How it Works#
The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself.
—Peter Thiel
You don’t need to understand this page to use this library. It has been added to round out the documentation and to be a guide for writing other network plugins for miros. If a diagram is too small, click on it to see it’s pdf. If you don’t have a lot of time, your time would be better spent looking at the next example.
There are two main classes that you will use with miros to build statecharts, the ActiveObject and the Factory class. This plugin extends these two classes as the NetworkedActiveObject and the NetworkedFactory class.
To build a state chart you would follow all of the same rules that you learned before and you would get some additional networking features.
So, if you wanted to have networked statecharts you would install miros, miros-rabbitmq and RabbitMQ. If you wanted to build your statechart using flat methods you would use the NetworkedActiveObject class. If you would rather build it up using callbacks you would use the NetworkedFactory class.
Both of these networked classes share the same interface and communicate on the same server infrastructure: the miros-rabbitmq plugin builds up three topic based AMPQ networks named the mesh, the snoop_trace and the snoop_spy. Here is a RabbitMQ style diagram of these networks. If you don’t understand the diagram it is explained in more details further down this page.
The mesh network is used by the statecharts to send encrypted and serialized events to one another. The snoop_trace is used to share trace instrumentation output between all of the connected computers. It provides the means to debug your entire distributed system from one location. The snoop_spy is like the snoop_trace, but it shares the spy information (a lot of information) between all of your connected computers. Each network can be configured with it’s own encryption key. The snoop_trace and snoop_spy networks can be enabled and disabled independently, but the mesh is always on.
This plugin’s main methods are the transmit
, enable_snoop_trace
, and
. The NetworkedActiveObject and the NetworkedFactory share
the same interface.
The transmit
is used to send out an event to the mesh network. When it is
received by another statechart, it’s event is place in it’s FIFO queue for
processing. The statechart receiving such an event, has no notion that the
event came from another machine. If it has been designed to respond to the
event it will.
The NetworkedActiveObject and NetworkedFactory require more information in their constructors than do the ActiveObject and the Factory. This information describes the credentials required to connect to the RabbitMQ server and the encryption key(s) for the three different networks.
The snoop_trace and snoop_spy networks will use the mesh_encryption_key
if a
or a snoop_spy_encryption_key
are not
The NetworkedActiveObject and NetworkedFactory have a MirosNets object.
The MirosNets object is the thing that actually builds up the mesh, the snoop_trace and the snoop_spy networks. It also provides the means to specify a custom serializer and de-serializer function. If custom serialization routines are not specified it will use pickle version 3. A MirosNets object can be programmed with custom callback functions that are triggered when messages are received on any of the three networks.
It doesn’t take long before UML class diagrams turn into a poem written for the poet himself, a work that no one else understands or wants to endure. My pictures are about to reach this level of conceit; their utility diminishes with the addition of each detail. If you’re going to follow this design I recommend using whatever code navigation tool you have installed. I’ll colour the parts of the diagram so you know what the docs are referencing in the picture.
The MirosNets class builds up and manages the three RabbitMQ networks which are accessible from each node in your system. Before I explain it I would like to talk more about the networks, and how RabbitMQ structures its network topology.
Let’s first talk about one network, then talk about all of the networks.
Each RabbitMQ node in the network needs one consumer and one or more producers: one producer for every other node in the network.
Here is a simplified drawing of a single node on a network:
Normally RabbitMQ drawings contain and exchange and a queue, but we will remove this information from our drawings to make them easier to understand.
It is easy to build a consumer using pika with RabbitMQ. You just need to know the RabbitMQ credentials for the machine it is running on.
Things are a more complicated when you want to build a producer. Each producer needs to know the address and the RabbitMQ credentials for the server running on the machine it wants to talk to. Often your program won’t know these details when it starts. It will have to search the network to find other machines it can communicate with.
I’ll try to express this idea with a picture. Consider three nodes in a network:
Before a node’s producers can communicate with other nodes, they have to discover that nodes network address. Once a producer has this information, it can establish a connection with that other node’s consumer. (draw an arrow)
Let’s add a bit more detail. Each network will have a symmetric encryption key and a serialization/deserialization (pickle) technique. The consumer on the local node and all of the producers on all other nodes will have to share these ways of doing things.
I’ll try to express these ideas with a picture of a network containing two nodes:
Any message sent from a program will be serialized and encrypted then dispatched to each of its producers. Each producer will send this information out to it’s consumer. After a consumer receives a message it will decrypt then deserialize the message. The deserilization process will turn the bytestream back into a Python object. This Python object will be sent out to the program using the miros-rabbitmq library.
Now consider the RabbitMQ way of drawing our networks:
We see that the producers communicate their messages to an exchange, which is actually running on many machines. The RabbitMQ people merge their exchange diagrams together in what I think is a kind of short hand. There is an exchange on your client, and there is an exchange with the same name on each of the nodes it is talking to. They show it as one exchange to simplify their network drawings.
So, the statechart which wants to transmit and event across it’s network will
use the transmit
api of the NetworkedFactory or NetworkedActiveObject class.
It will be sent across the network, and end up in the queue of every other
attached active object, as if the event was posted into it’s fifo. The user
shouldn’t have to worry about how this is done.
Now what happens when a new node is discovered on the network, but your program has already been started? No problem, the miros-rabbitmq library will update all of it’s producers lists in each of its networks so that this node can be reached.
There is actually a concurrent statechart that manages this part of the library, it is derived from the ProducerFactoryChart class. The ProducerFactoryChart outputs all of it’s newly discovered producers as an item in a queue. This item is in the form of a ProducerQueue named tuple.
To launch this producer discovery process, the ProducerFactoryChart needs to be built within the MirosNets class with a queue from which it will pluck any new producer list:
# top of program
from queue import Queue as ThreadQueue
# .
# .
# code in MirosNets __init__ method
self.producers_queue = ThreadQueue()
# The producer factory chart will update the producers_queue with new
# producers as they are found
self.producer_factory_chart = ProducerFactoryChart(
self.mesh.producers = []
self.snoop.spy.producers = []
self.snoop.trace.producers = []
The MirosNet object, which starts the ProducerFactoryChart monitors it’s producer queue at the moment it receives a transmit message:
def transmit(self, event):
if self.update_producers():
for producer in self.mesh.producers:
The update_producers
method looks like this:
def update_producers(self):
discovered = False
if not self.producers_queue.empty():
q = self.producers_queue.get(block=False)
# if we have made producers before stop them now
if self.mesh.producers:
self.mesh.producers = q.mesh_producers
self.snoop.trace.producers = q.snoop_trace_producers
self.snoop.spy.producers = q.snoop_spy_producers
discovered = True
return discovered
To summarize the producer discovery process: MirosNets constructs a
ProducerFactoryChart with a
queue. The transmit
method, will see if new producers have been put in this
queue. If new producers were discovered, the old producers will have their threads turned
off, and the new producers will have their threads started and the item that is being
transmitted out to the network will be posted into the object that is running
each producer.
A producer is actually built using a PikaTopicPublisher object which wraps the SimplePikaTopicPublisher with encryption and serialization methods.
The SimplePikaTopicPublisher is the thing that actually performs the network publishing function of this library. It is heavily based upon the asynchronous pika publisher example provided in the pika library documentation.
Before using this example as a base for the publishing feature I used the example provided on the RabbitMQ page. The code based on these examples would run for about 15 minutes prior to failing. I gave up trying to troubleshoot the issue because of the slow feedback time between failures. Since re-writing everything based on the much more complicated asynchronous pika publisher example the connections have been stable.
The pika example was very mysterious about how it was actually suppose to be used. There are a lot of questions about it on stackover flow; more open secrets abound in this community.
The SimplePikaTopicPublisher class is different than the pika asynchronous
publisher example provided in their documentation, in that it has a thread who’s
sole purpose is to wrap the run
method provided by their example. The run
method runs forever, and no code below it in the file will ever have access to
the CPU. So, by wrapping the run
method in a thread, it can do its thing
without destroying the program flow. This run
method provides an event loop
in which pika can send out messages to the network using callbacks, the most
important of which is the producer_heart_beat
. When this producer_heart_beat
callback is called, it checks a queue to see if anyone in another thread wants to
send something. If so, it creates a partial function from the
callback using the message provided by the queue. It then
schedules the new wrapped publish_message
to be called immediately by the
pika event loop. After clearing the queue in this way, it schedules itself with
the pika event loop so that it will be rerun sometime in the future. I added
some code to control this time-out duration. If there are a lot of messages in
the queue, the producer_heart_beat
will occur quicker than it did before, if
there are no items in the queue it will relax its time-out duration to it’s
slowest default tempo. This tempo-time-control feature was made using a
PID controller.
The MirosNets only has one consumer per network. The consumer’s responsiblity is to respond to messages coming from the RabbitMQ service, to decrypt, de-serialize them then to dispatch them out to whatever needs to know about this information. In the case of the Mesh network, a message is dispatched into the statechart’s FIFO. In the case of the snoop trace and snoop spy networks, the messages are formatted with colour and output to the terminal.
The PikaTopicConsumer provides the decryption and deserialization for each network consumer.
PikaTopicConsumer is a subclass of SimplePikaTopicConsumer, which is heavily based upon the asynchronous pika consumer example.
The PikaTopicConsumer class is different from the asynchronous pika consumer
in that it wraps the run
method in a thread (as in the producer). The
method starts a pika event loop. A
runs within pika producer’s event loop. It checks to see if
another thread wants to stop the consumer, if so, it kills the pika event loop,
if not, it registers itself as a callback sometime in the future.
The on_message
of PikaTopicConsumer class is never called because it is
overloaded by the PikaTopicConsumer. The on_message
method of the
PikaTopicConsumer decrypts and deserializes any message received by RabbitMq.
It takes the result and passes it onto the
that was registerd with the class. This
is provided in it’s constructor. It is the MirosNets class
which constructs 3 (one per network) of these objects and its on_message
callback functions are provided by the NetworkedActiveObject and
NetworkedFactory. The common on_message
behavior of the
NetworkedActiveObject and NetworkedFactory are provided by the
Slight Extension to the Diagramming Rules#
When building a statechart which publishes events and subscribes to events it is important to see these locations on your map. They are the inputs and outputs of your statechart. These pub/sub events are decoupled calls to software that doesn’t exist on the page, so I have added two little coloured dots on my diagrams to make things easier to see.
A red dot is placed near an event that is publishing a signal. A publishing event puts something into a queue which is waiting for attention. So, it is stopped, like being at a red light.
A green dot is placed near an event that has been subscribed to and has been published somewhere else in the software system. It is green, like a green light; it is time to go.
The payloads of the published and subscribed events act as an interface for this asynchronous API. To keep things clean, all payloads will exist as named tuples. These tuples will be put into ‘note’ icons near the place that they are made (published) or consumed.
The Producer Factory Chart#
The ProducerFactoryChart
is used to build RabbitMQ producers as they are
discovered by the miros-rabbitmq library.
Before you can build a producer, you need to know what other RabbitMQ server it
is aimed at on the network. Then you have to provide its constructor with all
of the RabbitMQ credentials, encryption keys and other parameters so that it is
build up properly. Furthermore, the miros-rabbitmq library needs three
producers per target in the network, one for the mesh network and two for the
different instrumentation channels. The ProducerFactoryChart
tries to hide
all of this complexity from the user. It was designed to:
Initiate a search for other RabbitMQ servers on the LAN, using the LanChart
Initiate a search based on the user’s manual network settings, using the ManNetChart
Respond to messages from unknown hosts with the correct encryption credentials (Aliens).
React to the discovery of servers running RabbitMQ instances with the correct encryption and RabbitMQ credentials by building up instances of three different producers per discovery: a mesh producer and a snoop trace and snoop spy producer.
Serve up it’s constructed list of producers to another thread, using a queue.
To understand the point of the ProducerFactoryChart
we need to look at the
RabbitMQ architectural diagram used by the miros-rabbitmq plugin:
The hard part about setting up the above diagram is building the producer collections.
The three different networks each have their own producer objects which are
pre-loaded with the destination information of the servers that they want to
communicate with. The members of the producer collection can change as new
servers are discovered, or removed from the network. It is the job of the
to keep these lists up to date for the other parts of
the program that need them.
The ProducerFactoryChart
actually works by orchestrating a number of
different state charts. It builds the
ManNetChart and the LanChart, which in turn build the statecharts that
they need.
From a very high level the ProducerFactoryChart
, consumes
events and puts its newly constructed producers into a
queue using the ProducerQueue
The thread which consumes this queue doesn’t have to deal with any of the producer construction complexity. It will just check to see if a new item was added to the queue, if so, it will update it’s producers with the information in this new item.
The actual architectural diagram of the ProducerFactoryChart
can be seen
The class which makes a RabbitMQ producer is called the ProducerFactory
, it is
subclassed as the MeshProducerFactory
, SnoopTraceProducerFactory
. The ProducerFactoryAggregator
class is a
subclass of the miros Factory
, its purpose is to contain all of the worker
methods that are custom to the ProducerFactoryChart
The ProducerFactoryChart
inherits from the ProducerFactoryAggregator
, so
that it has access to all of its needed worker methods and the event processor
from the miros
To build a ProducerFactoryChart
, you will first need to provide a custom
serializer function for dealing with miros Event objects and you will need a
queue where it will place it’s results, then you provide the routing_key and
exchange information:
import queue
def custom_serializer(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Event):
obj = Event.dumps(obj)
pobj = pickle.dumps(obj)
return pobj
q = queue.Queue()
producer_refactory = ProducerFactoryChart(
mesh_routing_key = 'heya_man',
mesh_exchange_name = '',
snoop_trace_routing_key = 'snoop.trace',
snoop_trace_exchange_name = 'miros.snoop.trace',
snoop_spy_routing_key = 'snoop.spy',
snoop_spy_exchange_name = 'miros.snoop.spy',
In the above listing I also enabled the trace. This is useful for debugging and
documenting how the ProducerFactoryChart
state machine works.
Look at the state machine part of this diagram:
We see that in the ProducerFactoryChart
that there are three states, the
, the post_to_queue
and the refactor_producers
states. When the ProducerFactoryChart
is constructed, it immediately
transitions into the producer_discovery
The producer_discovery
creates the
ManNetChart and the
LanChart upon entry. It subscribes to
event and stops. The ProducerFactoryChart
doesn’t know or care how connections are discovered, it is up to the other
charts to do this work. All it does is convert new IP information into working
producers which can be used by the thread pending on it’s output queue. This
new IP information is delivered to it in CONNECTION_DISCOVERY
event from either the
ManNetChart object or the
LanChart object, it determines if any
new IP addresses were discovered.
event is received this will
undoubtedly be true. It determines what the new IP addresses are and what all
of the IP addresses are. If there is new information it will post a
event to itself. Then it tries to destroy which ever chart
delivered the message. The actual destruction of the object will be done by the
Python garbage collector, the producer_discovery
state just stops
referencing the object so that the garbage collector will see that it is no
longer being used.
The purpose of the post_to_queue
state is to defer any
events from occurring while the state chart is dealing
with an exception from posting to the producer_queue
. This is an example of
the deferred event
statechart pattern. By using this pattern, we are modifying the sequence of
events. To make sense of this, place your eyes on the
syntax in the refactor_producers
part of the
statechart. If there is an exception here, like if the queue is full because
the other part of the program hasn’t cleared it yet, we need to try posting to
the queue again in the future. So, we start a one_shot timer with a time
between 0.1 and 1 second. We pick a random time so as to avoid any issues with
other parts of the program trying to do the same thing. Now suppose we are
waiting to try posting to our queue again and another CONNECTION_DISCOVERY
event comes in? What do we do? Well, we deferred the event into the deferred
event queue, only releasing it back to the statechart upon exiting the
state. Sometime in the future
the ips_discovered
event is fired and captured by the post_to_queue
state so that it can try to post the queue again. If it succeeds, a ready
event will fire, which will cause the exit
event of the post_to_queue
state to fire. This will recall the CONNECTION_DISCOVERY
event that was
salted away and the whole discovery process can be started again.
The refactor_producers
state entry condition creates a set of new producers
using the make_mesh_producers
, make_snoop_trace_producers
and the
worker functions defined within the
class. The new producers are appended into their
appropriate collections, then these collections are organized into the
namedtuple. This namedtuple object is place into the queue.
If there is a problem with this process, the activity described in the previous
paragraph is followed. If there are no problems, the thread pending on this
queue can extract the new producer information as it sees fit.
After successfully putting the new producer information into the queue, the
statechart posts a ready
signal to itself. This will allow it to process
The ProducerFactoryChart also has a way of reacting to a previously unknown
machine sending messages with the correct mesh encryption key, and using the
correct RabbitMQ credentials. For lack of a better word, let’s call these nodes
Aliens. A machine that will not respond to a ping on the LAN and who’s address
we forgot to add to our .miros_rabbitmq_hosts
file, but who still knows
about us, is an example of an Alien.
It is the MirosNets class that can discover Aliens. It has a list of
that it updates when it receives items in it’s
It also receives messages from other nodes, and after it has decrypted the message, it can look to see who sent the message during it’s deserialization step.
If it hasn’t seen this address before, it constructs a
ConnectionDiscoveryPayload, adds it to a CONNECTION_DISCOVERY
event and
feeds this to the ProducerFactoryChart.
The ProducerFactoryChart uses this information to create the three different
producers, and then feeds this information back to the MirosNets object using
the producers_queue. The MirosNet’s updates its list of known ip_addresses
and starts communicating to the Alien using the producers provided to it by the
ProducerFactoryChart. At this point, the Alien node is no longer really an
Alien anymore, because the node is known and it is being spoken too.
The LanChart is responsible for finding other RabbitMQ servers on your Local Area Network. It publishes its results into a CONNECTION_DISCOVERY event. It was designed to:
be created/started/destroyed within another statechart
use cached information if it hasn’t expired (to save time)
perform a LAN discovery process if the cache is expired, then cache this result for the next run of the program
output a set of working AMQP urls as the payload of the CONNECTION_DISCOVERY event.
The LanChart is built by the ProducerFactoryChart. The LanChart doesn’t search the LAN or reference the cache directly, it gets this information from a LanRecceChart and a CacheFileChart object:
From a high level, the LanChart subscribes to 2 events and publishes 4 events:
Here is the architectural diagram for this statechart:
To construct a LanChart use the routing_key
and the
of the RabbitMQ servers you are trying to connect to:
live_trace=True) # to debug or document
By default it will look for a file called .miros_rabbitmq_lan_cache.json
will look something like this:
"addresses": [
"amqp_urls": [
"time_out_in_minutes": 30
If the cached file is older than the time_out_in_minutes
LanChart will transition into it’s discover_network
discover the network then write the .miros_rabbitmq_lan_cache.json
file with
the results.
To change the cache file’s time out, add time_out_in_minutes
as a named
parameter when you are constructing your LanChart
object. Here
is an example of changing the timeout to 60 minutes:
The LanRecceChart#
The word Recce is the Canadian/British way of saying recon. Recon, is the
short form of the word reconnaissance. I didn’t know this before I googled
recon, but being a good Canadian I decided to use recce
to name the
objects and classes in the part of the design, instead of the word recon (we
all have to do our parts to resist American cultural hegemony).
Being new to the word I had to figure out how to say it, recce is pronounced like ‘wreck-ee’. (I learned this from an American)
The LanRecceChart performs multiple scouting missions of your local area network for compatible RabbitMQ consumers. The LanRecceChart was designed to:
be created/started/destroyed within another statechart
hide the complexity of the local area networking search details
build a set of search criterion based on it’s LAN discovery process
rely on the RabbitConsumerScoutChart specialists to perform the individual scouting missions for compatible RabbitMQ consumers.
perform all of it’s scouting missions in parallel
work in Linux and on the Windows Linux Subsystem
provide it’s result in the form of asynchronous events to which other statecharts can subscribe.
be easy to debug/document
The LanRecceChart is build by the LanChart object and it builds many different RabbitConsumerScoutChart objects:
From a high level, the LanRecceChart subscribes the RECCEN_LAN
event and
publishes the LAN_RECCE_COMPLETE
Here is the design diagram for the LanRecceChart, if it is too small, click on the picture to download a pdf of the diagram:
The LanRecce class, inherited by the LanRecceChart contains all of the methods required to search your local area network and your local machine for the IP addresses needed to begin a search for compatible RabbitMQ consumers. The three main methods used by the LanRecceChart during the dynamic portion of it’s life are:
The rest of the methods help these main methods perform their required tasks.
To build a CacheFileChart with a live_trace:
lan_recce = LanRecceChart(
The LanRecceChart does not start itself. The statechart that wants to start the
network reconnaissance will have to publish a RECCE_LAN
event or use the
method on the LanRecceChart
object with the RECCE_LAN
event. Let’s just post to it directly using the post_fifo
Now let’s look at the trace:
[2018-05-27 09:56:54.372046] [lan_recce_chart] e->start_at() top->private_search
[2018-05-27 09:56:54.372522] [lan_recce_chart] e->recce_lan() private_search->fill_arp_table
[2018-05-27 09:56:58.386858] [lan_recce_chart] e->arp_time_out() fill_arp_table->identify_all_ip_addresses
[2018-05-27 09:56:58.454212] [lan_recce_chart] e->ip_addresses_found() identify_all_ip_addresses->recce_rabbit_consumers
[2018-05-27 09:57:00.048376] [lan_recce_chart] e->lan_recce_complete() recce_rabbit_consumers->private_search
Compare this trace with it’s statechart:
Compare the statechart within the LanRecceChart
class to the sequence diagram with a description:
[Statechart: lan_recce_chart]
top private_search fill_arp_table identify_all_ip_addresses recce_rabbit_consumers
+-start_at()->| | | |
| (1) | | | |
| +-recce_lan()->| | |
| | (2) | | |
| | +----arp_time_out()--->| |
| | | (3) | |
| | | +--ip_addresses_found()->|
| | | | (4) |
| +<-------------+----------------------+--lan_recce_complete()--|
| | | | (5) |
starts itself in theprivate_search
state. Immediately upon entering theprivate_search
state the state machine subscribes to theRECCE_LAN
events. TheRECCE_LAN
event will be used by some outside statechart to begin a search of the local network and theAMQP_CONSUMER_CHECK
events will be initiated within therecce_rabbit_consumers
state, talked about in step 4.After subscribing to the public events it uses the
static to get it’s working IP address.In response to our posted
event the chart posts a privaterecce_lan
event and begins a search of the local area network. Notice that while the state machine is within thelan_recce
state, all additionalRECCE_LAN
events will be deferred until the state is exited. This is an example of the deferred event pattern.After the event processor enters the
state, it’s initialization signal causes a transition into thefill_arp_table
. Upon entering thefile_arp_table
the state machine pings the broadcast address of the local network to fill the arp table and triggers a one shot event calledARP_FILL_TIME_OUT
to fire inlan.arp_time_sec
. This value can be passed into the LanRecceChart as an optional parameter, by default it is set to 2 seconds.2 seconds after step 2, the
one shot is fired, causing a transition into theidentify_all_ip_addresses
state. Upon entering this state the state machine determines what the network addresses are by reading the arp table within a call to thecandidiate_ip_addresses
method. It then posts theip_address_found
event to itself.At this stage, each of the discovered IP addresses is used to begin a scouting mission. The missions run in parallel using their own
instance. When a mission is completed, the result is published by theRabbitConsumerScoutChart
within the payload of theAMQP_CONSUMER_CHECK
event and caught and handled within therecce_rabbit_consumers
state.When all of the searches have returned their respect
the IP addresses that have been confirmed to have a RabbitMQ consumer are put into the payload of aLAN_RECCE_COMPLETE
event and published to the task fabric so that any statechart subscribing to this event will receive the results of the reconnaissance of the local network.
The Rabbit Consumer Scout Chart#
The RabbitConsumerScoutChart searches an IP address to see if there is a compatible RabbitMQ consumer running on it. The RabbitConsumerScoutChart was designed to:
be created/started/destroyed within another statechart
run in parallel with other instances of itself (to speed up searches of large LANs)
ensure that the RabbitMQ credentials were not in the code base
ensure that the encryption secrets where not in the code base
hide the complexity of the pika producer’s creation process
provide the capability to be run many times with different search criterion
provide it’s answers in the form of asynchronous events to which other statecharts can subscribe.
be easy to debug/document
The RabbitConsumerScoutChart is built by ManNetChart and the LanRecceChart objects:
From a high level, the RabbitConsumerScoutChart sends a message after it has been constructed with the required RabbitMQ credentials. It’s search can also be refactored with the REFACTOR_SEARCH event:
To perform a scouting mission for a given IP address, you will need the routing_key and an exchange_name that you want to connect to, then do something like this:
scout1 = RabbitConsumerScoutChart(
live_trace=True) # to debug the chart
The above call would construct a statechart, start it and scout the network with the provided information.
Upon completing it’s scouting mission, the scout1
object would answer in
the form of an asynchronous event named AMQP_CONSUMER_CHECK
. The answer
will be in the payload of the event in the form of a namedtuple:
AMQPConsumerCheckPayload(ip_address, result, routing_key, exchange_name)
To get access to this answer within the statechart initiating the search, it would have to be subscribed to the event (usually done in the entry condition of the outer state):
For the subscribing state machine to extract the answer it would need to react
event. Here is how you would do that within a
miros Factory object:
# The callback used to see the event
def callback_AMQP_CONSUMER_CHECK(lan, e):
status = return_status.HANDLED
ip = e.payload.ip_address
result = e.payload.result
routing_key = e.payload.routing_key
exchange_name = e.payload.exchange_name
if result:
print("AMQP consumer at searched location")
print("AMQP consumer NOT at searched location")
# linking a state to an event and it's callback
some_state = recce.create(state='some_state'). \
handler=recce_rabbit_consumers_AMQP_CONSUMER_CHECK). \
To perform another search on the same scout1
object, post a REFACTOR_SEARCH
event to it:
'routing_key': 'archer.bob'
'exchange_name': '',
Here is the design diagram from the RabbitConsumerScoutChart, if you can’t see it, click on it to download a pdf of the diagram:
The RabbitConsumerScout
class contains the data and methods that are used by
the RabbitConsumerScoutChart
. The RabbitConsumerScout
class basically
hides the complexity of building a RabbitMQ producer by asking the
object to make the producer for it. This
object, accesses the hidden credentials from the
file tucked away somewhere in an outer directory. The diagram tries to
describe how this information is stored in an .env
file, loaded into the
environment then used by the RabbitTopidPublisherMaker
class to build up a
topic publisher.
The RabbitConsumerScoutChart
inherits from the RabbitConsumerScout
class, so it gets the publisher as part of the deal. The client basically needs
to provide it an IP address, a routing key and an exchange name and it is ready
to perform a search. A user can provide the live_trace
and live_spy
arguments if they need to debug the statechart encased within the
, but by default this instrumentation is off. Let’s
turn this instrumentation on and then describe what it is doing. We will search
for an address that doesn’t have a RabbitMQ server running on it:
scout1 = RabbitConsumerScoutChart(
live_trace=True) # to debug the chart
This will result in the following trace instrumentation:
[2018-05-25 18:50:34.888810] [] e->start_at() top->producer_thread_engaged
[2018-05-25 18:50:34.990279] [] e->try_to_connect_to_consumer() producer_thread_engaged->producer_post_and_wait
[2018-05-25 18:50:35.569538] [] e->consumer_test_complete() producer_post_and_wait->no_amqp_consumer_server_found
AMQPConsumerCheckPayload(ip_address='', result=False, routing_key='', exchange_name='')
To see what is going on, compare the above trace to the state machine in this diagram:
Here we will turn the trace into a sequence diagram, then explain what happens during each event:
top producer_thread_engaged producer_post_and_wait no_amqp_consumer_server_found
+--start_at()-->| | |
| (1) | | |
| +--try_to_connect_to_consumer()->| |
| | (2) | |
| | +--consumer_test_complete()-->|
| | | (3) |
(4) ->
We see that when the state machine starts, it initializes itself into the
state which builds ascout.producer
object and subscribes the machine with the globalREFACTOR_SEARCH
event. Upon completing these tasks thesearch
state is issued theINIT_SIGNAL
which causes the state machine to enter theproducer_thread_engaged
state. Upon entering this state thescout.produer
’s thread is started and a delayed one-shottry_to_connect_to_consumer
event is built, then started. This one-shot is intended to give thescout.producer
thread enough time to turn itself on before we start using it.About 200 ms after step 1, the
one-shot event causes a transition out of theproducer_thread_engaged
state into theproducer_post_and_wait
state. Upon entering theproducer_post_and_wait
state, the state machine sends a test message out to any consumer that might exist on the IP address being searched. There is a lot happening in the background; the message is setup as a random string of character, it’s encrypted and serialized by thescout.producer
, it’s routing key and exchange information and RabbitMQ credentials are stamped onto it. This is really of no concern to the state machine, all of this work is being done within thescout.producer
object.Once the message is sent the
state arms aconsumer_test_complete
one-shot to fire in 500 ms. This means that the consumer, if it exists has half a second to respond to our search otherwise the state machine will conclude that it is not there.The
event is fired roughly 500 ms after the end of step 2. This causes a call to the signal hygienecancel_events
method, then the state machine checks the results of the producer’s search by looking at it’sscout.producer.connect_error
flag. In this case no connection was made so the flag is set to True. This causes a transition into theno_amqp_consumer_server_found
state. Upon entering the state the public eventAMQP_CONSUMER_CHECK
is made with a four element tuple result:('', False, '', '')
Some other statechart that has subscribed to the
will catch this event and determine that the address will not respond to the RabbitMQ credentials, the encryption key with the current topic key and exchange name.
The Cache File Chart#
The CacheFileChart is used to read and write the network discovery cache information. It was designed to:
be created/started/destroyed within another statechart
allow one cache file to be readable and writable from thousands of different programs running at the same time.
hide the complexity of concurrent file reads from the user
hide the complexity of concurrent file writes from the user
have a stochastic-exponential-timeout mechanism for pending read/write waits
Write a file based on an asynchronous event published from another statechart
Convert a file read into an asynchronous event which can be subscribed to by another statechart
be easy to debug/document
run even if the json file doesn’t exist or is empty
The network discovery process is expensive, so we will cache its results to a JSON file.
The cache will persist beyond the life of the program that wrote it. When the next program runs, it will read the cache, determine if it is young enough to be useful, and if so, it will skip the expensive network discovery process.
We use the JSON format since we will be transmitting this cache to other hosts and JSON has become the standard format for transmitting data.
There could be thousands of processes trying to read and write to this cache file at the same time. To address this concern, we wrap this file access into an active object which will check if the file is writable before trying to read from it or write to it. If the file is writable, the statechart will determine that no other program is using the file. The statechart that manages this file access is called the CacheFileChart.
The CacheFileChart is build by the ManNetChart and the LanChart.
From a high level, the CacheFileChart responds to three messages and delivers one:
The architectural diagram for the CacheFileChart is here:
To construct the CacheFileChart
with a live trace, for debugging:
cache_file = CacheFileChart(live_trace=True, default_json="")
To read the file, subscribe to the CACHE
event, then publish a
event to the active fabric and wait for a CACHE
event to
come back. This CACHE
event will contain a dictionary version of the JSON
cache file.
Here is a bit about how it works:
The design was intended to be built within another statechart and to start
itself upon being constructed. The CacheFileChart subscribes to the
events. If any other part of the
program wants to see what is in the cache, they would post a CACHE_FILE_READ
The CacheFileChart will send a CACHE
event with the contents of the cache and
whether the cache has been expired.
If any other statechart would like to write the cache, they would place the
contents of the write into a dict as the payload of the CACHE_FILE_WRITE
Internally the CACHE_FILE_READ
public events are turned
into the file_read
and file_write
events. When the state chart sees that such
an event is posted it will try to enter the file_read or file_write states.
Such transitions can be blocked if the file is not writable (set by the OS). In
the case that the event is blocked, the statechart re-posts the same event to
itself at a future time, then stops running. The re-posting time is a random
number between 0.001 and a timeout. This timeout parameter increases for each
re-posting failure, to a maximum value of 5 seconds.
If a file_read
or file_write
event succeeds to transition past the file access
state, it will lock the file by making it un-writable. This global state, put
onto the file by the operating system will make the file exclusive to this
program. When the file is read or written, the CacheFileChart will post either
a read_successful or write_successful event to itself. This will cause an exit
signal to occur on the file_accessed state, which will make the file writable.
Other programs will now have the ability to access the same file when their
deferred file_read
or file_write
events fire.
The internal code within the file_read and file_write states was taken from various stack overflow articles describing how to safely read and write a file in a very short period of time, in an environment where many other programs are trying to do the same thing.
The CacheFileChart was designed to work within the limited POSIX file features offered by the Windows Linux Subsystem. So, it should run on Windows, Linux and the various Apple operating systems.
Manual Network Chart#
The ManNetChart lets a user to specify the addresses they want to use in their network. It was designed to:
Reference a simple JSON file for it’s information
By default this file is called
, but this can be overridden by setting a path in the ManNetChart constructor.This JSON file will contain host information in the form of an IP address or as a standard URL (not the complicated AMQP URL)
Test all manual addresses prior delivering them to the ProducerFactoryChart.
Re-evaluate the hosts file to see if any connections that were listed that didn’t work, are working.
The ManNetChart is built by the ProducerFactoryChart. The ManNetChart makes one CacheFileChart object and many different RabbitConsumerScoutChart objects:
The ManNetChart subscribes to 3 events and publishes 2 events.
The file that the ManNetChart
uses defaults to
. It is just a JSON file listing the hosts that
you want in your networks:
"hosts": [
You would specify the path to the file in the constructor, along with the mesh routing key, the mesh exchange name and, if you want instrumentation turned on:
man_net_chart = ManNetChart(
The cache_file_path is an optional parameter, if you don’t set it, it will
default to using the .miros_rabbitmq_cache_file_chart in the current directory.
Likewise the live_trace
and live_spy
are default parameters, they default
to False
The ManNetChart architectural diagram can be seen here:
The MirosRabbitManualNetwork
class inherits from the miros Factory
class, so it has the event processor and all of the other required state chart
features provided by the miros library. It also contains all of the worker
functions and useful attribute names that are needed by the ManNetChart
When the ManNetChart
is created it immediately starts in the
state. It subscribes to the
event. It constructs a
, subscribes to this chart’s CACHE
event then publishes a
to it and stops processing.
When the CACHE
event is heard, if the CACHE
event contains a file name
that matches to one provided to the ManNetChart
constructor, it assigns it
to the hosts attribute and transitions to the evaluate_network
Upon entering the evaluate_network
state, a RecceNode named tuple is made
for each host address that was listed in the hosts file. Within this RecceNode
named tuple is a RabbitConsumerScoutChart.
The RabbitConsumerScoutChart
will start itself and determine if the address
provided to it has another miros-rabbitmq program running on it with the same
encryption keys and RabbitMQ credentials. It finishes it search by sending out
event with the results in its payload.
could be coming at this chart from another part of
the system, so we confirm that its results are something that we care about then
process it:
setting the scout attribute of the RecceNode named tuple to None so that the Python garbage collector will remove the
that was used to conduct the searchassigning the
attributes.determining if our search is complete by looking at the
attribute all of our candidate RecceNodes.
If the search is complete, we post a network_evaluated
event, which is
caught by a hook in the outer state.
The network_evaluated
hooks publishes the CONNECTION_DISCOVERY
with the live_hosts
and the live_amqp_urls
tabulated during the
Notice that the ManNetChart
stays in the evaluate_network
state upon
completing a search. If another search is required, the EVALUATE_HOSTS_FILE
event can be sent to the chart. It might makes sense to send such an event
periodically if you would like to see if any of the dead hosts have become