack cycle. If this happens, he will prematurely shout out and Advance_War_Cry. His Advance_War_Cry will cause a multi-unit race to the ‘advance’ state, which will have all of the horse archers charge towards their enemies front line, with or without arrows.
Imagine yourself charging toward an enemy without any arrows. What would you do? Well, you couldn’t shoot, but you wouldn’t be helpless either. You could yell out commands to your team, and they would listen to you, and you could wave your scimitar and try and look menacing. There would be at least one armed horse archer covering your flank. So instead of stopping to argue with the guy who got you into this predicament, you would charge in, circle then quickly call out a Skirmish_War_Cry. Immediately upon closing the distance to the front line, you would yell out that you are ready for a retreat and bait knights. If you survive you will be the first back to the marshal point; so it is pretty much guaranteed that you will have arrows for the next attack.
Now, suppose you were the commanding officer of this unit of horse archers. You might notice that their attack throughput is exceptionally high. They seem to always be engaged, adding to the chaos and bluster in the field. The enemy’s front line never seems to have a chance to re-organize. You might not see that they aren’t firing as many arrows as your other units, but according to the equivalent of your 13th-century spreadsheet, they have been slaying more knights than your other teams. Slaying knights is the strategic objective. This unit’s behaviour is an example of an emergent phenomenon.
Emergence describes how complex, and often unforeseen global patterns arise from the interactions of individual parts of a system when they follow simple rules. Another way of saying this: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It is hard to design foreseen emergent features into your multi-unit software, but as you play with ergotic state charts you will train up your intuition and discover new voodoo tricks.
The interactions between the simple rules of your agents create the global emergent patterns, so make it easy to change them while you are testing your system. In this example the impatience of one horse archer starts an emergent oscillation. The amount of this impatience could be turned into an attribute of the Horse Archer class so that you can parametrize it, and tune it while testing the team of horse archers.