What I learned on my own I still remember

—Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Hacking to Learn#

In this example I ask a small question about a statechart. Then we will:

  1. try to answer the question

  2. build the chart in working code

  3. test out our answer

  4. learn something

A Picture and a Question#


Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?

If you are unfamiliar with UML, this part of the diagram:


…contains a guard. Specifically, the code:


…on the arrow is the guard.

It is shorthand for: if the logic between the square brackets is True then let the event on the arrow pass through. The code that is after the guard on the diagram, t(), runs if the guard doesn’t block it. Now that we know how a guard works, we can infer that:



  1. When I see a T event, ask for permission from the guard to see if it can pass.

  2. The g function is the guard

  3. If g returns True, T can pass; it can run the t function then make the transition to state s2 [1].

  4. If g returns False the T event is ignored by the chart.

A Partial Answer#

Now that we understand that, let’s re-ask the question:

“Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?”


Well, if we start in s11, then we receive a T, s11 wouldn’t know what to do with T, so it would pass it out to s1. s1 does know what to do with T, it would try to pass it to s2.

Ok, now how do we get from s11 to s2? We need to exit, s11, then we need to exit s1 then we need to enter s2. Oh, and don’t forget to run g and t on the T event. Here is a working theory:

  1. a will run because s11 needs to be exited.

  2. b will run because s1 needs to be exited.

  3. g will run because it is the guard for the T event between the s1 and s2 states.

  4. t will run (assuming that g returned true)

  5. c will run because s2 needs to be entered.

A Better Answer#

Now that we have a partial answer, let’s re-ask the question:

“Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?”


If we look at the s2 state, we see that it has an initialization event (black dot) with another function d hanging on it . After s2 is entered, we would expect the next thing to be a transition into the s21 state, but first we would run the d function on the arrow tied to the black dot, since it is outside of the s21 state and we haven’t entered it yet. Let’s add this to our working theory:

  1. a will run because s11 needs to be exited.

  2. b will run because s1 needs to be exited.

  3. g will run because it is the guard for the T event between the s1 and s2 states.

  4. t will run (assuming that g returned true)

  5. c will run because s2 needs to be entered.

  6. d will run on the init transition event from s2 to s21

  7. e will run because the s21 needs to be entered.

Our First Working Hypothesis#

“Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?”


Ok, our thinking is a bit clearer now but let’s tighten up our answer. There are actually two parts, because the guard can return True or False. We will start with the easy part of the answer, then explain the longer part of the answer:

  1. If g() returns False, none of the functions are called.

  2. If g() returns True, then… wait g had to be called first? Hmm.. whatever, here is my theory so far: a, b, g, t, c, d, e. It is easy to answer this way because my eyes work that way when I’m looking at the picture.

But, there is something nagging at me now: g had to be called first, otherwise my answer doesn’t really make any sense. So, here is my answer:

  1. If g() returns False, only g is called

  2. If g() returns True, then g, a, b, t, c, d, e.

We have our theory, but we are hackers not philosophers. We have more work to do. Hackers ruthlessly deploy the scientific method to seek understanding about things they care about. Hackers do four hard things over and over again:

  1. Think

  2. Move past technical boundaries

  3. Destroy their own theories by seeking contrary evidence

  4. Learn from their mistakes

Now that I think I understand how the statechart works, I have performed the first thing on the list. To try and disprove my theory, I will need to build up the statechart in the diagram and actually see what happens.

Code, Make a Picture#

To begin with I will draw the picture in the code, so that as I work I can see what I’m trying to build:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |


Code, Required Imports#

Now I’ll import the items I’ll need to run my experiment:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |


import time
from miros import spy_on, pp
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import signals, Event, return_status

Code, Frame in the States#

Now I will frame in the state methods:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |

import time
from miros import spy_on, pp
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import signals, Event, return_status

def s_state(chart, e)

def s1_state(chart, e)

def s11_state(chart, e)

def s2_state(chart, e)

def s21_state(chart, e)

Code, Add Common Internal State Code#

Now I add the internal-event-handling code into each of the state methods:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |

import time
from miros import spy_on, pp
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import signals, Event, return_status

def s_state(chart, e)
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s1_state(chart, e)
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s11_state(chart, e)
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s2_state(chart, e)
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s21_state(chart, e)
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

Code, Add Hiearchy#

Then I add the hierarchy:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |


import time
from miros import spy_on, pp
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import signals, Event, return_status

def s_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s1_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
  return status

def s11_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s1_state
  return status

def s2_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
  return status

def s21_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s2_state
  return status

Code, Add the T and Init events#

Now I’ll add management for the T event in state s1 event and the init event needed in s2:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |


import time
from miros import spy_on, pp
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import signals, Event, return_status

def s_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s1_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.T):
    status = chart.trans(s2_state)
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
  return status

def s11_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s1_state
  return status

def s2_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = chart.trans(s21_state)
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
  return status

def s21_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s2_state
  return status

Code, See if anything Runs#

Now it is time to turn on this hierarchy by giving it to an active object and seeing what happens:

 2+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
 3| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
 4| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
 5| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
 6| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
 7| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
 8| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
 9| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
10| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
11| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |
16import time
17from miros import spy_on, pp
18from miros import ActiveObject
19from miros import signals, Event, return_status
22def s_state(chart, e):
23status = return_status.UNHANDLED
25if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
26  status = return_status.HANDLED
27elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
28  status = return_status.HANDLED
30  status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
31return status
35def s1_state(chart, e):
36  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
38  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
39    status = return_status.HANDLED
40  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
41    a(chart)
42    status = return_status.HANDLED
43  elif(e.signal == signals.T):
44    status = chart.trans(s2_state)
45  else:
46    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
47  return status
51def s11_state(chart, e):
52  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
54  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
55    status = return_status.HANDLED
56  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
57    status = return_status.HANDLED
58  else:
59    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s1_state
60  return status
64def s2_state(chart, e):
65  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
67  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
68    status = return_status.HANDLED
69  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
70    status = return_status.HANDLED
71  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
72    status = chart.trans(s21_state)
73  else:
74    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
75  return status
79def s21_state(chart, e):
80  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
82  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
83    status = return_status.HANDLED
84  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
85    status = return_status.HANDLED
86  else:
87    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s2_state
88  return status
91if __name__ == "__main__":
92  ao = ActiveObject(name="T_question")
93  ao.start_at(s11_state)
94  time.sleep(0.1)
95  pp(ao.spy())

Notice, we sleep for a very short time to let the active object thread detect that it has received an instruction.

When we run this code it outputs:

 '<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)']

Good, our start is structured well enough that it can run.

Code, Add the guard and t function#

Now lets add the guard function g and the t function into s1_state, this will build this part of the picture:

+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |


import time
from miros import spy_on, pp
from miros import ActiveObject
from miros import signals, Event, return_status

def s_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

def s1_state(chart, e):
  def g(chart):
    chart.scribble("Running g() -- the guard, which returns True")
    return True

  def t(chart):
    chart.scribble("Running t() -- function run on event T")

  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
      status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.T):
    if g(chart):
      status = chart.trans(s2_state)
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
  return status

def s11_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s1_state
  return status

def s2_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = chart.trans(s21_state)
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
  return status

def s21_state(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED

  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s2_state
  return status

if __name__ == "__main__":
  ao = ActiveObject(name="T_question")

The guard condition totally makes sense when you look it it in Python.

Functions g and t use the chart’s scribble method which puts little notes directly into the spy output log. We do this so that our tests will reveal exactly when g and t are called by the event processor.

Code, Add the other functions#

Now let’s frame a, b, c, d, e. Notice we re-name the e function to e_function to avoid a name collision:

  2+----------------------------- s -------------------------------+
  3| +-------- s1 ---------+                 +-------- s2 -------+ |
  4| | exit / b()          |                 | entry / c()       | |
  5| |    +--- s11 ----+   |                 |  +---- s21 -----+ | |
  6| |    | exit / a() |   |                 |  | entry / e()  | | |
  7| |    |            |   |                 |  |              | | |
  8| |    |            |   +- T [g()] / t() ->  |              | | |
  9| |    +------------+   |                 |  +-----------/--+ | |
 10| |                     |                 |   *-- / d() -+    | |
 11| +---------------------+                 +-------------------+ |
 16import time
 17from miros import spy_on, pp
 18from miros import ActiveObject
 19from miros import signals, Event, return_status
 23def s_state(chart, e):
 24  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 26  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 27    status = return_status.HANDLED
 28  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 29    status = return_status.HANDLED
 30  else:
 31    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
 32  return status
 36def s1_state(chart, e):
 37  def b(chart):
 38    chart.scribble("Running b()")
 40  def g(chart):
 41    chart.scribble("Running g() -- the guard, which returns True")
 42    return True
 44  def t(chart):
 45    chart.scribble("Running t() -- function run on event T")
 47  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 49  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 50    status = return_status.HANDLED
 51  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 52    b(chart)
 53    status = return_status.HANDLED
 54  elif(e.signal == signals.T):
 55    if g(chart):
 56      t(chart)
 57      status = chart.trans(s2_state)
 58  else:
 59    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
 60  return status
 64def s11_state(chart, e):
 65  def a(chart):
 66    chart.scribble("Running a()")
 68  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 70  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 71    status = return_status.HANDLED
 72  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 73    a(chart)
 74    status = return_status.HANDLED
 75  else:
 76    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s1_state
 77  return status
 81def s2_state(chart, e):
 82  def c(chart):
 83    chart.scribble("running c()")
 85  def d(chart):
 86    chart.scribble("running d()")
 88  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
 90  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
 91    c(chart)
 92    status = return_status.HANDLED
 93  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
 94    status = return_status.HANDLED
 95  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
 96    d(chart)
 97    status = chart.trans(s21_state)
 98  else:
 99    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s_state
100  return status
104def s21_state(chart, e):
105  def e_function(chart):
106    chart.scribble("running e()")
108  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
110  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
111    e_function(chart)
112    status = return_status.HANDLED
113  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
114    status = return_status.HANDLED
115  else:
116    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, s2_state
117  return status
120if __name__ == "__main__":
121  ao = ActiveObject(name="T_question")
122  ao.start_at(s11_state)
124  ao.clear_spy()
125  ao.post_fifo(Event(signal=signals.T))
126  time.sleep(0.1)
127  pp(ao.spy())

Challenging Our Hypothesis#

Let’s bring our question and our hypothesis back into view so we can think about it again:

“Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?”


Our answer: if g() returns True, then the function order will be: g, a, b, t, c, d, e

Let’s examine my own personal psychological state. I have been taking tiny steps to keep my cognitive load light, and right now I’m feeling pretty good. I have a theory, but more importantly I have built up some firm reality outside of myself that I can push against. My sense of possession has transfered from my answer into the structure that will be used to attack this answer.

Moreover, I feel a sense of control and I’m feeling satisfaction from building something. The part of my mind that gets a buzz from pursuit, from seeking is activated and I’m feeling ready to grok something about these statecharts.

If you have actually been doing the work and debugging your own code, well, maybe you feel this too.

Now, let’s pull the trigger and see what happens.

 'Running g() -- the guard, which return True',
 'Running t() -- function run on event T',
 'Running a()',
 'Running b()',
 'running c()',
 'running d()',
 'running e()',
 '<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)']

Look, it’s different. We got an order of: g, t, a, b, c, d, e.

The answer: g, t, a, b, c, d, e.

Now let’s see what happens when we adjust the g function to return a False:

 'Running g() -- the guard, which return False',
 '<- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)']

Now that we understand that, let’s re-ask the question:

“Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?”

  1. If g() returns False, only g is called

  2. If g() returns True, then g, t, a, b, c, d, e.

We know this, because we just confirmed the behavior.

Learning for my Mistake#

If you are deeply familiar with the UML specification for statecharts, you will see that our observed behavior is an infraction. The original answer was supposed to describe the behavior. The good news is that this event processor algorithm is based on the work of Miros Samek.


On pages 80-81 of his book titled Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++ Second Edition he wrote:

One big problem with UML transition sequence is that it requires executing actions associated with the transition after destroying the source state configuration but before creating the target state configuration. In the analogy between exit actions in state machines and destructors in OOP, this situation corresponds to executing a class method after partially destroying an object. Of course, such action is illegal in OOP. As it turns out, it is also particularly awkward to implement for state machines.

Executing actions associated with a transition is much more natural in the context of the source state – the same context in which the guard condition is evaluated. Only after the guard and the transition actions execute, the source state configuration is exited and the target state configuration is entered atomically. That way the state machine is observable only in a safe state configuration, either before or after the transition, but not in the middle.

So, our t function runs within the context of the thing that asked for the transition. This keeps it out of the strange limbo state described above.

Let’s think about how we could re-adjust our thinking, by re-asking the question and considering how we could approach it the next time we see something like it.

“Suppose we started the above chart in s11, then we send a T event to it, when would each of the functions, a, b, c, d, e, g, and t happen?”


Knowing that the source state of our T event was s11 you would first re-imagine the diagram as:


Then the answer to the question would just reveal itself from your imagined diagram:

  • g, t, a, b, c, d, e if g returns True

  • g if g returns False