
You can analyse the past, but you need to design the future. That is the difference between suffering the future and enjoying it.

—Edward de Bono

In this section I will show how to network some statecharts using the miros-rabbitmq plugin. Here is a diagram that throws all of this example’s ideas at you at once:


The diagram above illustrates:

  • How you can link a NetworkedActiveObject or a NetworkedFactory to a statechart.

  • How these networked classes are just generalizations of the miros classes.

  • How they have a standard interface, so they can share the same networking API.

  • That they both contain a MirosNets object that does the lion’s share of the networking for them.

In this example, I’ll create two different objects which implement the statechart in the diagram. One will use the NetworkedActiveObject class, and the other will use the NetworkedFactory class.

The pictured statechart is a simple ergotic design that can work on its own or with one or more statecharts just like it. If there is more than one of these statecharts working together, they can run on the same computer in different processes or on different computers across a network.

The statechart can send events to itself and others. To avoid any confusion about where events are coming from we follow a simple coding convention: any event that is alien to the statechart will have the word ‘other’ pre-pended to it’s signal name.

Before you begin the example get your RabbitMQ installation working , then install the miros and the miros-rabbitmq packages using pip.

The example will be broken down into three parts:

Build a NetworkedActiveObject with Details#

This example will describe a few network details, and some of the mechanisms under the hood. If you would rather just look at an example without such detail, look here.

To build the NetworkedActiveObject we import the required libraries:

import time
import uuid # to generate a unique name
import random
from miros import spy_on
from miros import signals, Event, return_status
from miros_rabbitmq import NetworkedActiveObject

Then we construct a function that will generate a unique name for our statechart:

def make_name(post):
  return str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] + '_' + post

Now we consider the statechart part of our design:

def outer_init(chart, e):
    period=random.randint(2, 7),
  chart.transmit(Event(signal=signals.other_to_outer, payload=chart.name))
  return return_status.HANDLED

def outer_to_inner(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(inner)

def outer_other_to_inner(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(inner)

def inner_entry(chart, e):
    period=random.randint(2, 7),
  chart.transmit(Event(signal=signals.other_to_inner, payload=chart.name))
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_exit(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_other_to_inner(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_to_inner(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_to_outer(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(outer)

def inner_other_to_outer(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(outer)

def inner(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = inner_entry(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.to_outer):
    status = inner_to_outer(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.other_to_outer):
    status = inner_other_to_outer(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.other_to_inner):
    status = inner_other_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.to_inner):
    status = inner_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = inner_exit(chart, e)
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, outer
  return status

def outer(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = outer_init(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.to_inner):
    status = outer_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.other_to_inner):
    status = outer_other_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

I have highlighted the other event signals in the code listing. This is to demonstrate how the statechart will react to such events when they have been received from another statechart, and how to transmit them out to others.

The other event signals received from another statechart are placed in the FIFO of the active object by the miros-rabbitmq library. As far as the event processor is concerned, they are no different than any native event; the only way that we know they are alien is that we have pre-pended the word ‘other’ to them, as a coding convention.

To send a message out to another statechart, you use the transmit api provided by the NetworkedActiveObject.


Be careful where you place your transmit calls in your statecharts, since it is easy to create an event oscillation between your networked charts. I tend to send out other events to the network when a state has been initialized, or entered (when in the inner most state).



Remember that ActiveObjects and thereby NetworkedActiveObjects are polyamourous. The same statechart structure can be used by many different NetworkedActiveObject’s since they hold no state about themselves; they merely act as a blueprint of behavior. All of the state information is held within the NetworkedActiveObject.

Now that we have a statechart we need to link it to a NetworkedActiveObject. But before we do that, we need to build the NetworkedActiveObject using:

  • the networking credentials we have set up for our RabbitMQ server

  • a tx_routing key

  • a rx_routing key

  • the encryption keys that will be used by the other programs in our network.

ao = NetworkedActiveObject('make_name('ao'),

We name our ao object using the make_name function that we built at the top of the example, it pre-pends 5 digits of a UUID to the front of _ao. The rabbit_user and rabbit_password, networking credentials are specified when you install your RabbitMQ server. The topic tx_routing_key are used by the RabbitMQ exchanges to publish to different queues. A consumer can subscribe to different topics using a simple pattern matching technique specified with its rx_routing_key. In our case our program will receive any network message from exchanges with the last word of ‘man’ in their topic.

RabbitMQ supports SSL, but this library doesn’t get involved in that. If you would like to install SSL, you can, and if it is working this library will happily sit on top of it and not know that it is transmitting through a secure connection. This library does, however, have its own encryption layer for each of its networks. It uses symmetric encryption, so that the same key can be used to encrypt and decrypt an object.

I am about to talk about some of the miros-rabbitmq package details, but you don’t need to know this stuff to make your example work. So if you want to just skip over this information and get back to the example click here.

Let’s look at the networks that are turned on with the miros-rabbitmq library (click to open it as a pdf):


The miros-rabbitmq package constructs the following:

  • mesh network - used to transmit and receive messages between statecharts

  • snoop_trace network - to debug your entire network using trace instrumentation

  • snoop_spy network - to debug the entire network using the spy

When you turn on your NetworkedActiveObject, it will scan your LAN looking for other machines that have the same rabbit credentials that you are using, then it will create a producer for each of them in each of the networks, so you don’t have to worry about feeding it IP addresses, it will find them if they are connected in the same TCP/IP network.

Each of the networks can have their own encryption key, but if you only specify the mesh_encryption_key in the NetworkedActiveObject constructor it will be used by all of the networks. The snoop_trace and snoop_spy encryption handles for the NetworkedActiveObject constructor, are snoop_trace_encryption_key and snoop_spy_encryption_key.

To build an encryption key for your distributed system:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
new_encryption_key = Fernet.generate_key()

As an application developer you just need to know what goes in, and what comes out of each of the miros-rabbitmq networks. This will be talked about in the next three paragraphs.

The mesh network is fed an item using it’s transmit method. This information will pop out on every connected machine with the same credentials, posted into the fifo of another connected NetworkedActiveObject or NetworkedFactory object as if that local machine posted that event to itself as post_fifo.

The snoop_trace network will consist of nodes that have turned on this trace information using the enable_snoop_trace call. If all of the nodes in your distributed system have turned on their snoop_trace, the snoop_trace network will have as many nodes as the mesh network. Information is automatically fed into the trace network, without any work required by the application developer. When the snoop_trace is enabled, a NetworkedActiveObject or NetworkedFactory will turn on it’s live trace feature and feed this string into the snoop_trace network behind the scenes. By default, the enable_snoop_trace call will turn on an on_network_trace_message callback which will color the messages using ANSI strings and print them to your screen. If you need to log this information, use enable_snoop_trace_no_color to turn on that node’s participation in the snoop_trace network.

The snoop_spy network will output all of the spy information for all of the nodes that have made an enable_snoop_spy call. This amount of information quickly becomes daunting unless you write this information into a log file then filter it using grep. If you are logging the information, you can use enable_snoop_spy_no_color and the ANSI color codes will not pollute your log file. After the snoop_spy network is enabled, the miros-rabbitmq package turns on that node’s live spy feature. All of the snoop_spy information coming back from the network will be displayed to the terminal.

Getting back to our example: so far, we have a state chart, we have a networked active object and we know how to generate our own encryption key(s). Now let’s turn on this statechart’s contribution to the distributed system’s instrumentation, and link it to the network:

ao.enable_snoop_trace()  # we want to produce and receive trace information
ao.enable_snoop_snoop()  # we want to produce and receive spy information
ao.start_at(outer)  # networks turned on
time.sleep(20)      # 60 seconds of statechart interactions

Let’s run this program on it’s own and see what it does:

So the statechart is running there are no interactions with other statecharts because we only see our own name, in blue, and no events with the word ‘other’ prepended to their signal name:

[+s] 0ca32_ao START
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao ENTRY_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao INIT_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
[+t] [2018-05-04 08:02:36.593144] [0ca32_ao] e->start_at() top->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 08:02:40.594301] [0ca32_ao] e->to_inner() outer->inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao to_inner:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao ENTRY_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao INIT_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
[+s] 0ca32_ao to_outer:inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 08:02:47.598616] [0ca32_ao] e->to_outer() inner->outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao EXIT_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao INIT_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
[+s] 0ca32_ao to_inner:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 08:02:51.601238] [0ca32_ao] e->to_inner() outer->inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao ENTRY_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao INIT_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)
[+t] [2018-05-04 08:02:53.603454] [0ca32_ao] e->to_outer() inner->outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao to_outer:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao SEARCH_FOR_SUPER_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao EXIT_SIGNAL:inner
[+s] 0ca32_ao INIT_SIGNAL:outer
[+s] 0ca32_ao <- Queued:(0) Deferred:(0)

Now let’s turn on two of these statecharts with in the same machine. I’ll do this using TMUX, running in the WLS:

The blue highlighted names are different in each of the launch instances. The blue represents the name of that instance and the purple is the name or names of any other node that is interacting with the instance.

We see that even with two simple statecharts, the snoop_spy network is spamming us with way too much information, so let’s turn it off.

ao.enable_snoop_trace()    # we want to produce and receive trace information
# ao.enable_snoop_snoop()  # turn off the snoop_spy network
ao.start_at(outer)  # networks turned on
time.sleep(20)      # 60 seconds of statechart interactions

Now I’ll log into another computer in the same network. I’ll run one instance of the program on that computer and one program locally:

We see that there is a delay, then the programs begin to run.

It is the network discovery process that causes the delay. When either one of these programs turns on, they look at their computers network attributes and determine what it’s network broadcast address is. They then ping this broadcast address in the hopes that other computers on the LAN will respond. This response will fill the machine’s ARP table. The program then uses all of the addresses in this ARP table to build a list of candidate AMPQ_URLS that it can feed to its local RabbitMQ server. It sends out a request to each of the addresses on the list and removes any address that times out. The remaining addresses are used by the distributed system as peers.

Now to quickly document our trace; we could turn it into a sequence diagram. With the sequence diagram and the statechart we can quickly describe the dynamics of our distributed system. Consider the trace from running this program:

[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:29.177773] [04ccc_ao] e->start_at() top->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:28.954560] [2771f_ao] e->start_at() top->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:34.178157] [04ccc_ao] e->to_inner() outer->inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:34.256485] [2771f_ao] e->other_to_inner() outer->inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:37.178813] [04ccc_ao] e->to_outer() inner->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:37.182660] [2771f_ao] e->other_to_outer() inner->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:39.180004] [04ccc_ao] e->to_inner() outer->inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:39.191635] [2771f_ao] e->to_inner() outer->inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:44.181613] [04ccc_ao] e->to_outer() inner->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:44.257442] [2771f_ao] e->other_to_outer() inner->outer
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:49.183205] [04ccc_ao] e->to_inner() outer->inner
[+t] [2018-05-04 09:23:49.233582] [2771f_ao] e->other_to_inner() outer->inner

In the following video I feed the trace into the sequence tool:

You can see that I spend a lot of time writing numbers into the diagram. This is because the sequence tool has no way to understand your trace; you understand your system better than it does, so you need to write in the numbers to describe when things happen, or if they happen together.

The result is something like this:

[Statechart: 04ccc_ao] (A)
      top           outer          inner
       +--start_at()->|              |
       |     (1)      |              |
       |              +--to_inner()->|
       |              |     (3)      |
       |              +<-to_outer()--|
       |              |     (5)      |
       |              +--to_inner()->|
       |              |     (7)      |
       |              +<-to_outer()--|
       |              |     (9)      |
       |              +--to_inner()->|
       |              |     (11)     |

[Statechart: 2771f_ao] (B)
         top                 outer                inner
          +-----start_at()---->|                    |
          |        (2)         |                    |
          |                    +--other_to_inner()->|
          |                    |        (4)         |
          |                    +<-other_to_outer()--|
          |                    |        (6)         |
          |                    +-----to_inner()---->|
          |                    |        (8)         |
          |                    +<-other_to_outer()--|
          |                    |        (10)        |
          |                    +--other_to_inner()->|
          |                    |        (11)        |

The sequence tool quickly pulls out each statechart’s contribution to snoop_trace, attributing them to their own sequence diagram. This is useful if you are describing some complicated multi-unit feature in your design.

Build a NetworkedActiveObject#

Here I’ll make another version of the NetworkedActiveObject code without a lot of extra explanation.

Starting with a picture of the statechart what we want to build:


We import the required items:

import time
import uuid # to generate a unique name
import random
from miros import spy_on
from miros import signals, Event, return_status
from miros_rabbitmq import NetworkedActiveObject

Then we construct a function that will generate a unique name for our statechart:

def make_name(post):
  return str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] + '_' + post

We write the statechart using the flat method required by the ActiveObject.

def outer_init(chart, e):
    period=random.randint(2, 7),
  chart.transmit(Event(signal=signals.other_to_outer, payload=chart.name))
  return return_status.HANDLED

def outer_to_inner(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(inner)

def outer_other_to_inner(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(inner)

def inner_entry(chart, e):
    period=random.randint(2, 7),
  chart.transmit(Event(signal=signals.other_to_inner, payload=chart.name))
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_exit(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_other_to_inner(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_to_inner(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def inner_to_outer(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(outer)

def inner_other_to_outer(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(outer)

def inner(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = inner_entry(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.to_outer):
    status = inner_to_outer(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.other_to_outer):
    status = inner_other_to_outer(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.other_to_inner):
    status = inner_other_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.to_inner):
    status = inner_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = inner_exit(chart, e)
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, outer
  return status

def outer(chart, e):
  status = return_status.UNHANDLED
  if(e.signal == signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
  elif(e.signal == signals.INIT_SIGNAL):
    status = outer_init(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.to_inner):
    status = outer_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.other_to_inner):
    status = outer_other_to_inner(chart, e)
  elif(e.signal == signals.EXIT_SIGNAL):
    status = return_status.HANDLED
    status, chart.temp.fun = return_status.SUPER, chart.top
  return status

We would up a NetworkedActiveObject; providing the required network credentials and topic keys.

ao = NetworkedActiveObject('make_name('ao'),

We enable the level of instrumentation we want (trace) and start the chart and let it run for 20 seconds:

ao.enable_snoop_trace()  # we want to produce and receive trace information
ao.start_at(outer)  # networks turned on
time.sleep(20)      # 60 seconds of statechart interactions

Building a NetworkedFactory#

Let’s build the same chart using an NetworkedFactory:


We import what is needed:

import time
import uuid
import random
from miros_rabbitmq.network import NetworkedFactory
from miros.event import signals, Event, return_status

Then we write something that will make a unique name for each of our networked state machines:

def make_name(post):
  return str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] + '_' + post

Studying our diagram we generate the required callback methods for our factory:

def on_outer_init(chart, e):
    period=random.randint(2, 7),
  return return_status.HANDLED

def on_outer_to_inner(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(inner)

def on_outer_other_to_inner(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(inner)

def on_inner_entry(chart, e):
    period=random.randint(2, 7))
  return return_status.HANDLED

def on_inner_exit(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def on_inner_other_to_inner(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def on_inner_to_inner(chart, e):
  return return_status.HANDLED

def on_inner_to_outer(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(outer)

def on_inner_other_to_outer(chart, e):
  return chart.trans(outer)

We build a NetworkedFactory object with the required networking credentials, the routing keys we want and an encryption key:

chart = NetworkedFactory(make_name('fo'),

Now we use the factory to build up states:

outer = chart.create(state='outer'). \
          catch(signal=signals.to_inner, handler=on_outer_to_inner). \
          catch(signal=signals.other_to_inner, handler=on_outer_other_to_inner). \
          catch(signal=signals.INIT_SIGNAL, handler=on_outer_init). \

inner = chart.create(state='inner'). \
          catch(signal=signals.ENTRY_SIGNAL, handler=on_inner_entry). \
          catch(signal=signals.EXIT_SIGNAL, handler=on_inner_exit). \
          catch(signal=signals.other_to_inner, handler=on_inner_other_to_inner). \
          catch(signal=signals.to_inner, handler=on_inner_to_inner). \
          catch(signal=signals.to_outer, handler=on_inner_to_outer). \
          catch(signal=signals.other_to_outer, handler=on_inner_other_to_outer). \

Add the hierarchy:

chart.nest(outer, parent=None). \
      nest(inner, parent=outer)

The we seed our random number generator, enable the instrumentation we want and start the statechart and let it run for 20 seconds:
